Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 20, 1993, Page 35A, Image 34

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Continued from Page 34A
accommodation for refugee# from Hitt in Hotel
Caleb. We wanted to « heck in the hotel, but we
were refused Then, we looked for a place to stay
all afternoon, but no one was willing to let us stay
Resort towns in Brat. including Povolja. once pros
pervd from tourism. Hut because of economic cri
sis and the reducing numbers of tourists, small
_ - ■ fnu'tu imt a hnrH hit Th»» Inwn
looked gray and silent in con
trast to the pure, light blue col
or of the sea and lively move
ment of fish there. Probably,
residents in the town were
proud people, and they didn't
want to show their miserable
situation to outsiders.
Even considering the situa
lion ol people in rovot|a. we
had to find a place to stay We heard that there’ was
a lapanese woman yvlio was living in the village,
so we visited her house, hoping to find mercy from
a person of the same nationality as mine It turned
out to be that she was a nice person and willing
to let us stay in her house. She and her husband (a
Croat) didn't ask for money but entertained us
with their homemade wine. She said eight people
are now living in Croatia, but she is the only one
who got married a native Croat, Her husband knew
a lot about Japan (he is an aikido teacher), and his
profound knowledge about Japan made me feel at
home for a while.
We visited Hotel Caleb again There were 156
refugees including HO children from Sarajevo,
Mostar. B.Luka. D.Vakuf and Vugojno in Bill (50
percent Muslims and 50 percent Croats) It was
impossible for Muslims to go to school in Croatia,
so the IMO and Suncokrwt have been helping them
to establish kindergarten, pre-school, theater,
library, music room and so on. One leader of the
refugee (.amp. Stela Tomas, was a Croat from Sara
jevo. "But there yvas no way to prove." she said,
"because I didn't have any written documents
about my identity." So, she has been working yvith
Sunt okret volunteers to coordinate programs for
refugees for more than u year.
"Without help from IMO and Suncokret. we
couldn't do anything." Tomas said It took seven
months to organize facilities and programs for
refugees. Some girls are taking a training course
to bec ome hairdressers. The hotel got sewing
machines so that refugees would Ire able to finish
the products after raw materials were provided
Refugees can feel secure and confident in a way.
Tomas said, "because they are not wasting their
time but doing something."
Of course, she wants to go bac k to Sarajevo as
toon as possible, though her house might have
been burned down She often thinks about Saraje
vo and her life there before the war There are
often quarrels and fightings among refugee kids
in the hotel. "Sometimes ! feel disturbed by those
refugees because they do very stupid fightings."
she said. "I get depressed and stay in mv room for
a few days, not seeing anyone But I'll go hai k to
them And the same thing happens again and
again ” While contributing to refugees actively as
a leader, she is still longing for what was lost
I had enough strength to move around, so 1 went
to U N briefing. Liter on. (larky. Cert. Sasha and I
went to the TCCS commercial area in Stohru In
TCCS. a convoy of Hfi trui ks with humanitarian
aid has fawn detained for nearly five months They
were mostly men (and mostly Muslims) with some
women and children. They didn't receive enough
food, and wafer and sanitary conditions were real
ly had. Kei entlv. peace activists have lawn doing a
night watch bsn.ause there has been harassment hv
Croatian military police Ai < ording to one pence
activist, four trui ks and two cars were taken hv
Croatian military- police and three driver* were
arrested with no indication of their whereabouts
Trui ks were orderly in two lines People were
sleeping under the trucks and spending time by
playing cards or singing songs They welcomed
our visit and willingly let us take pictures I talked
with one woman through Sasha, and all they
wanted was just to go ba< k home in Turin Hut it
was too dangerous for them to go though Bill
because of intense fighting between the Bd! army
and HVO It seemed they were intimidated enough
by Croatian military police to hold their departure
According to the verbal agreement between the
governments of Herceg-Bosna, Bill and the HVO.
the convoy was supposed to leave TCCS lor I uzln
in Bill on Aug. U) UNPROKOR would not be
allowed to accompany the convoy in BiH. and the
convoy didn't leave as planed Sis drivers were
arrested the day before they were supposed to
leave, and they relumed several hours later The
convoy was not willing to depart because of its
com erns for its own safety
We left TCCS and returned to Mennonite's
house, and we wore about to leave for Makarska
again. When I saw refugee children in Hotel Ose
java, it was strange but a children's smile is the
best medicine
Cert, another volunteer from Mir Sada and I did
the last night watch in Makarska On the next day.
the three of us left Makarska The refugee children,
including Sasha and Sava, saw us off at the bus
station. I had good moments with them, and I hope
that nothing dangerous will happen to them and
that they will be able to have a "normal'' life. Now
it's like a dream.
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