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Rocky M—taw Fum •* mo...... .-ikw *709 Rocky Naaataia Hummi «o.m*-—.—.wear *799 Check for X ln-stor» accessory 1340 Willamette 687-0288 I CROATIA Continued from Page 27A slop the war so they can go track to their hometowns Finally, one girl named Vanya said to me. “Please tell the president to stop the war We love him a lot " In Zagreb, I stayed in a house where one refugee family from Bill was living One lady in that family spoke English vary well and talked to me a lot about the II II I U !> Ill thal her fam ily had to face. She doesn't know her husband's wherua fiouts and takes care of two kids (three years old and 10 months old) and her old father by herself They came from Brcko. a northeastern town of the area where BSA tried to gam in order to make a corri dor lo connect with northwest ern BiH and Krnjinn She told me her extraordinary story of escape On May 1. 1902. BSA came to Brcko. At first, they took young men. and then women and chil dren She was pregnant at that time, and her husband took her and her kids to her father's house when their house was hurried down loiter on, they were cap tured by Serf**, and her husband was se|jaralad from (he rest of the family because Serbs were sep arating men and women from iJiildrwn and elderly persons. The latter ones were put into a so called "Muslim village," and Serbs came every day to harass them The former ones, includ ing her husband, were sent to military barracks, and there wen many killings and tortures in the barracks On June lfi. she heard that her bust wind and several oth er men were taken to Serbia for forced labor Since then. sJie has lost track ol him. She and her family spent one month in Muslim village. One day. a Serb who knew her fami ly approached them and let them go f*ack to Brcko secretly because - COURTESY MAP A map describing the area the writer visited. ho knew what was going to hap pen in the village. She heard that 10 days after she and her family loft. Serbs put women and chil dren to buses and took them somewhere. She doesn't know" what happened to them after that She and her family stayed for only three months in Brcko. Muslim forces took one village and began exchanging people in Brcko It was a slow process, but she asked Red Cross to be exiiianged quickly because it was letter to be under Muslim forces protection. Then, in November, she and her family spent six months in the village near Tuzla It was a horrible place with little food for her children and shelled by Serbs everyday. So. one day she and her family got on one of throe buses from that village to a safer place through forests. They traveled three days and nights in a bus. But in |abranica whore the Bill army and HVO were fighting. Muslims were fort ixl to leave the buses by HVO. Muslims were put into one bus and Croats remained in another bus. She begged HVO soldiers and slaved in the buses with Croats. One time the buses were checked by the BiH army, but they didn't ask passengers' nationalities. "HVO asked our nationalities," she said. "And they tried to separate Croats from Muslims." In Mostar, HVO tried to put men and women in differ ent buses. She begged again and stayed with her old father. Final ly, buses reached the border (near Metkovic) between BiH and Croa tia. She and her family found out that they couldn't cross the bor der because they didn't have any written documents and the bor der was closed. They went to a refugee camp in Caplina. In that camp, she met one humanitarian worker, whose name is Martin, from England. Martin gave mon ey to her so that it could be used as a bribe for Croat soldiers in the border. As instructed, she gave money to the Croat soldiers, and her family could cross the bor Turn to CROATIA, Page 29A .. -=31 Q: We carry computers and we're on campus. Who are we? Getting through college can be hard, but a good computer can make your life a lot easier. That's why we’re here. We carry computers and software at special educational prices to match everyone’s pocketbook, even yours. But what good is a computer if you can’t use it? That’s why “support" is our middle name. We’re here to support you. If you’re stumped by your system or stymied by your spreadsheet, we can help. Dying for a computer, but don’t know where to start? We’ll help you make a choice that fits your needs. Have a question? Come on in to room 202 of the Computing Center (aeross from Rennie’s Landing), or give us a call at 346-4402. We've got a lot to show you. so come see us! Hint: We are here e Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm! VU| HIWUTT 1X1 Mcutno A: Hie Microcomputer Support Center, 202 Computing Center!