Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 20, 1993, Page 26A, Image 25

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    HOURS n
Monday - Thursday j j
11:00a.m. - 9:30p.m. ||
11:00a.m. - 10:30p.m. ■
12:00 noon - 10:30p.m. rj
Sunday j;':|
12:00 noon - 9:30p.m. g
hmunch specials run from 11a.m. to I
3p.m. There is a full range of dishes I t
from $4 75 to $5.75. Lunches J J
include rice. soup, tea and an )
orange. |
Dinner specials run all day. The
price is only $5.50 per person and 1
includes soup, wonton. rice and
Available 7 days a week J
■ sa Wonton Soup.5.95 I j
(for small bowl).1.30 B
* b ■ Braised Noodles | |
with Beef Stew.5.95 m
* ■ ■ Beef Stew in Clay Pot.9.95 I
* a ■ b a Bean Curd with Ground Pork
in Hot Sauce.7.95 ||
a a a s Peking Style Spareribs.8.95 I
t« ■ a Salt and Pepper Prawns.12.95 B
■■B±B Steam Fish (Whole Fish).13.95 p
b a Jt a Lo Han Vegetarians.8.95 fl
tp ■» m Chinese Special Vegetabies..8.95 | j
bwm House Mixed Fried Rice.7.95 [ j
343-2828 or 343-5178 I
Continued from Page 25A
ized the reason: Croatia itself should he to blame
AWCC is one of them, and it sent an appeal Mav 27
to the government, demanding the creation of a pol
icy that would stop and solve conflicts between
Croats and Muslims tun a use they believed that it
would avoid drastic deterioration of international
position of Croatia Many politicians, including
some HDZ members, have been criticizing the Tudj
man government's policy on Bosnia-Herzegovina
out siaiwvwiiiuutnj mcuin aik
carrying out anti-Muslim am
naigns and criticising Muslim
forces in BiH. The fact is that
HVO with help of HV and Croa
tian government has been doing
ethnic cleansing in western
Herzegovina including Mosiar
In retaliation. Bosnian Croats in
other parts of BiH have been
expelled by the Muslim-led BiH
army. And (he situation of Muslim refugees is get
ting worse, on reflection of the war in Bill
On July 2fl, I visited offices of two organizations
(Nexus and Suncokret) and one hotel where dis
placed people were act ommndated Nexus is an
independent, humanitarian aid coordination agency
It is dealing with medical aid and responding to the
needs of doctors in Biff It’s a small organization
with six people (mostly from Germany), but it direct
ly distributes aid stuff to people in need so that they
uni prevent stuff from going to black market. It has
a computer network, and it (an ask for what kind
of specific medicine the doctors need in Bill Nexus
has one German truck driver, whose name is Josef.
I met and talked with him several times, and I found
that he is an interesting person Apparently, he is
an anti-scxinl and very lonely But he himself enjoys
lieing alone. He has been recently in BiH (mainly
Tuzla area) five times for delivery of aid. German
people are active in humanitarian aid for people in
BiH, and in Split, I met another German man who
was delivering food and medicines It's certainly
risky to go into BiH alone, and Josef faced many
dangerous situations. There is no reasoning for his
deed, and he said that he was doing this job because
he wanted to. He also said people only talk about
Sarajevo, but there are many worse-off cities and
people in those areas that should also tie fix used
on. I also met him in Split one day Indore I left Croa
tia. He was about to go to Bill
Suncokret (sunflower in Croatian) was established
through AWOC with volunteers from both Croatia
and foreign countries They are working for miti
gation of the effects of war and improvement of life
of refugees and displaced people They have been
active in more than 20 refugee camps throughout
Croatia by establishing activities for children under
six, children from seven to 14, teen-agers, women
(mothers), adults and elderly people. They have
been establishing community schools and libraries
and specific programs for illiterates. They have pro
grams such as crafts and arts works, dramas, for
eign languages, journalism, natural science and
sports activities The expenditures and costs are
covered by income from volunteers, independent
donations and grants from institutions (mostly from
Germany and Netherlands) because they don't
receive financial support from the Croatian gov
I talked with one volunteer, whose name is Bran
ka She is a Croatian and social worker. In the Zagreb
area. Suncokret is working for 1500 people includ
ing 400 children. With her experience as a social
worker, she has been making and working on pro
grams (or refugee children so they can adopt to the
new environment For example, she and other vol
unteers often take children of the camps to school
to meet children of Zagreb and study and play
together. They also go to places like zoo ond make
friends with children in other camps. She has been
making workshops like crafts work because she
believes that they should not wait until someone
gives something to them but they should get some
thing with their own ability. "Kids can get some
new views,” Branka said. "The feeling that they can
do something by themselves gives them joy and
new strength in this foreign environment."
Children honestly and directly express their feel
ings They have done drawings several times sine*
they came to refugee camps. At first, their drawings
were scary and horrible. But after one year passed,
their drawings have become normal again. When
I visited one hotel where displaced children were
auximmodatud. I let them draw whatever they want
ed on paper. They were drawing normal things like
flowers, dogs, people and even Japanese flags. But
there are some drawings that made me think. One
boy drew a long and winding road. He drew some
thing at the end of the road, so I asked him what
it was. and he said. "Moja kuca (My house)."
Branka said she was enjoying her job in refugee
camps, though she didn't get paid. "Children's
smites make me feel happy.” she said. "If I do a good
job, it shows." The activities of Suncokret are main
ly financed by local and international organizations.
Turn to CROATIA. Page 27A
Fall Hours
9am to 11 pm
9am to 12:30pm
12:00 to 12:30am
12:00 to 11:00pm
Welcome Students
Your Recreation Center will be
open everyday all term.
> We are also the^J
campus lost
and found. VS^
' f f » 1 \ ' MIA
Located Gound Floor in the EMU