V MutVf VP* f mapratet A refugee family from BIH that the writer met In Zagreb. CROATIA Continued from Page 22A Ann mey have to keep going hack again and again. Good ness and conscience are spoken and done by people, but it's still not enough to stop the wnr. I m more convinced that tougher actions, including large-scale military intervention, are necessary. War criminals should be tried and forced out of power, and democ racy of BiH should be restored to the pre-war border. When people who are respon sible for the wars are out of pow er, it will 1h) just a beginning for Bill. Croatia and Serbia. The long-term support is necessary, and all the process should be shared by countries who can afford to do it. The United States doesn't have to be a policeman of the world. Conscience of the nations who are dedicating to democracy and freedom should bo m that place. When the Unit ed Nations listens to large num bers of people, not just to a few strongmen in politics, they will lie able to function properly Hav el said the following thing to peo ple in Czechoslovakia after the Velvet Revolution of 1U89. but it can bo applied to politicians and people in western countries us well: “Our main enemy today is our own bad traits: indifference to the common good; vanity; per sonal ambition; selfishness; and rivalry. The main struggle will have to be fought on this field." Refugee camp in Obonjan (July 24) Ohonjan. a barren island near Sihumk. has the one of the biggest refugee camps in Dalmatian coast. It doesn't have a water sup ply on its own. and there are iron slant water and sanitation prob lems Local and international humanitarian organizations are working on the improvement of the tramp, but it's now difficult because more and more refugees are coming in. When I visited the island, the population of the tramp was 970 (90 percent Mus lims from Biff). After a little bit of change, the number of refugees is now about 1,200. (The capaci ty of the camp is 1,500.). There were 450 people in houses and rest of them were liv ing in tents. There is a cafeteria, providing meals three times a day. There were 7fi people, who didn't have identifications for themselves, and they wore not even allowed to go off of the Turn to CROATIA, Page 24A ^otth The We/*, COPIES all day wriw EVERYDAY AUTOMATIC DOCUMENT FEEDING AUTOMATIC SOTTING AUTOMATIC double siding Tke Copu S(ip|) _, PH ,, * -J I lU’tunen f’attunon fit I city 539 E 13TH — Right on 13th! . DANCE SHOES BALLET • JAZZ • TAP j FOLK • MODERN j CAPEZIO • BLOCH • FREED • CHACOTT LEO'S TIGHTS TOPS CAPEZIO • DANSKIN • DANCE FRANCE i MARIKA • BARISHNIKOV • and MORE! I Hours: Monday * Saturday 9:30-6:00 | Sundays 12:00-5:00 41 W. Broadway Eugene Downtown Mall j 686-2671 RIDE SHARE Traveling soon? Need a ride? Offering a ride? Ride Share brings together people needing and offering rides any where in Oregon or throughout the country. For more information call 345-7600. —•— • - •' - • 25%-50% OFF SPIRAL NOTEBOOKS ALL STYLES 1.3. S 5 SU&JECT, RECYCLED. U of O IMPRINTS MEAD 70 SHEET O A d SPIRAL NOTEBOOK l9W-dn% OFF 3 RING BINDERS /O \fmw LOTS OF COLORS AND STYLES TO CHOOSE FROMI ___a. . .- ■■■ . i i 1 1 .. • ."|J FILLER PAPER 5 4 MEAD 200 SHEET PKG. M 25% OFF YELLOW LEGAL PAPS 10 PACK WRITE BROS. BALL POINT PENS ^ .... imii HI-LITERS DENNISON jm ■■ ■ 47* T X X _ INSTORE SPECIALS: FILE FOLDERS INDEX CARDS STAPLERS AND STAPLE? PAPER CLIPS & MORE I 683-2787 720 East 13th Ave., Eugene ■ UPAtAIUMN tMI UNIVIBMIYt INflBBUHOtNf; ■ 0:30-7:00 M-F 10:00-5:30 S«t. * 12:00-6:30 Sun. ■ - FPFF PARKING sssasau SALE UMITID TO STOCK ON HAND. ENOS 10 9-93 rnMNIMV? “