Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 20, 1993, Page 22A, Image 21

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Continued from Page 21A
In Mir Sada tamp, I met one 17 year-old girl
named Diha, n refugee from BiH She is a member
of ihe leadership committee in Hotel Nimfa. She
has been staying in Croatia for more than a year and
- na* no imimion u> go..
Iw* an sc she feds that she i an!
leave her father in HiH even
though she doesn't know his
whereabouts She is staying
with her mother and grand
mother in Croatia, and she
wants to go bank to her home
town as soon as the war ends
_ “People like engineers and mid
it i»I MiOiiid go na<.k axlt»r
the war," she said, "because people in Bill will need
Dilm is a remarkable person. She couldn't attend
school in (Croatia because she's a Muslim, but she
wrote a protest letter, and it was published in a
newspaper She speaks perfect English and is teach
ing the children in the hotel English and Islamic
history In June, there was a proposal for refugees
in the hotel to go to Pakistan Both the leadership
committee, including Diba, and the whole refugee
group refused to go, and the leaders talked with the
government and UNHCR. There were several alter
native options Going to another camp called Gascin
c;i, finding private houses and returning to Bill
None of them sum eeded. and they continued to
stay in the hotel But if there was no effective lead
ership in the hotel, those refugees would have b**en
forced to go to Pakistan, where they didn't want
to go in the first place
There were corporations between the leadership
of refugee camps and humanitarian organizations
(both international and local). In Hotel Gareb in
Brat. 1MO and later Suncokret have boon provid
ing well-organized programs for both adults and
children When n»fug**es and displaced people fled
from their hometowns, they thought that they would
Ih* able to go Iwck soon But peace negotiations and
cease-fire agreements have only names with no con
tent. and Bosnian Serbs and Bosnian Ooats are sut -
deeding in their aims of ethnic cleansing Some
refugees and displaced people have Iteen spending
time idly by drinking and complaining about some
one els** But many of them have realized that they
need to start something so that they would no longer
Ih* burdens for anyone. And those training and
studying would tie beneficial for them if they would
Ih* able to go track to their hometowns
There has been a strong campaign against Mus
lims. including refugees in Croatia and west Herze
govina, where Bosnian Croats control. With statc
controlled media, the Croatian government has been
r .
promoting this anti-Muslim campaign, and there
has been a rising tension between Croatian and Mus
lim refugees in refugee camps in Croatia Since the
Croatian authorities took over police control of all
refugees recently, a few hundred Muslims have been
forced bock to BiH. against international law. AW(
and other Croatian peace organizations have pub
licly denouni ed this polk \ and sent a letter to the
Croatian government to < reate a polii v to make
peace in BiH At the same time, Bosnian Croats who
live outside west Herzegovina (mainly in centra!
Mill) have been subjected to attacks hy the BiH army
and fled as refugees
There are problems in Croatia, hut nothing can
lx* compared to the situation in BiH According to
UNHCR. 3.6 million people are registered as
refugees — the population of Bill was 4 4 million
before the war. and 200,000 have died already. Peo
ple in BiH are afraid of this coming winter because
now there is no prospect for peace. In Geneva, there
hove (men talks about dividing BiH territory among
Croats. Muslims and Serbs. In the territory that is
defended hy theBiH army, there are not only Mus
lims, but also thousands of Serbs and Croats Now
there is a process of making two fascist-like, extreme
nations (Bosnian Croats and Bosnian Serbs), with
one more potentially dangerous nation (Muslims).
Who knows what’s going to happen to those who
have remained in BiH territory? While war of aggres
sion is being legitimized, is it a crime to defend the
internationally recognized, democratically com
mitted state of BiH?
Once. Vaclav Havel talked about the “art of pos
sible” and "art of impossible." Politicians usually
use the former one. which is speculation, calcula
tion, intrigue, secret deals ami pragmatic maneu
vering in their own political games. In the past year,
four State Department officials quit for protest. How
ever. there are many people from all over the world
who are using the latter one. which is to improve
people’s lives. Some of them are even risking their
lives simply Imcause they are really concerned about
people in and from Bill Others even have tried to
make a change in the war situation in BiH like Mir
Sada. "Art of impossible” should also tie pursued
by politicians if they really want to solve the prob
lem of BiH.
Pence negotiations in Geneva are not going to
solve fundamental problems. Even if temporary
peace is achieved, problems remain and conflicts
soon start again like we have seen elsewhere in the
world. If the world (.(immunity keeps playing the
political game hut shows neither justice nor moral
ity. who can trust whom from now on? Tragedy
m BiH is continuing and it may spread to other
areas. Courageous people from all over the world
go there for help despite the dangerous situation.
Turn to CROATIA, Page 23A
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