Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 20, 1993, Page 2A, Image 2

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    Provost to step down after sixth year at University
By Jake Berg
Ovgan 0»<*v f.wiiti
As n biology professor at Stan
ford University. Norm Wessells
lived, breathed and taught biol
As the University of Oregon
provost, Wessells has taken part
in a little hit of everything
"You never get to see mm h
outside of the department you're
in." he said "As provost, you
get to six! it all."
Hut after five years of being
the I biiversitv s man in i barge
of most budget matters. Wessells
has d« ided to uill his sixth year
his last In August, he
annniini ed his dei ision to
resign, whi< h will Ikiohiw affix
live (ollmving this si haol year
Wessells will continue as a
part of the University, however,
lit- plans on teai lung some biol
ogy courses during the 10*14-*♦!»
school year, though he is not
sure what and hoys many yet
During Ins iiH years at Stan
ford. Wessells taught vertebrae
biology anil developmental blol
ugv and also served as the dean
uf the School of Humanities and
Si ienc es After graduating from
Yale I Iniversitv with a master's
degree and a I’h.D in biology,
Wessells has worked fur Stan
ford and the l hiiversitv, the only
two schools he has taught at
!ollmving his arrival at the
University in l‘IHH. Wessells
said, lie had planned In step
down as provost after six years
in the offu e He looks forward
now to getting hoi k to biology
and even writing some more
books on his favorite study, lint
he will miss many things about
the provost job
It's ix-en a terrifu place to lx1
a provost — really strong fai ultv
and really strong students," he
said "I'm going to miss the real
ly good fai ultv — there are
absolutely marvelous si holars
and teachers here "
All of tins could be in jeop
ardy. though, if the proposed
sales tax does not pass in
November. Wessells said
"The thing fai mg the Univer
sity is the third round of Mea
sure r> There's tremendous
uncertainties bet nuse of that,"
he said If the sales tax doesn't
pass, we ll Ixi doing heavy-duty
planning for the next bienni
Wessells said that though stu
dents are paying more to go to
the University this year, the
si hool lixiks to lx-111 pretty good
shape financially He said the
state's i urrent < risis for funding
higher education is not unique
to <)regon, though
"Tuition is going up all over
the nation Non resident tuition
is going through the roof," he
said "Nothing is happening
here lhat isn't going on in other
Another issue the si hool fai es
during Wessells’ final year as
provost is a University commit
toe that began determining last
spring "what it means to be a
professor." Wessells said He
said the committee would shape
THOMAS Bf RGST ROM*cv trv# f
Norm Wessells will teach biology after his last year as the University provost.
the future of the l imversitv
The committee will look at
the way the University makes
appointments. and grants
tenures and awards to fat ulty
"There are changes all around
the country, nnd the IK) needs
to look at how it rewards facul
ty." he said,
The other major duty of the
University Office of the Provost
is deciding who to grant tenure
to and give promotions to with
in the University faculty. Wes
sells said.
Wessells said a search for his
replacement would likely begin
early this fall.
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