PLC balconies enclosed By Jake Berg Oager> 0»>iy CmtraM Work was completed at the end of August on safety tubing enclosing the outside stairwell balconies on the south side of Prince Lucian Campbell Hall, the tallest building on campus. The metal tubing, which sur rounds all nine balconies locat ed at each floor of the building, was put up "to prevent any future jumpers." said Don Fer guson, the University Physical Plant project manager I^ast November, a 23-year-old woman fell to her death from PLC's top balcony, Monica Mar garet Abrams, a Eugene resident, committed suicide by leaping to her death last fall. That prompted concerns from a number of places, including the Physical Plant, the Universi ty Office of Public Safety and University administration, all of whom requested that the bal conies be secured to ensure future safety. Ferguson said "Several people were con cerned after the jumper last year." he said. In 1970. Leroy Merritt, then dean of the University School of Librarianship. jumped to his death from the same balcony as did Abrams in November. The Physical Plant was also i.oncerned prior to last fall's sue cide because several objects have been thrown from the bal conies in the past Full soda pop cans, a couch and a vending machine have been tossed from PLC's bn I conies in the past, creating ;i hazard to those below. Because of incidents like Workers completed welding the metal tubing enclosing the Prince Luclen Campbell balconies at the end of August these, several people tried to get the balconies eni losed; howev er. at those times the adminis tration did not see that as ,i viable solution Gibson Steel was hired by the Physical Plant to do the welding work on the tubing TO“ctaspS*a a* IZZX»d * M LIMOUSINE f> I 2 2 A D E l I V E RY 730 E. Broadway \ \ Eugene, OR 97401 \p 484-2919 l imited D*wv«fy A'wiMmimum Ode* Heouired Visa S Mastercard Accepted iBgg»»nsgf—iiiipi"i m: i , |; m. Pass it on. (please) ■ Help our successful recycling program on campus by putting the Oregon Dally Emerald back in its original rack when you've finished reading It. This will allow another person to read It and/or be easily picked up for recycling. With any purchase of S2.00 or more. Not valid with m CHOOSE EITHER any Other offer or price special. Expires 11/15/93 | ■ SOAP BOX OR TOOTHBRUSH CONTAINER g| with - I RiajxvALUH_"IRONS COUPON_ _ ,\ I^HOOSEyOUR^ORlTESmEH CLIP LAMP 25off CUP LAMP O C% GOOSENECK 29 OFF SWING ARM 25off '3 HI INTENSITy25off _—4 > ■ v PIONEER 100 PC. MAGNETIC PHOTO ALBUM R«g. $6.99