Reconstruction forces Amazon tenants out By Andrew Scale* for mu Origan timiy Cmmik) Residents of the World War II vintage Amazon Family Housing units have less than six months lo vacate their homes in prepa ration for University reconstruc tion plans "We deeply regret the major intonvimlem <* of these actions and the impact this will have on the live* of our residents." said Mike Eyster. director of Univer sity Housing. “Wear*committed to minimizing those impacts, and with residents' cooperation and the effects of normal attrition, we ran manage the situation " In addition to their evacuation notices. Amazon residents have been hit with o rent increase that became effective Sept l Rental rates went up $20 |>er month to defray rising costs of managing the houaing. Reconstructing the 1045 apart ments, which were initially wartime barracks and intended for only a decade of use. is long overdue, The new complex will lie ener gy efficient, contemporary m style, cater to user needs and. most importantly, house more students and families than the present buildings The plan has been met with varied reactions. For some, like Chris Biondel lo. the need to find new housing is not a problem "It's great." Biondello suid. "I've lived here with my moth er for about nine years We got a good deal on a house east of i ninpus. hut not everyone is us fortunate." •We deeply regret the major inconvenience of these actions and the impact this will have on the lives of our residents Mike Eyster, housing director Karen Hays, a graduate stu dent, is not as fortunate. She and her family do not look forward to relocating. "It's a shame they couldn't wait until after June graduation to start the demolition plans." Hays said "Wo might he forced to move twice in one year, and that's a trauma we hoped to avoid " The March 22 evacuation deadline gives the contractor an opportunity to raze and prepare the site during optimum weath er conditions. The University has offered to help relocate as many families as possible, but extends no guaran tee*. "Basically." said Ron Tendick. director of family housing, "when we have facilities become avail able in Westmoreland or in the un-impacted area of Amazon, we will make those units available to residents in the impai t area The University has also put a moratorium on new family hous ing applicants to ease the demand on family housing space pending residential location r m a*. - 11 ... MRIMN ►/KSMAN/lcx Ni"»M 4nwon residents have less than six months to leave their homes because of University reconstruction. TO ALL UNDERGRADUATES Educational Opportunities Program provides the following services free of charge to its members*: ✓ Ttitoring in most University courses (individual and group) ✓ Small classes in writing, critical thinking, math, and problem solving ✓ Counseling (individual and support groups) ✓ Academic advising and referrals ✓ Non-credit workshop series * The eligibility criteria for HOP membership are broad enough that over 3,000 University students could qualify for these free serv ices; because the federal funding is j limited, applicants are screened to match specific needs to available services. Eligibility is based on a combination of factors, including need for support, income lev el, j parents' level of formal education, and/or physical or learning limitations. EOP is open to ail applicants year round. j Educational Opportunities Program can help you achieve! "I found staff at EOP who supported me as a student and who were willing to give me the benefits of their j time and talents to make sure I fit in here at the University. EOP helped me build my confidence and acquire the necessary skills to make my first year a success." - Lyllye Parker, UO graduate; Golda Parker Wickham Scholar and Centurion Award Recipient Stop by Academic Learning Services, 68 PLC, to learn more about its Educational Opportunities Program j and the range of other academic support services that are available to all students at this University. j