Trade schools lead in state loan defaults PORTLAND IAP) — Trade schools have the highest rate of student loan defaults in Oregon. ,1 federal report said in August But at least one school may appeal the listing, claiming the c omparison with four-year c ol leges and universities is unfair Mary Beth Mose, fisc ol officer at Phngans' School of Beauty in Salem, said the 45 [cement default rate the government listed for the sc hool appears too high. Mose said trade schools suc h as hoauty and burlier schools gen erally are attended by low income students without the lev el of academic training needed for college. "A lot of the students who go to beauty sc hools don’t have a high school diploma,” Mose said "Most of these kids have been on their own for years. They don't have anyone to back them up financially.” The chairman of the Oregon State System of Higher Education financial aid directors commit tee. who oversees public: colleges and universities, agreed with Mose. Constance Alexander said col leges also have four years to establish a relationship with stu dents. compared to just a year or even less for most trade schools "We’re there year after year to answer their questions, c ounsel them, and prepare them to pay hack their loans," said Alexan der. who also is financial aid director at Southern Oregon State College in Ashland. Alexander said student incen tive to repay loans also depends on how successful they feel the program was in helping them find a job after graduation Alexander said the repayment rate has improved for c olleges and universities because feder al regulations have been changed to require counseling before a stu dent takes a loan, in addition to after graduation Alexander said tranks are also more flexible with adjusting pay ments when students run into financial problems "Banks are saving there is no reason for anybody to go into default, lust stay in torn h with us and we will work with you." she said Alexander predicted the pas sage of the Clinton administra tion budget lull will give schools more control over loans by requiring the government to pro vieie loan money directly rather than acting as a middleman for banks. The highest rate of default on the government list was Univer sity Beauty College of Portland at 47.5 percent Moler Barber Col lege in Portland was second at 4f> 1 percent, followed bv Pho gans' at 45 percent The lowest rates of default were listed as zero for five schools the National College of Naturopathic Medicine and the Oregon College of Oriental Med icine. both in Portland, the Ore gon Graduate Institute of Sctent e and Technology in Beaverton. Western Medical College of Allied Health Careers in Salem, and Tualatin College of Beauty in Tualatin. Teleccmm ervices, Inc. ^ The Leader in Message Management Solutions" VOICE MAIL Never again miss a call from Mom or other family and friends. Your tennis coach. Your dentist. Your study partner. Your new boss. Your racquetball partner A canceled date/meeting/class - No telephone service, telephone, or answering machine Check messages from most public and personal touch tone phones. - Private unlisted voice mail telephone number provided - Link your voice mail to a pager and you will be quickly notified of waiting messages. - Only you have access to your messages. •Prices start as low as $9.95 for voice or FAX Mail box. $23.95 for Voice Mail/Tone-only Pager, or $26.95 for Voice Mail/Digrtal Display Pager TELECOMM SERVICES, INC 392 EAST 3RD AVE 484-5544 With any purchase ot S3 00 or more Not valid with any other otter or price special. Expires 11 15, 93. SCOTCH 104 OR 105 MAGIC TAPE < with L JjjRONS COUPON_;jj • FULL PANEL LOAD OPENING v • ZIPPER POCKET • HAUL LOOP • CORDURA PLUS Reg. $23.95 NOW ONLY l*1895 —M KEITH CLARK 16 MONTH 1994 lift CALENDARS | • BEST SELECTION 02 TAX #43706 trail blazer #43608 CAMPUS *43531 INNSBRUK #43701 CASCADE GREAT CHOICES WITH A MULTITUDE OF OPTIONS MOW ONLY OFF° $2595 #43860 CHESAPEAKE #43526 TRAIL GUIDE #43864 BONANZA #43713 SUNDANCE 1000 dCORDURA PLUS STEP UP MODELS M&s NOWONir S6.00 *3F #40850 TIBET #40968 CHELSEA #4093! COURIER #40932 PONDEROSA YOUR CHOICE now only *#o.oo