Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 20, 1993, Page 12A, Image 11

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    Were proud of
our past. And
we’re especially
proud of and
excited by our
present and
future. We're
proud that the
of Oregon
Bookstore has
become a leader
in its field—a
model for other
eing an industry leader is a direc t result of the efforts of our staff Leader
ship Team. Our Team members are real pros, many of whom have been
familiar faces for a lot of years. We're- continually challenging ourselves to find
Ix-tter ways to improve what we can do for you and the University.
The recent challenge of customizing a new computerized system to the needs of
a bookstore is an example of our Team spirit. Through extraordinary problem
solving efforts by our people, other bookstores are now coming to study our
solutions—to pattern themselves after us.
You. the- University community, are the other factor in our success. You've
served on our Governing Board of elected U of O students, faculty and staff for
the past 73 years. You've patronized our store-, helping us to be one of only 30
U.S. college bookstores able to offer a purchase discount on books. You've
worked in our store .is students, receiving job preference here. And, you've kept
on challenging us with vour ideas and needs. So. together let's celebrate the
success of over 7.3 years ol our unique partnership in your education!
General Manager Jim Williams
Ike liis two predecessors. Bookstore General Manager dim Williams
Is a graduate of the I nlversity of Oregon School of Business
He is proud ol (hat And hi- is proud to he one oi only three
General Managers here in 7d years.
dim started out stocking shelves while attending school In the sixties
Hiat experience determined the special relationship he has with student
employees and the priority he gives them in jobs dim is a lamily man,
avid fly fisherman, coach, runner and environmental activist.
In his 18th year as General Manager, dim's vision lor the books!on
re llects his integrity and that of his predecessors. He is an advocate for
student interests and sees the role ol the bookstore as that of a partner,
with students, (acuity and stall, in the educational process. Jim's d<x>r is
always open to talk about the bookstore or just to visit.