BACK * TO SCHOOL SPECIAL 50t WASH! 2-6 pm L, mmm • Close to Campus • Clean • Handicap Accessible Machines • Serving the Area for 18 years 240 E. 17th (between High & Pearl) isiAfuRAi FOODJ 5 OPE rmarket ♦ Eugene's Largest Selection of Natural A Locally Produced Foods ♦ A Garden of Certified Organic Fruits A Vegetables ♦ Over 400 Foods in Bulk ♦ Locally Raised Meats - Without Hormones or Antibiotics ♦ Take-Out Delicatessen ♦ Recycled Paper Products & Biodegradable Soaps ♦ Cruelty-Free Body Care Products & Vitamins : % DANCERS Continued from Page 20D fie complete without the Oregon T t~ A Times, and there is a rai k full of the magazine right next to the door. I looked around for the man I was supposed to interview Kh k (ieoffroy and his wife him. both 14. opened Lollipops a liltle more than a year ago. The target was the 1H- to 21 -year-old crowd, kids too young to get into liggles, but too old to spend their Friday nights m a convenience store parking lot. The kids could come to Lollipops and party, and maybe even stay out of trouble on the streets. Of c ourse. many parents and other concerned groups did not see the juice bar in such a benign light When it first opened, there were pic kets for two straight weeks and threatening phone calls nil dav. Certain church groups damned Geoffroy's soul to hell The loc al government wasn't c razy about Geoffroy's business either and wanted to send it to hell along with his soul, but everything about Lollipops is c ompietoly legal, and the city had no c ase Lollipops ac tually attracts more than just a younger c rovvd During the summer, there are a lot of middle-age people (the tranche on! set). On the weekends during the school year, it is about HO percent young people (late teens, early 20s) and 20 pen ent middle-age During the week, the split is afiout 50-50. "Who's exploiting who?" asked Juno, 22. sitting in the dressing room. Girls rushed in and out. some choc king their appearance before their turn on stage, and others packing up to go home. June was discussing the commonly held perception that nude dancing obiec lifies women June believes the roles an- actu ally reversed, with the danc ers exploiting the cus tomers The < ustomers pay to get in, then pay even more for "harmless visual stimuli." knowing they c an never touch what they see before them Dancers know whu h man in the audienc e has momn and will lavish attention on him It's like an auc tion — except that the highest bidder gets a pair of breasts in Ins fac e instead of a Van (high During the first dance, the tops come off. During the sec cmd dance, if the money s good. the panties i omc off II the tipping is weak, the panties stay on, and the crowd starts whining The dam ers come from diverse backgrounds and are by no means a monolithic: group of aspir ing porno stars Ruby, 20, loves danc ing and has always fanta sized doing it. hut she plans to go into real estate. June is writing films, and l,exi. 20. goes to college Some love danc ing, some just love money. None of the dancer* I spoke with wen* ashamed of what they do — it is society's attitude toward what they do that is problematic Laxi believes Dancers make very good money, and although using specific figures seemed to touch a raw nerve with them, I’ll say that the figures made me wish I was a woman. people are constantly judging her. and many dancers have lost their share of friends because of their occupation. On the contrary, Ruby said most of her friends and her parents support her and "think it's great." |j*xi's parents have no idea, and June's parents are "not happy." The dancers generally gel along, although there are o< < asional jealous st uffles over tips or "style infringements" (one girl using the mannerisms and dance moves of another). But all of the girls believed Lollipops was extremely well run. very clean, highly professional and is a caring atmos phere to work in. All dancers at Lollipops are independent con tractors. meaning they receive no salary, only tips. They are basically their own boss, although there are still employee rules and regulations they must follow. This type of freelam ing allows them to perform at other clubs, usually Jiggles or the Alaska Bush Company, on a rotating schedule. (There are roughly 1 (0 dancers between the three of them.) Lollipops is a favorite for the many of dancers under the age of 21 because it does not serve alco hol. meaning that the girls are allowed out on the floor to do table dances ($5 topless, $10 bottom less) In plai es that serve alcohol, minor dancers are only allowed to dance on stage Dam ers make very good money, and although using specific figures seemed to touch a raw nerve with them, I'll say that the figures made me wish I was a woman The dancers tip out the D|, the bar tender and the doorman — 5 percent each — and get to keep the rest I left the dressing room and found my friend with his eyes gleaming Rii k Geoffrey came up and gave us two free Lollipops posters, which look like the paper placemats you get at Long John Silver, except there was a picture of bikini-clad girls oil a speed boat instead of a fish These are available for S3. As we were leaving. I asked Geoffroy. "Why the name Lollipops?" "Because it sounds like young, festive and fun," he said And depending on your disposition, it may be all of these things, or none of them BRAD'S BODY & FENDER 8th & Grant 343-9283 You need Brad's bad — For complete auto body work and paint jobs. Foreign & domestic cars are our specialty. Duck Boosters Since 1946! At Brad's, we give you free estimates and written guarantee of satisfaction. We take insurance estimates gladly. Over 45 Years In Business! Advertise in the ODE Classifieds today!