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Resident Assng ovte $6000 *> tea* than ?5 day* w**h directory Sand $15 ♦ $2 50 SrW to Hardy f nterpr--.*#* po ? i sip rtoovte co acre1 __ __ AttandantLiterary Aateatant tor dte •feted writer Soufh MM Mrr*, ^tetter to PO J/na Umvoufy Stahorv S7403 B««t Wortaturfy Jotoa On Camput' Com# WO* w*h chAdrtte m on# d Our *#vw»' ute* Now h*mg SluCtent T«atf» » Actaa to* fa* Ftefcfeia hour* ion d triwnmg A tupped Worhtiurty pr» Par*ad Apply «n partem a* 15»t Mom (up**»r») <02 A i 5 _ BUSJNf SS Mmoco? New company * attending m araa P T if T portion * ftaQuire* partoed *»■«* No ph •"»< ’«*> «*w*. Cafl 3*? .._.. CIRCLE ME Outgoing, compatibve u*w4 darter* P r-PT Wodl -n P»W4rth A v.l^' -ir ‘‘--to* fry Par tort wo* tor ttudada »ooAmg to rf*»> i. iflSf p KS 66061 The Oregon fWy fmwiW it teak ing a UO atodant to procaat him and make print* ' >< the I i ?**»•'?■ i»;mr ©ntin -s '‘»<**pPd i 4f' Anthony lf-' nto >46 viti iPotfeon ttarty ‘*tt >**• l oumil Travel the nation • student/ b»>dgct trawl ^mtalnt, t* looking lur an outgoing and highly moll vated wm*i U> tmmbutr uut Viuirttf /rate/* maga/uvr, promotional flyers and other tludml limmint information t>n •ainpus af the University ol Oregon If ysru re nut shy. have a few esfra IsHirsa week, ami ettfoy spreading live word about student dmuunts. uHitai t us lor more details' The prmxi hired fur this |>milh*t will Is- a representative «4 ( nuifc.il I rtvrl in Cortland Preference will Is? given to live individual avail able ft elite at astern h year and who has a»* active interest in marketing and working, studying, or travel mg I'vrtwin To arrange he an interview please itMtUit A'h«!*!>-77l-Oft* day through I nday. brtw«s-n Vl*> S t*> Ask about live ( ampua Rep Program Counci Travel Constitution Court applications are now being accepted two ot the 'Out vacancia* must be 'vied by :*nd o< 3rd year im students Position description* A appieut-one ave-aUe in ASUO Ever, f MU Suite 4 AppM at,on dean me Oc '.ubnr I, ’993 at SOOpni ASUO a an AA-EOf -ADA employer MONEY FOP COLLEGE Get you/ student oan repeat. plus ea/n S30C (aw month tea Ml t-me students Wort one yvoeetmd a month Oregon A/my National Guard has money tor college students Cart Edb •‘•1**0 _ INMIcttit/ruMIcallsiu Assistant needed -n International Education A E ictiange tor >993 94 academe year Wort study nalpM but not required Tramavpror erperatnee « pubhea honargrapfK desrgn necessary Desk top publishing A espenence «nh Mac •ntosh computers Graduate student preferred advanced undergrade w/prior mper ence ronsaterad J/ QCVhr tO tShrinek Start October 4th Interviews begat September ?9m Please can Noreen at 346-1206. or drop by IX Oregon Mat tor potAon announcamam _ 1 \ The Oregon 0*Uy fmeraMis currently accepting applications lor advertising sates people to begin training lor work this tall the rewards are many This is your first step to a successful sates, marketing, advertising, or business career L Mark Wallet Advertising Director, at 346 3/1? for more Information, or come by the OOF office at 300 f Mil to pick up a (ob description and application OrfK,»i Ikitly Emerald I! (i()IN(i H \CK in sniOOl M " ]i ||, ( { ) | I. * |»11. 'll. * >Hli i !> IN.TI.IIII |i i * iii* ; m . v i i s hiHil j*ib hw youH hi i I* vni KSI II • jiii i Ui j sjvn.hiu- mi.mk v • . Iw.lulf • 'VMI l». ".I! • ImiM tlH'H sk*IK Mi i.PYOl K S(*H< H M • crtiurK «•! O cd«* arnmal pr»*»7 im * j • vk-vi k»f> alumni ivlahMvx ' |.)« mnn ml .niuli-n J*t >4f *4** ■ ■ ' i» In 1 * ***** | I : • I • , « , ' nviwiii) »M 4:1 •*«*■•» I 4*rtvi» «**!.. »«♦**»>* r • »'«“*« *••*»* *m .«>• I * w»i «• t>U_ i Vvl "■ 1 - 111 '■'■ .. - Make an Impact Join the Oregon Daily Emerald Board of Directors as an At-Large Director / Commitment to attend monthly meetings and to parlici pate in occasional sub committees for a 3 year term. / A member of the Eugene SpringfieldlJniversity com munity (other than employees of the Oregon Daily Emerald) / Volunteer position Our Purpose To publish a newspaper that will provide education and training for 1)0 students in all aspects of newspaper oper ahon by serving a campus audience with news, editorial and advertising content. Applications Send your cover letter and resume to Board .Application Oregon Daily Emerald P.0. Box 3159 Eugene, OR 97403 Applications will be taken until 5:00 p.m. Friday, Oct. 8. Submissions will be reviewed by members of the Board of Directors who will conduct personal interviews. Oregon Daily Emerald I ■mnemaiiii mw muni—m VTV Or|wi Otily ImmU it u rijuti opfotiun u> rmpioyrr m4 a nmnilW i» • ruMurtfiy liitnt wot\pi*cr Mmoriiin ur nfrtnOy ttnunfr* lo t#pO Agents • No Experience Company (»pjndin|{ S1 2 18 hr ♦ Bonuses I Send SASt (or detrih to: Intmutiontl 137S C oney hljnd Ave.. Sir 427 Brooklyn. NY 11230 -^^=====^ UUO Woman'* Cantor Aaatatant WacapHonUl poitoon* (2) WortiMudy. 10-17 hr*m* U OOtu Ap pAcaOon and pc* da*cnp*cm a) ASUO Suit* 4 DaacAm* a Sapi 2»h. 9pm ASUO a an AAEOf