W/ Immity m»m*d tfmmmi fm mm tm ymmn STivei VIDEOS TOYS • GIFTS It doesn't have to he dirt) to he t,ood LINGERIE AO 1166 S. A St. X)> Spring fide) t O O K I N U ton ^HhLJbLiliuyiuH^ f£ 726-6969 |y U’I N ’■* HI H •K^ REEN PRINTED^ SWEATSHIRTS * JACKETS • CAPS • GREEKS. • DORMSv • CLUBS. ^ • TOP QUALITY • WORLD CLASS SI: RVICE • planning and ASSISTANCE • VISIT US OR WE LL COME SEE YOU • IN MOUSE ART DEPARTMENT Vf« ou< iMfcraliiri wrt Atiirigf lfrti* axtom 344-7842 IMAGE ENHANCEMENT GROUP 380 WEST 3RD AVBNUE y(next to reh_y NQBMAN MCSMAKTw th# tnufiw Lexl. Ruby and Tarra gat raady In tha drasslng room to pariorm a danca at Lollipops. Everything s jolly at Lollipops By Jeff Knaysi for inn < i-is/an />»»'» f mentkl I couldn't believe the editor down at the Emer ald wanted me to do a story on Lol lipops. Yes, Lollipops. The same palace of perversion that was featured on Donahue, Hard Copy. Sally Jessy Raphael and Current Affair The same den of diM adence that was highlighted on Inside Edition, fenny fanes. Hush fJrnhaugh, and mentioned in News week and on Arserno. I was hoping for something more fun and loss sordid, like reviewing Gallagher's concert film Melon Craty Alas, 1 grudg ingly accepted the task There are naked people at Lollipops, and I was going to f>o paid, by the column inch, to get up close and personal with them. Naked people bring out the journalis tic integrity in me A friend and 1 debated whether I should be clothed during the interview, and decid ed that I should be. There was probably some professional rule somew here made up by some one uptight. When we entered Lollipops, the doorman knew right away who 1 was when he saw my Trapper Keeper and let us in for free Everyone else has to pay a couple of dollars to get in. and then has to buy. like, $5 worth of Snapple Because it was Thursday, there weren't many people there They were scat tered around the room, some sit ting as i lose to the stage as they could legally get, the more Iwish ful ones at the table near the back The first thing you notice aliout Lollipops, besides the stage, is the bar. It is large and well lit, and is where many of the dancers congregate when they are waiting to go onstage. They also hang around the deo jay in the comer, who plays rcx.k songs really loud and constantly reminds patrons that the case of soda they were forced to buy as admission wasn't enough. They are also supposed to tip every girl at least a dollar. Anyway, the bar is stocked with Minute Maid and other juices, coffee, soda und non alcoholic boor, in bottles and on tap. There are mildly erotic pic tures hanging on some of the walls, and mirrors covering the others. There are disco lights above the stage, a jukebox in the corner and two pool tables in the back for customers who have been there for so long that they have actually lost interest. Of course, no strip bar would Turn to DANCERST Page 24D Whether you’re back from summer vacation or just starting at the U of O. give EWEB a call so we can transfer your water and electric service to your name if it is not already included in your rent. We’ll come and read your meter. That way you'll only be billed for the services you use. So call EWEB today. It will give us a chance to transfer your service and say, “Welcome!” 484-6016 EWEB Eugene Water & Electric Board 500 East Fourth Avenue Office Hours 8 a m. until 5 p.m. Monday through Friday