Dean Frohnmayer looking forward to second year By Martin Fisher Oept*1 0»iy Preparing to begin his second full year as dean of the University School of Law. Dave Frohnmayer is optimistic about the school's current situation and its future. "Putting aside the wreckage Measure 5 is doing to the state's public services in general, we've had n very good year." Frohnmayer said. Frohnmayer credits ''strong and engaged students" and "a wonderful year of new faculty recruitment" as two indicators that the school is moving forward in spite of the state's fiscal troubled waters. "Our star is definitely continuing to rise." he said. Frohnmayer became dean of the law school in January 1992. after having served as Oregon's attorney general for 11 years He said the joh is different than what he thought it would be. "I was warned about the piles of paper that deans have to process." he said, "out I didn't have any real sense for just how much paper from every conceivable source crosses your desk." Frohnmayer said he was also unpre pared for how much time he would have to spend on the road attending conferences and fund-raising, as well as being active in ( ivic and public service organizations, including the state bar association. Another surprise awaiting Frohnmayer w-as Ballot Measure f>. the property tax lim itation measure passed by Oregon voters in 1990. "We have taken some budget cuts over the last three years," Frohwnayer said, "but we \ e also found other smm es of rv\ emie, and our students pay a higher pro portion of their edia ation than do other students in graduate programs in the state system of higher education." Frohnmayer said the perception of dam age done by Measure 5 is greater than the actual damage, but "there's no question that it is scaring off Oregon students " However. Krohnmayer claims the law si hool is one of two premiere law schools in the Northwest, the other being at the University of Washington. There aw six law si bools in Oregon and Washington "We end up being one of the major schools of < hoi< t> for the wgion, and. in some cases, the nation." he said. As a public school, one of the law school's most important functions is to provide access to a professional education that students otherwise could not afford. Krohnmayer said Another important role the si hixil plays is public service. Krohnmayer said. Kai ■ uity and students at the law school work in clinics, such ns the environmental law clinic, and aw active in legal wform in the State. Environmental law is one of the school's strongest programs, vet Krohnmayer expressed surprise on his part and that of the faculty upon learning that U S News and World Report listed l.ewis and (Mark Northwestern School of l aw in Portland us one of the top five environmental law programs in the country, while giving no mention to the University program "I don't know what it's based on." he said of the wjxirt "We have a broader i ur riculum and the largest grass roots i on ference in the United States, maybe the world, and have had for maybe a dozen years "1 don't want to make our case by bash mg a sister law school, ' Krohnmaver said, "but we don't take set ond fiddle to em - body Krohnmayer said although environ mental law is one of the law s< bool's stronger programs, it is not the only strong Dave Frohnmayer program " l'o nave a s. luh)l of broad public. ser vic e capabilities, you need to have mul tiple strengths." he said "In addition to natural resources, one of our traditional strengths has been In public law. public service." Frohnmnver said he also believes the se hool "has a role- to plav in the- emerging entrepreneurial economy of the Jtst cen tury." "That’s the high wage*, family wage is on omv that we want to both import here and strengthen that that is already here. he said "We have an obligation to serve the small businesses that are the core of the Northwest is onomv," he said, adding that "the interesting thing is that there is hard ly a law si hool in the t imntrv that has that as a focus." "A lot of law schools are in this sort of 10th-century, or early 20th-century, Har vard law school model, and they don’t necessarily see that they have a mission to !m' part of the society," he said Frohnmaver is positive in his outlook for the si hool's future "I think it's very bright." he said "I see us being the school of i hon e for (he region. I see us play ing a major role in public decisions of all kinds that have ii*gal 1IIiptit alums, with a real sen u e and outreat h component Frohnmaver also wants to develop more of a connection between the liny si hool and the resl of the l 'niversitv Frohnmaver said tie yvns pleased by the interest shown last wintor in an experi mental law course designed for under graduate students lays 41(1. Perspectives in layv. yvas very well rei eived. he said Itii ause of its success, the i lass yvill lie offered this y ear during fall and winter terms As for his own future, Frohnitiayer is vague After having spent 11 years as attorney general and losing a gubernator ial race to Barbara Rolierts, does Frohn maver ever i onsuler someday returning to the public arena' "My i rvstal ball is very opaque." he said "I don't have a master calendar and a master game plan Right noyv I think I n doing some thing that is y aluahle. and I'm Irving to do It well." tie s lid of tieiug tleall "III the stiort 1H months that I've been here. I've got a lot of help, but I've got a lot to look Ian k on and to tie real proud of ' A on tend to do those things that you get positive reinforcement for having done, and so tar the reltlfori emeu! lias lieeu positive ' he said \J * \ ■I 12 oz 6 pk Cans ■ RC Cola or I Diet Rite Flavors K ’lus Deposit 1 !■**!? _ :irst 2 '»■—"V—■ ■ :?G€ :ygr&’JX$ 1 ■H Add! »l regular price One coupon per fallul) Redeemable a! ^B ||R Food Value FITeeUre Au< 23 thru Au* 31 1993 ^B kMMm IP ■iUUlifiUSQflBkuuiua 943 '■% »; Fresh from our Service Deli Wm 1 8-Piece I ■ Fried Chicken 9 I WBC.jgtfMs'Um 1 flnl Add! at regular pnee Or* coupon per family Redeemable al j9p Food Value Effective Aug 23 thru Au* 31. 1993 JH New Release Video Rent One Get One Rental IFREE I 1 f Add'l at regular price On* coupon prr family Redeemable at H ^ Food Value Effective Aug 23 thru Aug 31.1993 hWH | Ultra Tide or Cheer I Laundry J Detergent !$ " J Firet 1 I :?0€)iq^A IAddl at regular pnc* One coupon per Food Value Effective Aug 23 Twin Pack 7-8 oz. 1H Blue Bell I ! 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