Typical U.S. As the Israeli philharmonic entertained audiences in I.os Angeles late in July, that coun try's military rained terror on one-half million south Lebanese civilians, turning them into refugees. Ironically, on July 15. the U.S. House of Representatives cut U.S. funds for emergency refugee relief from $49 million to $19 million, recommending that most of the difference be used to help Israel settle Jewish immigrants from the former Soviet Union. This pro-Israeli shift of money, typical of the U.S. Congress, comes at a time when the num ber of Soviet emigres to Israel has dramatically declined. The allo cation of funds to Israel has come at a time when the country has acknowledged that it may not need the $10 billion in loan guar antees it lobbied for two years. It should bo noted that every day American taxpayers send $14 million to the Jewish state. American friends of Israel are not only in the U.S. Congress, but in the administration of President Bill Clinton. The president's chief Middle East strategist is Martin Indyk. formerly a lobbyist for Israel. While Israeli representation in American culture is all-encom passing. the Islamic Middle East is ignored even at schools such as the University. No department, not even the University's inter national studies program, offers courses on the Middle East. Consequently, students may conclude their baccalaureate studies without ever knowing anything about one of the most significant regions of our world. The biased policies of the U.S. government toward Israel since its creation in 1948 has only brought instability for that coun try and disdain for the United States’ practices in the Middle East. M. Reza Behnam Eugene S.O.S. Our poverty and my despera tion to leave this leper s island some dav led me to write to you and lx*g you to please publish this letter because I’m longing to find a kind someone from among your subscribers who may pity me and help me. I come from a poor family of five children. My parents are both children of lepers who were raised up on this miserable place. They were not ahle to attain for mal education. My father has no stable job to support us. and my mother launders for other people to help my father earn for a liv ing. We are so poor that my par ents could not even afford to pro vide us with enough food to eat The only consolation that I have to be born here is the free education that I enjoy from ele mentary up to high school that is provided by our government for the indigent children of this colony. My two elder sisters have quit schooling because they. too. need to work to help with our family income. But I value edu cation so much that I choose to continue my studies despite the hardships that 1 encounter, like going to school with an empty stomach and with no decent school clothes to wear. I am in my final year in high school and will be graduating in march next year, and 1 desper ately wish to be able to contin ue from college. 1 wish so muc h to pursue a four-year course in architecture in one of the uni versities in Manila, and I need a sponsor to help me fulfill my dream I beg you with all of my heart, please print this tetter in your newspaper so that 1 will have a chancxi to find someone who may be so kind and generous to edu cate me. I will forever be so grate ful to him or her, I promise. Ctrl Jennllyn Morales Culion Leper Colony c/o P.0. Box 2203 10M Manila Philippines elconje Law Students! To Your University of Oregon Bookstore, Inc. Non profit, studcnt-faculty-staflf owned and governed for 73 years. Prices effective thru Aug 28,1993 | Pilot Ballpoint , "BPS" leg 98, 75* Sakura Nocks Mechanical Pencil or Pen .eg,. 85* j Organizers 30% OfT! | At-A-Glance & Dayninner Books & Refills I Sony Recorder TCM-il 299S Mono recorder with one-touch record, auto shutoff, cue & review Packard Bell Legend 125 j *.«*>_*, priori 1369” j Monitor, software pkg., 4MB Rare, 25 MHz 210 MB Hard Drive Packard Bell 486 Notebook Computer pricffi 1899” I Software pkg, 4MB Ram, FAX modem ! installed. 25MHz 120 MB Hard Drive, ? compact carrying size ^ All styles, sizes. & recycled @ i Mix & match! 20%™ iPad 25% ™ 6 Pads 35% ™ 24Pads Recycled Bond Paper @ Eureka 8.5 x 11- 20# white, 500 ct Made in Oregon! Works in Laser Printer 3-Ring Binders Vinyl in black, blue, red or green 1" „.,-l5S 1 3- I’5 All Index Tabs 20%Off I*' rff Jones Special Design I h' ™ngs them on the main floor.