Energy-wise housing starts Tlie I 'niverxity lias Ixigun < onat ruction of six units of experimental housing designed to save if) percent more energy than the highest energy-efru iont standards The projec t ts a cooperative venture t>etween University Housing and the ( en ter for Housmg Innovation f unds for tfie ac tual c onstruc tion of the buildings c ame ns part of a larger program to build needed new student housing, operated In the Uni versity Another purpose of the projec t designed In die Center for Housing Innovation is to showcase the capabilities of local manu facturers of new value-added wood prod ucts Design I’m iftc and Valhnll tm At tin same time, the units will demonstrate how liiglt levels of energy efficiency can be achieved tn affordable housing "There have been paneli/ed houses before. hut tfiis project allows to trv out anci showcase a number of new design features that will improve the energy effu tency in a \er\ cost-effective way, said architecture Professor Donald Corner, the head of the i enter It also allows us to measure the energy performance of these buildings in a < run prehensive was that has never In-en done iMifno*," he said We ll lx- able to dcx ument rather prec Isely how well these energy-effi cuinc \ design features work The prefabricated wall, floor and roof pan els were tru* keef to tho site and ere< ted at the beginning of the month The student housing projec t inc ludes six housing units in thn-e -.true lures of two units eac h Spec nil design features inc hide pr« limit < eiling panels with insulation ratings of l<40, wall panels with built-in wiring and plumbing also w ith K2»i insulation ratings, uclviinc ed framings and i one rete (IcKirs (am struct ion also involves a number of new tm hniques This pri>i»-c t will provide affordable housing with low heating lulls important to student-. ‘ Comei said, "hut at the same tune serves as a demonstration projec l that gives architei tore students and professors a unique opportunity to see design reseurt It applied amt tested l.m al ih onoiuu development will also get a |mmist as the |>n>|cs t provides lex al firms an opportunity to trv out some new ideas and thereby expand tim markets for their '—* - Won Johnson works at a saw at tha anar ly-artlclant housing pro/ad In Eugana. prod u( Is." he said "The reason a consumer might t>e willing in buy this new approach is that it meets the highest Tier l standard of the long-term Super (axxi Sense tin unlive Program offered |,v lion run i lie Power Administration and lot al utilities Those agent les offer < ash ini entives for buildings who h go beyond | he energy effii ieilt code re<|UHvments I lie overall goal is to construct buildings whit h use 25 pen ent less energy that the strii test operating goals." he said Hie t enter stafl of fai uItv and students, with the tiulp of state and federal research grants, completed the detailed design of the site and buildings and i onsulted with the industriahzod huilding i ompanies during tin- design proc ess "Once wo i ompleto the research, t tli versity students will enjoy the benefits of attrai live, energy effii lent homes which have been ionstructed at i ompetitive mar ket rates." (a»rner said Hie < onstruction manager and general control tor for the project is Kugene s 2-C Const ruction Questions before signing lease If you are considering n particular dwelling, ask questions before signing any lease. Your decision is on important one. so take your time. Listed below are possible inquiries to dis cuss with the manager and present tenants of the prop erty. LEASE I Mow much is the rent? What day of the month (week) is the rent due? Is there a late charge for pay ing our rent after the duo date? If so. how is it calcu lated? 2. Can the rent he increased at any time dur ing the lease? ,'t. What is the length or term of the lease? 4 Is the lease automati cally renewed? If so, for how long? 5 Mow much advance notice must the tenant give before the end of the lease fi---:—* large, (.lean, Quiet I BEDROOM / Mark from V if O { .rril l j No* V ’mvl | f ully Furnished NX ilk m Clout Vjufitc Vinity/ftuh , Utility I losei Kiuhrii w/Cen*e* libnd | On titc l aundry LOTS OF PARKING* ("all Alexis. 484 4103 >k * if he/she plans to vacate? ti. What are the require ments for a full refund of your security deposit? If the apartment is repainted after you vacate, who pays for it ? 7. Is subleasing allowed? Under what conditions? H If you pay electricity, what appliances are elec tric? Air conditioner? Heat ing unit? 9. Who pays for water? Sewage ? Garbage ? 10. Who do you call for emergencies or repairs? 11. What are your limits in decorating the apart ment? Can you hang pic tures, shelves, etc.? 12. Is there a list of rules and regulations for tenants of the property? 13. Is there a cleaning procedure the tenants must follow when vacating the property? 14 Is there a non-refund able cleaning let* or other charge? How much is it7 15. Art* there limits in the number o( occupants in the apartment? 16 Are there stipulations regarding guests? How many consecutive days can guests stay on the property? 17. Are there stipulations regarding parties? 18. If pots are allowed, is there a pot deposit and is it refundable? Has the apart ment been exterminated after the previous tenants moved? If not. will it be done and when? It). Are waterbeds allowed in the apartment? 20. He sure to obtain a copy of the lease for vour files. This information was provided by the Rental Information Office, Suite 5 EMU. Compare & Save r largest Cam pi Selection r Furnished & Unfurnished , Section editor; Galley Anderson Copy editor Jake Berg Cover photo of Brenda Wood: Anthony Forney pv———>n k STUDENTS e looking ° home tor 1993 947 Would you be inter et tod In IMng In o Cotooac Chrtdian dudenl co op where 45 men and women come togelhei to create o clean, C hrtthor commurdy? The Chelsea House may be tot you 9ou can enfoy good tood. contnbuto to o clean envtronmeol. and meel loh of coring people We now have the avaHab4ey ot private phone* Intormstoef? Ca* Mary Ann e* L 343 2674 tor more mtormaHon. or dop by g 1651 Ony* —ii students budget3 Clean, quiet rooms in large, newly remodeled house. : r Utilities & local phone paid t'T 2I4 blocks to campus :r $185 to $215 ! Call Jeff at 345-2255 At PHEASANT PARJ^ , we are now renting and taking applications One Bedroom starting at $335 . ^ Two Bedroom, $41 5 Three Bedroom, $475 L.3 I SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 747-5411 Managed by Western Heritage WELCOME TO EUGENE! At Jennings+Co we work with students to find affordable, convenient, and comfortable residences. We have everything from apartments to houses. Give us a call or come by! We are sure you will find exactly what you are looking for! Jennings+Co PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, INC. Located inside the U-Lane-O building, 488 East 11th Ave.