Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, August 23, 1993, Law School Edition, Page 3B, Image 23

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Continued from Page 1B
for free if searching out a
roommate or renting out a
Yet. it does i ost $15 a day
for non-students and prop
erty managers to list
through the computer sys
tem and bulletins. Wood
said with the shortage of
dormitory spate and the
demand from students, it is
worth the money to list.
"I get students and par
ents in here all day look
ing." Wood said. "Parents
are freaking out about stu
dents having to find living
arrangements outside of the
dorms where they can he
safe. I try and help them
find a nil e place to rent."
When school starts and
freshman students ( house to
move out of the dorms into
sororities and fraternities or
cooperative housing, the
demand for renting off aim
■ pus may slow down.
Wood said although there
remains a shortage of avail
able rentals, the easiest thing
to do is to move in with
another student looking for
a roommate.
"It's frustrating for stu
dents in this demanding
time when there isn't much
available, and you can’t be
too choosy," she said.
When the never-ending
search is finally over, and
students do actually find
the place of their dreams,
the struggle with business
just begins.
it's important to consid
er everything about a rental
unit thoroughly, beginning
with the landlord or manag
er. OSl’lKG has a Renter s
Handbook available to
guide students through
those tedious, but impor
tant. endeavors.
"1 tell students that the
most important tiling to do
when you first move into a
new place is to fill out a
checklist on the condition
of the house in order to get
a full return of deposit.”
Wood said.
The checklist should
include, in writing, all
damage, disrepair and dirt
sighted before the renter
^... ' : ------ v w
Students can look at the boards In the EMU basement tor rental Information ^
Know riahts when rentinq I
Avoid the most common problems
with landlords by putting the apart
ment's condition in writing
After first moving in. make a detailed
list of evervthing that is and isn't in the
apartment and what condition it is in
A detailed list is available at the
Rental Information Office in Suite 5
EMU Copy Ibis list and date it within
10 days of signing the lease, thus saving
trouble when trying to get the deposit
bac k at the end of the lease.
If there is a problem, write the land
lord about it. date the letter and keep a
copy. If the problem is an essential need
such as beat, water, light or security, the
problem must be fixed within seven
If the problem is not fixed within sev
en days, write again and remind the
landlord of the problem Give the land
lord a reasonable deadline to fix the
problem and state the action you will
take if it is not done by that deadline.
If the problem still exists on the dead
lint), action c an lie taken Write a letter
stating what a< lion will let taken Them
are three options of action available to
• Fix or quit. State that tin* lease will
he broken without penalty be< auxe the
problem has not been solved
• Withhold rent. An idea is to make
a separate bank ac count and pav rent
into it as you would regular rent It the
landlord lakes you to court for with
holding rent, sou have hank doc untents
saving the moires is being set aside lor
when the landlord does the repairs
Once the problem is fixed, you must pas
all of the hack rent
• Repair and deduct. Repair the prob
iem yourself and deduct the cost from
your rent up to $2tMl Remember to save
the receipts and make n copy w lien sub
milting the rodut eri rent
The ()St'IR(> Renter s Hotline is l-ii.
HKLP. Anyone, student or not. is free to
call if there is a problem with a landlord
or a tenant
moves into the resident e
For example, note if the t nr
pets have been cleaned, if
the windows and applt
ant es have been washed
and are working, and if
anything is broken All
aspects of the residence
should lie in full working
i ondition
"The most common mis
understandings come from
w ithheld deposits that could
have been saved if the
checklist was filled out,"
Wood saiii.
Thu Smart Tenant's
Chut klist, as well its a pat k
el of information including
maps and other renter s
information, can t>e pn keti
up in the Rental Information
Office Monday through Kri
day from 9 a m to 5 p in
Apartments ]
Studk» — S310
lafjX I hofenun lumisfcoJ untn
nti/ trank: NtUitif - $5*0
; bcdnmm — $510
Apartments, duplexes \ houses for rent near the L of O.
You arc welcome to come to our office tor a
tree list of as-atlablc rentals. Drive by any
locations that interest you, then call for an
appointment to see the tnsidc.
No Pets Please
345 W. 10th 686-1130
TALRAY draws the line
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Enjoy the affordable, quality lifestyle
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that you deserve!
10 quad locations
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starting at 245.
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Studios SWt a I hdrm. S t V» s-tt>5 a bdrm S5S5
All these mi Hide all utilities and basic cable
15th & Olive
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Studios lolls Irotn s tol
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Offers 1.2. ft 2 Bedroom Apartments.
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1/2 block to
I ami 2
Pool, laundry.
reserve. loti
For 1993 94 School Hear
Spacious. Affordable,
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1 840 Apace.
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Why Live in a Dorm?
Or sharr an Apt. with a rnomnislr that
nmhl sink suu with unpuid hills
When You Could Live Here!
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y Private Rooms, burnished with a bed. desk, and chair
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decks anil some patios
y Walk or bike to l of () or Safeway
y Covered bike rack, off street parking
/ Onsite laundry
y Onsite manager ami maintenance man
y Rent from $245 per month with all utilities paid
Check it Out!
Call Troy at 683-8599
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