AUps Stu £(rtA kon&in M By Calley Anderson OffflOn Ut>-V f nwrakt ^ Searching fur a home while away 1 from home and at your wits end with ‘ the process? Don’t lose hope. Brenda Wood in the [ <■ Rental Information Office, Suite 5 £ EMU. is sure to be of help to all stu- £ m dents in need of her services. Wood is not only able to point lost l students in the appropriate direction [ when exploring for apartments, hous ^ es and rooms to rent, but she is also j very helpful in getting first-time r renters through the business logistics. i: \ There are two bulletin boards and a [ — computerized VAX system that can be [ accessed via UOnet from a 300-Baud £ modem anywhere in the world, all of £ which locate renting possibilities l throughout Eugene. The bulletin l boards are updated daily and are locat- r ed on the bottom floor of the EMU in [ front of the Craft Center. "I give an equal opportunity to any- i one at UO, international students and x faculty alike, to list through our ! office,” Wood said. “Students can list l Turn to RENT, 3B [