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[“*] - link your voice mail to a pager and you will be quickly notified of waiting messages. [*1 - Only you have access to your yA messages. / \ ‘Prices start as low as $9.95 for Voice or FAX Mail box, $23.95 for Voice Mail/Tone-only Pager, or $26.95 for Voice Mail/Digital Display Pager. TELECOM SERVICES. INC. 392 EAST 3RD AVE. 484-5544 ‘Firm’ well-acted film with weak plot line I'll admit that I didn’t go to The Firm expecting to be well enter tained John Grisham’s novels, including The Firm, have always sounded like pulp fiction, a "good read '' I'd rather spend rnv time on more refined pursuits, like reading pulp science fiction. Howev er, The Firm is a sw ift, well-acted film that delivers the goods. ( anise stars in the film as Mitchell Mi Deere, who has just finished fifth in his c lass at Harvard law school and is courted by the elite law firms of the t ountry. However, he is given a deal that seems too good to imi true from a Memphis law firm specializing in tax law Every one at the firm is family, and despite ins wife's misgivings, it is a seemingly perfec t phu e for Mc.Deere. who wants to forget the rest of his original (amili exists However, all is not well in the land of Elvis. The firm's tax husi during money for mobsters in Chicago. No lawyer has ever left the firm alive (Apparently, these law \ f»r» lUHip ami nun ill u»r mm unm j aim **»«» lers worse. M< Deere is pressured by the FBI to turn over evidence that will prevent him from ever prni ti< ing law again Cruise is strongly supported by a star-studded cast, jcanne Tripplehorn. who was the brunette bisexual psycho (maybe) killer in Basil• Instinct, plays Cruise's wife. VVilford "Oat meal Brirnle\ is i ast as the firm's head of security; Hal Holbrook is i harming as the firm's senior partner. (.ene Har kman play s Avery Tolar. Cruise's mentor. David Strathairn is Cruise's older brother in jail for manslaughter. Ed Harris is a not so smart FBI agent; Gary Buses is a seedy detective; and Holly Hunter is his sometimes-hlond, sometimes-led head, ditzy secretary Lesser-known actors also ex< el. Seeing Gene llm kmnri's name appear as the opening credits rolled made me both eager and anxious Huger her ause Hackman is a sujierb actor who always makes a film significantly better simply by his presence Anxious her ause he rarely appears in good movies, act ing in such films as Superman II and So Wav Out. (One notable exception was The Package, hut that co-starred Tom my Lee Jones, who also r an carry a film, so that movie deserved two stars ♦ Gene Har kman ♦ Tommy Lis- Jones = four stars.) Instead of ex|i!aring Mr Deere's past, whir h is the ke\ to what dri ves him in the earh jiarts of the film, the script throws out a few lines and has Cruise wear a leather far ket at times to convince us he came from humble beginnings. It makes Cruise's performance seem con trived It's hard to believe Cruise ever had a pimple, let alone lived In a trailer park. This is an even stronger handicap for Cruise this summer, com peting against movies starring Glint Eastwood, Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones, who are all handsome leading men. hut by no means pretty l«i\s He's too confident for someone who is allegedly so insecure However. Cruise has typically lieeii more i onvincing as an actor in situations that demand cleverness rather than emotion, and in The Firm. Cruise is at his best when lie's working on finding a way to save Ins skin and get his brother out of prison The film's ending is apparently quite different from the book s It's ,m ingenious twist, but rattier improbable The Firm is not in the same league as The Fugitive, hut strong act ing overcomes a mediocre s< rijil to make it a worthwhile summer flic k Local movie flap settled (AP) - l.nvironinentalists have settled their disagreement with the 1 S Bureau of Land Management over filming part of a motion picture starring Merv I Streep in a wild section of the Rogue River However, a dispute continues over proposed filming of anoth er wild so< lion of the river administered by the 1 S Forest Service. Film locations include the area of the river around Whiskey Creek, whii ii is admin istered bv the BI.M. and Blos som Bar. which is under the jurisdiction of the Forest Ser vile The Pacific Rivers Council and the Oregon Natural Kesoun es Council hud appealed a permit granted by the BI.M allowing Universal Pic lures to film The lin er Wild in the wild area, EVERYTHING YOU NEED IS ON SALE SALE! use These Great Money Saving Coupons! We Print Better Pictures! Easy To Use Location! 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