Specious, fight one bedroom Balcony- Park >-Mj l sundry S3SS • depot# '96? Patterson | Hear C state Nortbeetf ?4 * ?$C4 J Studio Apt btocfc from campus iJMdtmit, off S*'tH?r paring SSSQftfva * • %: A iast 34? £669 Very nice 7 $drm bouse New carp** Wash*' A dryer Defect bui toclrom UO No pets Quart students piease 569Sm©ntr< M3 ft »6m 343 3318 c- W4 3*9* 1 and 2 bedroom Apis ava/ia&e laundry A Parfcing pose to campus 99?? 'pon, ^ent DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY 5*0 f i7m tfcwy <*r reifl *=>J $*it tcetpe* »s«y ip« off tt.BK ssrte^a Aw**:* Sift* t $SJV FIRTREE APARTMENTS 1149 ftny Ctosi TO CAMPUS T*«* 4«g« ont and ? btdibom unit* if# *vlt**b*#' fuihr appaoced Weary and on wt» laundry m Jmnning s-Co ^ 683 4219 'P&i ^ent 451 W. 131H (13th & LAWRENCE) GfHAT lOCATON" Ihtt* UMCKKA Nw b*3 loom unit* *« a b*rg*m* Fu#y ippfc*nc«i daftwnrw* panung and ctos* to U ol 0 *"C downtown Com* by or t*« tor tfwwirxi 6*3 4?t9« 343 3281 *v*vw*wH HfcSOMMtfVJAttfAll HAYWARD HOUSE APTS 12901 18»» inciKMX* RATtS on toes* 3 M»m 1 Mto lownftcu** styto ap*rt*nt»ts ow*«»oo*mg Hayward l»W Cov*<«d partong b#ccm»es a.i.iabi* furn»sft«d urtfurmined Can 6*/ ?!8/towew $396 Aug ;V*>b I GARDEN TERRACE Roomy ? bdrm *r#tfc to camptn A vaut* now' Qutot* Only $496 On vto taunOv park «q AJong toe MAI Race Ca* Raul tor Utow »ng 344 17?\ ^ Jennings -Co I == FALL RESERVATIONS Alder St. Quads Fufntttod Qo-ads. p»*d Laundry room Primal campus locabon S239<^$249ymo L»m4«d urvta Apply now August spooai $ 3 55 J360Alder SI 345-5949 IcEDARWOOD QUADS 441 E 17th NOW ACCEPTINO APPUCATIONS Wafc SiUdOl Saleway Private WTO UUSm (SKH amt»y SUMMER? HON »ITO CALL TROV-88S-8M*_ 1750 HtLTARO SUMMER RATES WaA to campus from these neerfy 'eturtxshed quads Pnvate Enhance E »ceHart locebon Share Mth/Vitchen $H» ♦ dap Heat Estate Northwest 7412504 I n Leass room tor FaM In historic house Mugs kitchen »h lull pnvVeges . ferntry tacttet 14 tsots kwn camput Considerate housemates 127Srmo ** nudes ylfties 1440072 461-0<99 Own room t bathroom Chase Vtt lege Apts Share w athlete t non smoker Must love pete S240rmo » utk Jeeon or Chrts. 6S7-M03 Room In large house near campus S2S0rmo 1st. tost, and deposa In dudes ukitties, laundry tenkbes. use ot kitchen Mature student only Can 144-0824 r.. 3 MSA student w minimalist lifestyle ffyptwHta* OQanfttet and •n*tx,-.nra n Chj0m3) MM* * ropm I5*.«tsrw-t‘ vju*t house or Apt up to $K'S mo w some uW»*e*9 fncMJe+Qapa**-' Sp**? phone C*# l*u ra 68 * -4 .* 28 Roommate wanted for fail tease Gar moat in *n now •* ‘tended 14 th A A vasr CCM’-MCtef ate fespo^sO*# studous and fun ISfS&'mc . vhhi*»% & deport Cftit J»ff at 34c ?8 h) $160 mo ♦ util female roommate to share ’ Bckm Apt w-th same & at !3»vf*rry. ca» 666-’ ‘M ■ 1.— .. Mobile home on park lot near dear 12 X 56 ft S9?0i Ca» fom McCauley 687 134ft or 461 3878 i ". i l.itllr htlkt f *prr«* pf»»cf*0Oi >M CSO. USOA CPH HUu'-'Q n1uf«onjJ dw Ht»Ovw<®«r« 4*' \SfM I .... ."l Audmf, Auijut/27 SeoBl is3ui Hirjrti HMwss Sutuxdbuf, AttguAi 28 Boogie Patrol Express TOtitfi.tjatf, Stfxl. 1 Les Teles Brulees Do you |, need 1 f ! cash today? | Call FRANK'^ ' I_ / yC / / _ Wmujm 741-4141 3796 Franklin I 3 I—.—1 *Fmnptri ~ ORLANDO i . SOKIK ^ jidMPERsmMPER: ^ HARD-BOILED ^ L ROAD SCHOLAR u 1 ."1 PROBLEMS? .*= !*o UQ ** t**. kt I*** aa^OnyrTKlM* Ctm% ' ar*J »f*f;«wraN 5pf« San-. M A E ■ 24 fcf • *VBhSA)sil. .Mtt -4-Mje. I 1 B«)VH proftU cj»» . Iwpnf« £y totthno t iif,jy Ma;tnon Ca£ wff' !+#-'( m? *•*:*>'■ _ _ ___ free Prvgnamy Totting I PtflgfWiCV SvW* f' C4&n®*t Aik 4 » **'« ,T# * .*w In t{>4 AUtOtOP Plannod Pjwonthood k* P y'wrs tofoUxan chNCfcf biSl CQflttCtL f»«ynon Cf hwU w'O untHMod counoohng U4 C>|! t rHK iJ***NfNO ( *LVTK*. INC f*ftK?iJCNTN GRE ALSAT Preparation ( out sen by S esper tented multiple degreed professional* 13 Maura Direct Instruction and J Hour Practice Teat $1 SO GNC given on October 9th Preparation ( lasses begin September 7th. T/TW Pram b 30 & OOpm Second session begins Nov 9th 1 LSAT given on Ortohrr iml Preparation Classes begin August Slat T/TH Prom (I SO b OOpm Second session begins Nov J i • hie student Minimum The teaming Center. Inc is an educational service center that also offers COLLEGE TUTORING TYPING SERVICE AND TRANSLATION SERVICES **>7430 L 1«7 P«l Si Eugono; OR 97401 J ■ Community • Marketplace . j? 8 Celebration A Ljb\ \£fcty4**c\ g^Saiurdays on the Market Stage ^ 5 Crrat entertainment every J J Saturday, rain or thine! ! I Featuring dam ing at 3 pm to k Ik the tuundt ot \ 5 Aug 28 thru Sorenson S' Quintet * Sept 4 Olem Alves Band I k Sept It Shelly Rudolph t J Band 3 J Visit our Rainbow Stage J during Eugene Celebration! I \ Sept 18 1 k Noon Bethel Temple CEsoir k { 1 pm Eugene I j1 Taiko Drummers ^ J 2 pm Ed Coleman Quintet I y 3:30 ■ Conjunto i k Lot Naveganles k 5 Sept 19 (Sunday!) { S' Noon Vienlo de lot Andes J I pm human Price A J I True West I k 2 pm Lee Merrill A k SShim Shuee Smgcrt ? 3:30 Shumba } 3 LMiMb-GmiFMtf-Uii&MmMO 3 lewmsw-RywowaHNE-wiioai a 04*8 TNI FAR SIM By GARY LARSON - - — ' ' I- ■■■ - ' ' ■ . ■ j -My dad can act daadar than your dad." . .■""1 Calvin and Hobbes by bhi watterson -- - - - - -- - .- -1 /TU HEALTH 5 - CENTER Doonesbury by garry trudeau vhAf'i rr^mutui THAT PlRkTNAi P&lAl MtKf* ASStSWfT IT^A I SlATl-a Thl ART eUCTKUNC (W>;v | > MR' . 1 • LZI \ Btrr*xj NOPdOBUM atriHAve »««« <£{«**** mriNCK niAI 6 t^A . * >*✓ Iw . 1 ACROSS 1 Writer Kmgilay 5 Plain bnMIa • *Al long - I ova 12 Modga podga 14 Pujtila dom potentate 15 Annia't long 15 Cauia o* Ninja Tucltai' mutation 17 IntmAair mai 15 Amarlcan 20 Mandtad roughly 23 Brg ng 24 Dry 25 Un Thaaaua 25 Naught 25 Roia protector 30 Polar amptoyaa 32 Braazat 34 Zoo ttructura 35 Ghra 0*1 ooharant hghl ■ m - y\—i 36 Boehm tawi 37 Mchanai noval 40 Irtanlon 41 firm 42 Batvx i combo 47 Gary Marta doamtal 46 loaa oul at an auction 46 Cuptfa ItaM 90 Aurora'a aA/a 91 Vanom oua vywea DOWN 1 Surtabta 2 Nama m Chin*'* hittofy 3 Doctnna 4 Pacfcad •way 5 Fatm li action • Abbott • tint bataman 7 Court down lima • fiiafhnav • Franttad 10 Dtman •ton* 11 Gana alt 13 I wan tad It So ba * >0 Paaca. Solution IImo: 25 min. !--TT-BB-! to f'aMo 21 Na^htxx of CaM 22 Claan lha tlala 2) Sliand 25 Body buMa'l ptlda 25 Authanlic 27 PI at* Ion m part 25 Stamaaa 11 A mara handlul 23 Cool at tart 34 Towart (tna qua non 15 Oocupa Non 17 Cvcta danca M Aclot Tama oft 25 City m lha nawa. 1953 40 Landa a hand 41 important numato 44 Scala abtot 45 Saaa 40 Comma! data ■—mi m—i