niwprii IUrH>| Fm4I>p ■ fJimnck £ fKi 'tAC Z>**"<* i ‘ THAU Sr“i4( £*»”" 7>U« IM.MM Ail you can Ka!' Fri & Sal *4rm*m **- *6“..^.. *r i /5E&i “ i m i er« i SEt I in Taj Mahal f FINE INDIAN KESTAUIANT Lnr mu»K Friday* fnra 6 JOpm UattetMonbi ltttMZJtpi 1^1 4Mk Dinnrr Sun Tliun SOOMOpm pen y*0 Fn Sal S 10pm L r © ] IMhAOakSt. •m i!7« 3E I_I imported & Domestic wine t Beer Large variety of international Foods i li Over 150 domestic 11 Vi ft imported I ‘ ’ft cheeses U r Located on the corner ^ of 11th gk » Oitve On Campus Desktop Publishing and Darkroom Services -» 346-4381 . ^ _ — . . a • ... a a Portland cars stolen one an hour PORTLAND (AP) — At 17, Demetrius Vaughn was so accustomed to tar theft that ho stole cars just to avoid a short walk Vaughn, who doesn't even have a driver s license, figures he stole 100 iers in the past two years Police say he is no worse than many youths who have helped increase Portland s car-theft rate by .Ifi percent this year. Residents reported 4.9M e Oregon identified ns the Bible Belt. "If they're trying to make a legal point that we waited too long, the answer is no. we did not." he said. According to The Independent newspaper in London, the British High Court on July 2‘) ruled that former British Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke “had not prop erly testtsl the reliability of Amer ican evidence" before he signed the extradition order in April. A review of the order is to take place this tall Clarke told The Daily Tele graph in April that “the charge is a serious one This is a case where guilt ought to be finally determined by a comjx'tent court of law and not by me no by the judgment of various distin guished people whose letters 1 have also read and considered carefully." Both Croft and Hagan have insisted that they dropped out of the murder plot when they left Rancho Rajnoosh. But Sheldahl said “once you join a conspiracy, you've com mitted the crime at that point." One of their attorneys, Andrew McCooev. has suggested that British authorities are pursuing the extradition for political rea sons McCooev urged Clarke this past spring "not to sacrifice the lives of two innocent British women for the sake of Anglo-U.S. relations.” Bruce Lee note sells for 529,000 BEVERLY HILLS. Calif. (AP) — A note written in 1469 by Bruce Lee predicting he would become famous and worth 510 million went for $29,000 at an auction attended by collectors and fans of the late actor and martial arts legend. The personal, handwritten note, catalogued as worth up to $15,000, read: "I, Bruce l,ee, will be the first highest-paid Ori ental superstar in the United States. In return I will give the most exciting performances and render the best of quality in the capacity of an actor. Starl ing in 1970 1 will achieve world fame and from then onward till the end of 1980 1 will have in my possession $10.(KM).0