1_:_-^z_j P*0#o &> ?N>*** ffc»ry»»om A drvm-and-danca fund-ralaar for Somalia attract ad about 150 paopla Aug. 14. Group raises funds for Somalia By Garin Gonzales For toe Oregon Daily Emerald The American Friends Service Committee put on u drum-and-dnnce fund-raiser for impoverished Somalia Aug. 14 at Skinner Butte Park The event, which lasted all day. featured many activities, such as the Marimba band Kudona and the Eugene Drum and Dance Collective. The event had a turnout of about 150 people Thom Williams, organizer of the fund-raiser, said the event raised money for the American Friends Relief Committee, which will in turn go toward programs in Somalia. " The American Friends Service Committee is a Quaker organization that does different tspos of relief work all around the world." Williams said. "In Somalia, we are working with small fanning communities, trying to work up their agriculture. Also, the AFSC helps to start orphanages, as well as keep existing organizations running Williams said the AFSC chapter in Somalia i on sists entirely of Somalis and is a very grass-roots organization, stressing non-violence in all situa lions. "The AFSC has taken a stand against the United Nations because of their strong military presence." Williams said "The U N has eventually t>ei nine another armed fat lion in a regional (onflir t The U N has a politii al and military strategy that has been disastrous to Somalia." The drum-end-dam e event raised more than $350 for Somalia, and the AFSC is hoping to raise more funds for Somalia by hosting a garage sale Sept 10 and 11 at the Fugene i haptur house of the AFSC, located at 2274 Onyx St For more information on donating goods to lie sold at the garage sale, call Thom Williams at OHli «f>5H We teach you to think your way to the right answer. DIAGNOSTIC TESTING CLASS SESSIONS with ! expert teachers 4-VOLUME SET o! home study books THE TRAINING LIBRARY } scores ol LSAT-style practice tests and roieased LSATs with right and wrong answers explained, topical tests, make-up classes THE LSAT Test Run TOTAL TRANSFERABILITY between Centers Classes else forming for ORB AND SAT KAPLAN The First Amendment: We've upheld this continually in your store for over 73 years. Not For Profit Status: We've upheld this, too continually in your store for over 73 years. Your Student-Faculty-Staff-Owned University of Oregon Bookstore, Inc. GOOD BUYS pP.*,#. 1 Cciimbu | PjeS $1088 c «ii In cd GUSOI/MILLM BAH) Where There's Smoke. DINO The Way I Am INTRO LBVERT For Real Tho’ 8TEY1VAI Sex k Religion team warms Elemental THI PI OC LAIXllii Sunshine On Leith I TOMMY Origins Cut Recording ToiAy RCA Victor ,17??-‘27£ TONI PUCE Swirn Away TAG TEAM Whoorap1 IWTHOMHAJUDD Tell Me Why 1_ML Curt MCA j *7SU#S BROTHER PHELPS Let Qo ROBINS Show Me Love &AQIAQAXX8T naiucKm WMS CLAY WALMiB SHELBY LYHH Temptation •7M#8 *8M3(S ENTER TDKTVACHMES OF HOCK 4 NOLL" SWfflSTAKES FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WM A_ 1W3 ^ CHEVROLET^ CAMARO. Jg GATEWAY MALL, Springfield 746-6373 DISC JOCKEY music stores Vim MasterCard. American Express & Discover