ASUO freezes IFC action memos By Ed Carson Oegion D*>v Ertwaxl Citing insufficient funds in the surplus account. ASUO comptrollers have frozen all Incidental Fee Committee action memos authorizing expendi tures from the surplus account "Our current records show that we don't have sufficient funds," ASUO head comptroller Tin Huu Bui said Comptrollers, who keep track of all ASUO bud get line items for student groups and various reserve accounts, took action in late July to avoid putting the surplus account into deficit. The surplus account is used to pay for IFC approved special requests made by incidental fee programs. Currently. EMU accounting said there is only $100 left in surplus. This falls well short of the approximately $5,300 the IFC approved from surplus during the summer to lie given to a number of ASUO programs. Also, campus radio station KWVA is slated to receive $12,000 to buy equipment it could not purchase last fiscal year, leaving more than $12,000 in its 1092-93 budget unspent. However, there should be tens of thousands of dollars available in the surplus account soon For mer ASUO finance coordinator Neil Sunnell and head comptroller Ebon Brady are nearly finished with the post-close, which determines the end of the fiscal year balance for all incidental fees At the end of every fiscal year, the ASUO Finance Department examines every budget line item, recording the final positive or negative bal ance These balances are then "washed" into the surplus account. So long ns the unused funds are larger than deficit spending, the surplus account will increase. Fast year the increase to surplus was more than $100,000. The comptrollers do not expe< t the fig ‘Our current records show that we don’t have sufficient funds.’ — Tin Huu But, ASUO head comptroller ure to I*) that large this year. Bui said he cannot use the EMU's post close sur plus figure before their own pout-close is complete "We have to make sure that their figures are i or reel. That's what the [Hist-close is for,” Bui said The three-member summer Incidental Fee Coni nnttee has finished conducting business, and none of tlie member* could I hi reached for comment Bui said he met with some members of the IFC and discussed the situation lie said the IFC was satisfied and only asked that the comptrollers send memos to the affected groups, whit h Bui said he did. Bui said that as soon as the post-dose is finished L_ the comptrollers will begin processing the at turn sheets. Kven though Bui was on vacation when the holding action was initiated, he said he stands by his assistants' decision and would have probably made the same choii e Bui said he was surprised the IFC approved the special requests bei ause before leaving for vaca lion he asked IFC summer Chairwoman Fsther Wong not to take funds from surplus until the post-close was completed "I advised Fsther not to allocate from surplus until we have a i barer picture.” Bui said '"I was a little hit surprised and disturbed to i orne bat k to learn that the IFC had given out funds from stir plus.” The following ini idents were reported to the University Office of Public Safety and the bugene police department Aug, H 16. • A theft was reported at the Knight Library Aug. 15 of a i ellular phone. The owner left the phone by a copy machine m the library and found it was gone when returning to the machine. • A woman arrested for criminal trespass and misuse of an identifit ation card Aug 15 The woman was at a guest house on the 500 block of bast 13th Avenue According to polite reports, she already has a tres pass letter on file with the iugene polit e When tint offi cer* asked her to identify her self, she presented an II) that was not hers • A 17-\ear-old male w as tak on to jail after shoplifting two tieers from Little’s Market. 54-t K. 13th Ave According to police reports, he is a t hrone violator • A 20-year-old University junior was cited with unlawful possession of a controlled sub stance Aug. ll» He was arrested in West University Park, where he was caught selling one dose of l.SD for $4 in food stamps The lost field test was negative for the drug, but the man wns still i itod for illegal drug sab • A burglary was reported at Autzen Stadium somewhere between August 14 It. Accord ing to pole i- reports, somebody climbed over the fenc e, broke into the doors, busted into the concession stands and stole snacks worth $200 The total damage amounted to $700 L BRIDGESTONE AUGUST SPECIALS MB-6 $375 | REG. $425 DON’T LET f THE LOW PRICE FOOL 1 YOU. THIS IS A QUALITY , OFT ROADER SHOCKING SPECIAL BUY A HRIIXII STONE MB ' AND GET A SIKX K EORK CONVERSION I RET’ PAULS BICYCLE SHOP < 24B0 ALDER ► 342-6155 BICYCLE WAY OE LI EE < 152 W. 5TII ► 344-4105 * When conflict gets out of hand and you need help - contact us. 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