II QUESTION: If you had children, would you want them to be lawyers? “No. We — have enough trouble and chaos in the world El as it is.” JERRY CARSON senior, history "No, because there's too many bad jokes about lawyers." l STACY KISER graduate.Wology "No. Fifty percent of all the world’s I lawyers i are from j the U S. I nave too many trienas and relatives who are." DAVE N. KRAUGH senior, communications “No. I wouldn’t want them to be because | to quote 1 naroia ana Mauae, ‘You’re not yourself when you’re officious.m BOB HUMBOLTT junior, geography “Yes, because they get paid." AARON EDMOND junior, engjish "I have to ■ put this in 9 a purely capitalist p sense. If ^ there is a (f^ market for lawyers, yes. If there isn’t, I’d say something else” TARA PATTERSON junior, journalism Woman pleads guilty to stalking SEATTLE (AI ’) — A 32-year old woman has pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges that she stalked her former gynecologist and threatened her with death. Vala Karren. a transient who suffers from multiple-personali ty disorder, was accused of repeatedly following Dr. Cather ine Hunter, calling her and hanging up — including 127 times on one day — sending her flowers with bizarre notes and threatening to kill her. In May. she called Hunter's clinic and said a bomb would blow up the building. The King County prosecutor's office said Karren had become "completely and totally fixated" on Hunter, a Ronton-area physi cian who performed a hysterec tomy on Karren Inst year. Karren hod been charged with felony stalking and felony harassment. But prosecutor Ye Ting Woo accepted a plea bar gain to misdemeanor charges, saving there were problems with the law. Woo said the statute on felony stalking needs to be more clear with additional definitions king County prosecutors have never convicted anyone on a felony stalking charge. Although Karroo pleaded guilty to the charges Friday in King County Su[*erior Court, she made an Alford plea, which means that she maintains her innocence but believes the evi dence available would have con victed her. • AEROBICS. AEROBICS... 8 vartettes to choose from... • Stairmasters, Lifecycles &AeroMcydes • versa Climber OREGON WEST -FITNESS Best Hours-Best Prices 6am*llpm 7 Days a Week 1475 Frank*! Btvd. • 485-1624 Across from campus JJgJJ • Tanning Packages • Personalized Training • Adjacent to Jogging/ Bicycle Trails School Year Special $33.00 per month No Initiation Fee With Coupon. Expires Oct 15 1993 ☆ 20 MOVIES/30 BUCKS ☆ * sfivt ksiAP \mo : * ☆ 344-2691 ☆ * 1888 Franklin Blvd. (r»xt to 7-Etarvon on VUard] 'A' OOE • E*p &3r» rma» *«M fry Otf»< irfNr* X r ★★★★★★ ★ “30 years of Quality Service” Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota -GERMAN - AUTO SERVICE, INC. | 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd. Eugene, Oregon, 97402 j Welcome BACK! TRACK TOWN PIZZA IS: I • 27 of the frenheut, t undent topping• piled high1 • loo'll real cheene and our own home-made sauce • Freth dough made daily • Delivery anytime we’re open (11 OOam till latei • Locally owned and operated for 15 years CAMPUS WEST 1809 Franklin Blvd. 2511 W. 11th & , 484-2799 Wll“>n i"' 1-Large Combo or Vegetarian , ^ - _ _i ■ • 2-Garlic or Cheese Breads ^ ^ t/0 ■ . • 2-32 oz. Sodas - | ■ Expires 10/15/93. *' * | JTRACK TOWN PIZZA c E8T: 4*4-4282 ^ I I $J00 Any Medium j Not valid with any other offer | One coupon per pizza Expires 10/15/93 | I TRACK TOWN PIZZA CSSTJ2T I L---1