Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, August 12, 1993, Page 6, Image 6

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Student leaders get USSA seats
By S.A. Clement
Ottgan Owfy f mgraia
Student leaders accomplished more than they
thought they would at the United States Students
Assot iation Congress in l.os Angeles, where the
University made a log showing this year, said
those who went.
The University had n powerful presence at the
conference and was able to gain five seats on the
iKtard of dime tors, making it one of the best repre
sented in the lobbying organization.
"U of O was the strongest block of students."
said ASUO President Eric: Bowen "Because of our
involvement, we left a name for ourselves "
The congress, a convention-style meeting, is
used to help define the platform for the group as
well as elect offic ers for various student c auc us
es A t onsensus is formed at this meeting of what
ideas and issues USSA should deal w ith for the
next year It will lie up to the board of directors to
refine the general ideas into a w orking agenda dur
ing the year
ASUO Vic e President Diana Collins Puente was
elected as a co-chairperson of the la l.uaIn ion
c auc us. formerly known as the- latino c am us. and
hopes that her new influence will help the stand
ing of the University and help latino students in
the university system,
The four other students w inning positions on
the board were Mic belle Parks. People of African
Descent caucus co-chairperson; Troy Shields,
V of O was the strongest
block of students
— Eric Bowen,
ASUO president
National (iay. Lesbian. Bisexual Student Coalition
co-chairperson; Erika Armsbury. Northwest Pacif
ic; Regional co-chairperson; and Eden Ajrian
Omari, National Ceiv. lesbian. Bisexual People of
Color caucus.
The representatives also spent time in work
shops dealing with topic s from the North Ameri
can Free Trade Agreement to campus safety.
Both Bowen and Collins Puente say they have
tried to bring back ideas that they can use at the
University. They also hope to increase the school's
standing in the USSA.
"There is no other organization (lobbying
nationally for students) that is as respected in
Washington. l).C." Collins Puente said.
For that reason, she believes the University
should continue to support and trv to influence
the lobbying group.
Collins Puente said the next step is to bring in
younger people to the USSA from the University
in order to continue the work of garnering influ
ence in the capital for students
Continued from Page 1
still on the comptroller's list of
people; with at t ess to the news
paper's funds, ac cording to the
The report goes on to state
that the suspect was able to fill
out a pure base order for the
monuv and have a e hue k made
out to his organization before
the Insurgent staff find his finan
i.uil authorization revoked
"(The comptroller's office) did
not know that the suspect was
no longer a member of the Insur
gent when the chock was
issued," said Tin Huu Bui, the
current head c omptroller for the
Although the current adminis
tration had nothing to do with
the mix-up. Bui said he was the
one who approved the chec k
when he worked for the office
last year and that there was
nothing out of the ordinary
about the payment as far ns the
office knew nt the time.
Police are still investigating,
and, until the final report is for
warded to the district attorney's
office and a decision is made as
to whether charges should ho
filed, much of the information
regarding the case cannot he
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live Engttsn speaker* on'y $’> tor about
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Interested tn tedto broadcasting?
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Need part time nanny 'or 3 great •■dv
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Fteeident Akktklant and weekend
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Hapfy to Chrietvi Smrm, The Cknegran
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