Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, August 12, 1993, Page 5, Image 5

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    The following incident* were reported to the
University Office of Public; Safety and the Eugene
police department July 26 to Aug 9
• A 25-year-old male was arrested for assault at
the 1300 block of Alder Street July 26 Officers
responded to a report of a domestic dispute and
took the man into custody after seeing evidence
of injuries on the woman he had been fighting
with. The woman told police she would sign a
• A University student reported a theft of her
bicycle from Leo Harris Road behind Aut/.en Sta
dium July 27. The $300 mountain hike hnd been
• A woman reported an act of public indecency
at Unvrence Hall July 27. She encountered a par
tially clothed man kneeling in an aisle on the sec
ond-floor library. The man was looking at a book
and masturbating. According to police reports, the
woman said. "That's absolutely disgusting!" The
man picked up his shorts and shoes and fled the
building. The suspect is described ns a black male
between 30 and 40 years old. about 5-foot-11 and
with a runner's build.
• A 2.3-vear-old male was i ited for consumption
of alcohol on unlicensed premises at 1 1 30 p.m
July .30. According to police reports, an officer saw
the man drinking beer from a plastic cup in front
of n house, and the man told the officer that he was
old enough to drink. The officer advised him to
dump the beer, whir h was about one-quarter full
Instead, he drank the beer, and the officer cited
• A 35-vear-old male transient was arrested fur
providing false information to a poiii e officer on
the -too block of East 19th Avenue July 31 Accord
ing to police reports, the man was camping ille
gally and had been warned to leave two days pre
viously- The officer asked the transient why he
didn't go to the Mission, and he said he didn't like
it there. The man gave the officer a false name and
date of birth, and he was arrested.
• A University student reported a theft of a bicy
cle valued at $450 July 26. It had been locked to
another hike, but the cable had been cut. The stu
dent called later and said he had recovered the
• A theft from a vehicle was reported at the 1700
block of Columbia July .30. The driver's aid* win.
dow was smashed and a jacket was stolen. The
jacket was valued at $40, and the damage to the
window was estimated at $80
• A burglary of a bicycle was reported at the -too
block of Cast nth Avenue Aug t> The woman
who reported the burglary said that she woke up to
find the front door unlocked and her hu vde miss
ing The bicycle was valued at $350
• A 48-vear-old male transient was arrested for
trespassing at the MMX) block of Alder Street Aug
fi at 11 p.m. The man screamed at police to leave
him alone and was verbal I v hostile and aggressive
The man was arrested at the scene
• A burglary was reported Aug 7 at the Sigma
Nu fraternity. 700 K 1 Mb Ave . Aug 7 The door
was unlocked and sis shirts were stolen Televi
sions, VCRs and bottles of alcohol were left
untouched. The sis shirts were valued at $350
• A 30-yeor-old man was arrested for second
degree shoplifting and assault Aug 0 at the Uni
versity Bookstore The suspet t was observed h\
bookstore security leaving the bookstore with a
pair of sunglasses he did not pay for, act nrding to
police reports
When the suspect was contat ted hv two securi
ty personnel, the suspect said he had taken the
sunglasses Ihjc ause his eyes were sensitive to the
sun. He said someone hud broken his glasses the
day liefore. at cording to police reports
Security attempted to question the suspect fur
ther and hail to restrain him when he became
unruly The conflict moved outside of the book
store’s lobby area onto the sidewalk, where anoth
er man attempted to help the suspei t by grabbing
one of the sei uritv officer's ne< ks, at c ording to
police reports
The suspect then eluded sei uritv ami ran into
the Kincaid Street-Cast 13th Avenue intersection.
One of fhe security personnel caught up with the
suspect and "swept" the suspect's feet out from
under him, according to police reports Cl’l)
arrived shortly and took the suspet t into < ustodv
The suspect was also c harged with assault after
hitting one of the sec uritv officer's noses, c ausing
hint to bleed, act ording to polic e reports
The man who helped the suspei t elude securi
ty outside of the bookstore was issued a citation for
harassment for grabbing the set.uritv officer's nock
The man said it "looked like two skinheads were
beating up a longhair" and attempted to help,
according to police reports
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