Earth to Ed Kd Carson makes some state ments about earth-centered reli gions (ODE, Aug. 3) that he admits are un researched. He say* that earth-centered religions spring from cultures that have "not yet mastered nature." This implies that these cultures are "less advanced." and so inferi or to our own. Actually, these cultures have chosen a different way to relate to their environment. Instead of dominating and exploiting their environment as ours and many other cultures have, they have studied every nuance of their environment and have learned to live in harmony with it. Carson assumes that earth-cen tered cultures’ spirituality wor ships a Goddess In actuality, these forms of spirituality take many forms, and some of the cul tures that hold these beliefs go beyond the bipolar male/female view of gender. For example, while there are only three gen ders in the English language, in the language of some Native American tribes there can be from 11 to 15 genders, as well as the possibility of crossing over from one gender to another. Indigenous people have exist ed longer than industrial, mod ern civilization has. they have more leisure time than we mod erns do. and because they live in an ecologically sustainable way. their kind of culture has the potential to last a lot longer than ours, whir h is a way of life that is currently moving the world toward environmental collapse. It seems that in many ways earth centered cultures are "more advanced" than ours. 1 think that w« have u lot to learn from them. Ben Iglauer Eugene To the point "Woman was created from tht* rib of man. She was not made front his head to top him, nor out of his foot to be trampled upon, hut out of his side to he equal to him, under Ins arm to he protected and near his heart to be loved.” Allen James Eugene Just do It David Thorn's opinion piece on Ins experiences as a cashier MTVtl! tunr» And tinm l-Aptnn &/26/<*3) Campus SUBSHOP 1225 Alder 345-2434 Srf **iti i*> «* W •*»»* d«uw orflMfNNfc ^r^wiipgB pw tKrtuiwrr II hOnCYHUlfiWB. ( 'Death, taxes and shopping." ODE. Aug S) brings to mind one element of my [wrsonal philoso phy of life: Everyone should spend at least six months work ing either behind a cash register or waiting tables. The result would be an increase in aware ness as to how other people live, and in common courtesy toward working people These are two things our society needs desper ately. Anyone who has hold a retail position understands me. People think that because they are hand ing you money, they have the right to complain about prices you don't control and treat you like a brainless lowlife. It's one chance that the guy who kisses up to everyone from his boss to his in-laws gets to hold power over someone whose job it is to not leap over the counter and pound him into the ground 1 do not mean to paint all sales clerks as saints Nothing drives me crazy like a zitty teen-age 7 Eleven clerk talking on the phone, doing her noils and look ing right through me as I attempt to hand her a quarter for my newspaper I did my menial job as lies! as I could, why can't she7 But perhaps if she got an (» t a sional "thanks" or a smile, the vicious circle could lie broken A single pleasant customer can make a cashier's day. Today, try to Ihi that customer. It s easy, and it makes the world a little nit er Sam Mathis Second-Year Law Unvantastic The un re in forced rear bumpers on the Volkswagen KuroVans are an expensive proposition not calculated into the sticker price of the vehicle The plastic shell shatters upon minor impacts such as bumping a light pole in the supermarket parking lot (refer / once: Consumer Reports. Febru ary 19*1.1) Repairs can cost thou sands for replacement of the bumper and the rear deck, including the large window, rear window wiper and trim, in addition to insurance premium increases. A reinforced bumper would absorb the majority of minor impacts without causing major damage to the bumper and rear deck door The gas tank, which VW claims is safe on the KuroVon, is partially exposed to side impacts on the driver's side Unforlu natelv. if your gas tank is hit only a little, the potential is them for explosion, fire or leakage Although a controlled test by the National Highway Safety Administration, where Chevro let (^iprii e was slammed into the side of the FuroVan at 50 mph has apparently resulted in no explosion, fire or leakage, the potential is there, nevertheless for such a result Acc ident scenarios t annot is1 { controlled and duplicated in a j testing lalxmitorv Placing the gas tank fully inside the extra pro lection of the chassis frame, which most American tar mak ers seem to have done, would decrease the relative potential for problems associated with tint uncontrollable dynamic s of broadside collisions impacting tiie urea of the gas tank Prospective purchasers of a new family mini-van mav want to determine the relative value of unreinforced plastic bumpers and side-impact exposed gas tanks before buying. Rand Knox San Rafaal, Calif. MM TtNtiS I he Chronk fatigue Syndrome Sup port (>roup wilt meet Aug at J |i it» a' i|gi f.iueraul Potipb * I ‘tihty Utdrtct build ilia, 33733 Seavev Uop fl0*d Vw «WW» mmrrtuifinn. call WW» 0310 MiSOUANUH S ( aM ade I oailmailrn m*w!» every t oeaday uiurmng at 6 45 a m at the Ortg nwi hiHde Uwiw. M'l I. Hmadway f ur mure information. » all 485 Sfttl during the dav of J4*» *073 during the mght family houmng rent* tlie yubyei.t of a pobiW hearing Monday at 3 30 p 01 in the \ Ml! Gum* t Ml i* noon the ki* More pubhcatHm The new* editor doe* not have u tnnr machine tl Alt run the day of the event utiles* the event lake* place More ruxm Sotnev of event* with a donation nr admission harge will not he ill i epled (iatnpu* events and those scheduled near rvt the publication date wdl he given prs ontv the KuiornUi reserve* the right to edit for grammar and vtvlr f\l .Alt run on a rpace ovoikthl* ban* I ./f^BUY & SELL 258 E. 13th AVENUE i EUGENE, OREGON. 97401 1 342-797$ « FAX 344-7242 j /canoe rentals/ $4 an hour weather permitting • Monday • Friday, 12:30 p.m. - dusk • Sat. & Sun., 10:30 a.m. - dusk k on the mill race / f 139$ Franklin Blvd. / 346 4386/ Cooking With A Social Conscience Nurturing your health while supporting the earth •Jan's Salsa • Marinara Sauce •3 Bean, Black Bean & Chili Dip All mad© with organically grown tomatoes & beans 11. taloj tot Ecology A Hunger Proiects AVAILABLE IN THE EMU S^icauartaiib* >» •* u"-*u mu«wiu • «« t> »o'"«5» w » ■ *SS _**»»»"« »’ M.'»*.«tw. »■•-* * m..3 Ma**y • <»t»n HELD OVEN FOff WEEKEND M4 TtHfESr ThAW4 A tun list 2 DO NOAM CHOMSKY MANUFACTURING CONSENT ._mum n _J 1 MU4MYI BUST tNO 900*1 1 • f AJITtMO F« Lg 7 -M Wghf M&gunUMlflO I i tl K E V A T I £ ] i'V I C H ? ( 91 AIL ? t«j-^ ITAHT* FM. AUCi 111 Um WtAH ^ A ft JO (ft)) A • 2ft NftQhfty 1 IT? ■ HaSSJSiSL— PICK UP AMO MVI TH« ■UOU PKK FWiT ■ CA1KMOAK AMO KWN APWKK PAAOMTX PA—I | oj ^ fTAjrm imoav. MMumr m ^ *> ** 19»11* nm j | A* «***< -■*•»***<•»** ' .~;,~y-~; d PO If I —-1 NifUiir n-J* WMOOR GOU38EPG IBD0W60N l CL**, ni .1M an ■ ^ A.S.E. Certified Technician BOSCH AUTHORIZED SERVICE ^ | 1917 Franklin Blvd., Eugene 485-8226