MicROCOMPUTER PURCHASE PLAN now accepting student appM'at tions Muil have microcomputer MW> good oommunca#»on and organuabon » s*D»ts Apply Room 260 Compubng Canfar 2 Outstanding 2 bedroom houses. S67S ea . Cab for daMNs 3*5-&7?5 VERY CLOSE TO CAMPUS 4 Bdrm. 1 \ v bath. 1?47 1 2 V*i*rd (behind otfcce across from Wendy's parting lot) $9'jh 5 Bdrm. 2 both modest sue bdrms Go? great location ?697 Orchard $n9* 5 Bdrm. 2 bat* Oft* floors 2440 Aider St $1300 6 Bdrm, 2 t 2 bat"1 1470 E 19th $1560 6 Bdrm. 2 bath large Ddrms 14S6F ?9th S16S0 A> hom« com* w-*washer dryer and are avasiabte appro* Sept 1st last months rent, refundable security tie posrtSiOO. and non refundable cleaning *ee $25 pe< room No apt* cabon fee Please dr«ve by to vew and then call 343-6000 Stewardship Properties 1 Available Aug 20 and Sept 15 1 bdrm furnished tQ. twock from cam pus Clean quiet txnkj»ng $366 mo l ease required 736 fc i7th 343 ?tt4 Campus Apartments F urrushed ' & 2 Bedrooms Summer rates, S30GS400 4ft6 2B23 CLOSE TO CAMPUS 2. 3 and 4 bedroom houses Available tor Summer .T an 343 7093 CUTE 1 BEDROOM 2 Blocks to Campus Oh street parking will an fas r S3S0/mo_345-2255 Duple • 3 Badroom. 2 bath, W D Gaiay*. duecl busi na toftrom UO Fireplace Nopals S/1'fvco 3995 1 Amft/of’:i44 319’ NEXT TO CAMPUS! Quiet,’u* rushed studo Sitae *-!ch«n • t person Private baton y-toath $190 Summer S3tQFat> 343 <009 3 bedrooms (large) Terrtflc location Laundry facilities $69$.mo Rale good it pro leased to* Sept by August <6 3*4 Woe* from Campus wrth covered parkv^g 344 607?«fei 0199 Ottcl • 2 bdrm, private palm opening onto the Mill Kac • Peaceful, quiet nature student complex • (*mii for B B Q V viudymg »*r lounging • $55 Vmoaih won' lastktftg* j £} ( all 1km al U4-5695. D Jennings Co 0p43 37f 1 *wntoM $MfcSUMMtH/$476IAU HAYWARD HOUSE APTS l«0l IB5 WUM HAIIS M MU ) M>m 1 . b» im*i*"«w !)»*• ipatmam manoo*«i« ruyavc ta« Ltxtttd imuig m*o™« i,»um TWad iXaJ un M/ ?i*/ » «. M* *4 V65 Sap t GAROEN TERRACE Hoemy 7 M»m *ra» to campua *>**•£>* nom- Oaer Ctoft $496 Vft laundry p*k 44 1771 ^ Jwmhgs -Co GREAT LOCATION. GREAT VIEW BMksfcMhr wtJNrto ? Ap* Jrxl Atxw 0* h0rr># «r4* pr-vaf* #r> franc# No *mofc*ng. p#N or tout) *to **C $om# p#to t/Ol Watowt CAM tor iOpo*ntrr*fiBr\t $440 «ymm#r $M>OU0 345 6000 SfNKiowA. light on# brKtroom dAtoony Parking Laundry • d*pos4 96/ PARWfOn Roal } r» Nr.:"*1frawrs* ? 4 ’ ?*Q4 V#ry n*c# 2 Bckrr> hot## New CMrptl AttNr A dry#' Or#d bti* tofrom UO No p#*% Gu«*t itiXtortN £>;#»»# SEg&rmonth M l W 'rtf- Ml 53*6 or .144 j I M1 ^■■l-'^j" - -"»'■ 1 ■■Jl 111 Uzf^tdwood ^ £7^axJt Country Stylo l ivmg with CITY CONVENIENCE | Grow Your Own Vegetable Garden • Completely Weatherued and Energy Elftcient • Close to Shopping and Medical Facilities • ( riling I ant • 1 sundry Facilities a Prompt and Efficient Maintenance • Newly l andscaped and Beautifully Kept Grounds | • Wooded Park and Playground a On Site Management learn a Completely Equipped Weight Room and Spa a Ret Room a On Busline 1 BEDROOMS Starting I IKS 2 BEDROOMS Starting t4SS Management Available 7 Days A Week OUice 4/0314 /ft* 4S4 5775 Studio Apartmonta: 9/1 Hilyard *275 1844 Kincaid v *320 1 Bodrooma: 361/361 /, E 14th *295 634 /, E 14th ‘375 914 E IHOt v^mt Irom *300 946 E 19ih *295 96/ Hilyard *275 976 Hityard *275 <161 Mill ‘310 1369 Pearl '330 13/0 High St *250 1372 Patterson "250 1666 Ferry ‘280 1644 Kincaid *300 1891 High *335 2 Bodrooma: 361 E 14th '400 534 E 14tn *500 1340 E 19th *595 1644 KKtcaxI .vwa ‘320 1943 Onyi '695 1946 Hams Si *320 3 or moro bodrooma: 2042 Ony« >. *570 1662 Kincard in *700 tOu 0/d dHNcom* to try !*♦ dlx^vat <* Abort* If you BTB .r»W>r*%tdd * r»a>» (*«**« taN our offcca Kir */i dCeOafttman' *» mOBt ur\d» <*• *W QCCUfMKf Soma summar »«ta* *M avaBotMr Wo Pels Allowed 3^5^22 345 W 10th Ave 686 1130 1 1X3 2 bedroom Apt* *r*tatx« laundry A Plrtng Oose to campus <84 H street pybAj C**a*n A Qu^e* $4?£$496 Will go Fuat! _345-4155 SOUTHGATE 23AS RMMrwMi Very vv-jr ' A 2 tm'* •«■"“•*. An appmeYce* toondry !an 'Vt*?* Poo* A MURA large pr-vafe pat Aw MNW ±*£*Mj* [**»■? ( * t&ftiMI $4.^ % lV‘j Meager* at M‘r 44 * ' DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY *MK3 t T /Wi Vw. 1*«W *a\m» ft AND WW ft- >>*» ' 4" 'Ytfek MMJ jOMt t-i&l - n! tt ' P titan t*e*iw» Vrp ‘ iVi FIRTREE APARTMENTS 1 (49 ‘4«Y ■ W i D«df£IOtt *B»(t J<4 111 P ' < NfftlKMl Cmcrvy •••! vie Mumt?. N JwvHngs • Co ^ 683 4219 _ MOUSE Very nice 2 flkJrm m new carpet Washer-dryer Direct buft bo/bom UO V..,mn <.»n rrtfiia «£./». a.t $6*Pv month M » W • Htf* 343 33(8 144 M9t Spyglass Associates You are »# > ‘f e to atop by om Oft*C« to* A tree -<91 0* OUt present and Mure vauanoee Apartments Uupteies and nousen w?th apecuM summer rates Then drive by any toCAbOn# that interest you and c tilt our oftce tur «n jppointmert to uv (he #u»*1r J4S W lOtn A««nu* »*A 11.10 SUMMER RATES FALL RESERVATIONS RESERVE NOW! On* p> m« largmi And txm CampuS S***Chon» Studios and I.2J) B*O00*n» CAl l FOH MOHt INIOHMAHON VON KLEIN RWORCRTV MQMT 1301 FERRY STREET «as-rm_ .I Summer RMevWatti to cemput ( «t'4 •£*£«*»*. eewty dec. 5* atm* • Srrvt* » bay •whYum part* | OP tfrwrf park eg S&?5»$66!5 • Dip $6/ PHHnon Si Re* t state Northwest 741 2604 Wai»''-.] r*M'" <* t• ■■ r.vvp- ,% EUGENE MANOH 1060 » err> 464 744* • Oh^mmQ t*gp - »'. - S.v.1* • A » COt'tr .|*d SturjN* n .*»» j** ’ A *' (hfcjf v'”3 j t*»h * OUVf ' Studkw Nid o«» from VMS * Covered pprtong Very r.v I 96 W ‘Mh 4H4 MvU I 1/3 SLOCK fUOM CAMPUS l .v jb * bedroom *p*» ;eve* pe* ' . house Apt av;v-ai-v Sept ttth ! V» •*,,mo i;«J Now M 1 4474 t Bt OCA TO CAMPUS ? Bit"” 11 |**fr -. v‘ .i »••• * S. * MS? I fj*h Apt 4 $4/C i‘ tldrm. very «*•<« rip* .tf* «* r- %** ' 4 ‘>6 1 7 T iWh $S60 $300 VJCwr.ty d$*•' ' tee Ai' .»bfct*#e pOKt r«i rpt e>e* '■ >■ >43-6000 Stewardship Propertm* i . FALL RESERVATIONS Alder St Quads FvrfteNK) c)u4)d&, uhMes i -a-s. J t4uhd»YfO©m fr •'• -w Al/'J»,*I *4 »■* =*$1.66 1360 Alder St 345-5949 CEDARWOOD QUADS 441 E 17th NOW ACCEPTING APPUCATtONS W/fch k> U of O A f-Vv ihs TOOfn* i 7 At-*—. ,«J4l l Aunty v UMt M f»« AI 5 • CAJLl TROV 663 6599 1750 Hit YARD SUMMER RATES I WiW* tv . tgrT'pUS *i 4* her $ 166 ♦ i tep M«*U t 4t4tC Northwest 74 t »?$Q4 I ^==== furnished Room, ft 45 Through Sept ?0 Quert. non small»** ?2nd A Chamtwi CM Ruth 344 732 Lm*« room tot FMI tn histork. house •luge •rich**' w*th h*# prrvihegof . sundry 'acNes >4 Mw* Vom campus Cor*6*de*«tfe houSasmales $27Vmo «n ctode* wW144 6077. 4b t 01<*.) THE FAR SIM By GARY LARSON » mm—m r.l. I I 13 1 f#§£) te'S7 Beftxe starting thew day. sqomets most lust pump themselves up —.. .—....— 1 . i Calvin and Hobbes by Bin watterson ftHT JKKlHt \ UP tW- CODED MESV6EJ' L DotWt SUE £££ ir " '- . ^ *UM*» MtM* WHUta" Ooevu ■ wv KHOW £ Ha TTi IHU Bt l PV bvam tUjt , SEC RET It HER ] WHEN IT>> eropre V I R\C,WT \N FRONT / OF HER y / HMBt. SUt \tWMS lH*< Oo" v Rental* to *Ha«# * •• ' • m* " n«iw A .'•gr4*»Nvd l npi.v -«• W.lA t W,-4.‘t<4 I GaKJroom avatlaMa nouftn ' t*v> ip UO itV mo. A.'OO U4 4943 ffimg I f*~ RC«U» «#C«C I I Unit Storage Moving Sate’ Tues Aug iO '-,im i Xk*r\ 4pm at ffc *••• •*•• M *..jn *4.fS M* a»f H»vd f • DwA T Qyyta v ' PROBiCMS? .» tn« i* ’ r frf*r* ;v'-vr.ius » Ov»r»s«wOg ;*H.l 'fjMw'.V* ‘Eve Mo" I >• *4 N ■. ■ * earns ends I4t> 4488 I Tree Pregnancy Testing t ugene Pregnancy Support Canter A4* = i.rti •*• • «••» •• ' 4 U*:-C4 4 Planned Parenthood ' - ♦’.»* • i . iMrAon checks tsd* ontrol p**g>'an y tea’*. « ' unbiased counseling 144 Ml t Private help < •, i «-** t*«g M ir ,* • &a? 86M BY GARRY TRUDEAU OWMAN HKtlNHM”'* ' if l HAY’ m C/tAiK «mw> V bit lapy wt r/ir. (\»wtntt V(.uv IN THAI CONi if-'ti l / tO tiAY (.IN /— Iff MAI / N "« / Uf UftiV? nu enow *}r,ur, SSf IPCUW r —. \ ..— *?■—, .. -- — ACROSS 1 OouotHftnd 5 Chtc m Ihe BO* 9 (ierman r*y to karat* 12 Haykm* home 13 ‘ been hedr 14 Ha*«% k* an ! mventon 1 5 CkCHMM at (Catenet po*l) 17 Heveahng t a* term 19 Undent atey I9loooo ong lime 20 OogiNikh fell* 21 l u*t*CHi* teach 22 Thurman ol mcwer* 21 Matt ot Me 26 Adu* 30 Suit fte**tee leather 31 Charged r»4 32 C.»A«h iMpiewr 33 H *«* ear* 35 (.*«f* ol T V 36 Bo * rating 37 Satanic 34 An* of 5 North 1)4 Manlynt hoi* C4y hu*h4fwii 4 ft t*to*« 45 i aim M>»< »)>*• 7 Haart* 44 Clinton \ Aiwa* lw*l p« to to/ artoot* 1?> Arfon* 4 Clinton'* 44 A t*ma*y tacxmd qua*t«>n p* to lew 49 InrtfwmM* ISAcrott W IUI>n#iy 9 ValH-tiU ratu*a VIT 51 'Jml «jy 10 Sntoolh »n diuQt* phonal** S? 11 53 Partnai m Ml* own* M.iuij* DOWN dwado* 1 fla* 1 to 14 i Sammy naad K.»ya *. 20 I’art of a moticT l aim I too 2 l oath* 21 Chnton » 3 GospaN lh*#d (m to Solution I ton* 27 mint Thursday* Anmwar 4 10 It* IS A< nr,* 22 (»fm tan ¥•**.•! 23 ( Mil ¥¥».»» It* M.mVkwv4 24 lk>«*#d t* l> 25 26 long •ray 27 0.1 28 I •« »Of r*l * •¥• .If M *0 29 Vngtnta Cl*mm * hubby 31 HAH 34 rwg 35 I pa«nl 37 I itofl woffy ItCMTI 38 Hr.* a**1 *!»>»>* Ii«»v* 39 Canyon •non 40 WM«» Hart* 41 I namnuvf (nl) 42 Mot«m1 -**.a drub* 43 I 14m tf-| 44 N#'Wh,t 46 M.irtliou** dang 4 7 %«'»’<*• coni**