OCA takes new law to court SAI.F.M IAI’1 The Oregon Citizens Alliance went to court Monday in a hiil to overturn a new state | low herring hxuil govern I merits from passing anti gay rights ordinani es The Ot A asked the Marion County Ciri ml Court to dei lare the law unconstitutional on grounds that it deprives people of their rights to initiate laws In its lawsuit, the group also ask ml for sjxxxfy handling of the cose be< ause seven loc ai elm lions are scheduled for Sept 21 on CX A-spon sored measures f ile legislature passed the law in late |ulv. and Gov Barbara Roberts signed it last week It took effect immediately. OCA Chairman l.on Mahon said Monday the organization could attempt to put an initiative measure on the Imllot to rejxial the law. hut that would mean a public vole would lie more than a year away We li-el it is so patently unconstitutional that tins is the fastest and easiest way to go." he said The new state law prohibits i ities and i turn ties from emu ting or enfon mg ordimme es that give special rights to homosexuals or that sin gleout any person or group I wised on sexual ori entation Voters m Springfield. Cornelius. Junt.tion t.ity. Canity and Dougins, and Josephine. I.inn and Klamath counties have approved anti-gay righls ordinani os I wicked by the (X A Seven more louil elm tions an* scheduled next month, and thn*e in November A loader of a group working It) defeat the liK.nl measures said she Ixalieves initiative rights will not extend to anti homosexual proposals like those of the (XiA The rights of a single group lannot fa- put up for a popular vote." said Julie Davis, exm utive dirm lor of Support Our Communities PAC Davis said the (X!A long has argued it oppos es sjKs ml nglits. tint now that a law outlaws sjk i ml rights, the organization says it is against it. 'I think it exposes the (X1A for vs fiat they are, a group that wants to die tale against a minori ty because they do not agree with them." she said. State Klei turns Director Colleen Sealock. meanwhile, is advising heal ofTu nils to go ahead w ith elections on the OCA measures 1 Bachelor's Degrees ] 1 Master's Degrees \lMH-Degrees MjktjflBp w -— Directory of External Degree Programs 96 schools including "name” universities and low cost colleges. 326 leam anywhere degrees, Degree completion mw programs too! VISA • NIC ORDERS CALL 1-800-497-7523 I Ext. 2009 281i Wilton Ave Suite 329 Janesville Wl 53545 Eugene peace groups commemorate bombing By Gatin Gonzales 4 **&** A*>V f 'fWify Kugf'm? P«wm.*?'Work* and Ijini* County American Peac e Test honored the 48th commemora tion of the nut lear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Sun day al Alton Baker Park with an evening of ac tivities and remem brance. Hiroshima. Japan, was bonified 48 years ago on Aug f>. and Nagasaki. Japan, was liomlied three days later Eugene PeaceWorks and Lane County Aineric an Peace Test have observed the event eight years straight with speakers, music and other activities. Among the speakers were Steve Johnson, a teacher at the University, ns well as a promi nent figure in helping make Eugene and Lane County a nuclear-free zone, and City Council member Barbara Keller, an outspoken advocate' of nue lear non-proliferation, Along with the speakers and activities was also a paper crane folding and crane/candle float ac ross the pond at Alton Baker Park. Thom Alberti, coordinator of Eugene PeaceWorks said the c rane float has special signifi cance, "After the bombing in Hiroshima, a little girl that was dying of radiation poisoning started folding paper cranes, with tier goal iiemg a thousand, which was supposed to bring good luck," Alberti said. "Unfortunately, before she reac hed her goal, she died After people heard about her death, thousands of people sent paper cranes to her memorial, and many still firing paper cranes lo her grave each year." With tins in mind. Peace Works and fellow observers sent out t.OOO paper c nines with can dles attac hed ac ross the pond at Alton Baker Park Eugene PeaceWorks and Lane County American Peace Test were founded in the late 1970s. initially culled Citizens Action for lasting Security That group later evolved into PeaceWorks in 1985. PeaceWorks. as well as Lane County American Peace lest, share the goal of ending nuclear testing to end nuclear proliferation. Another great concern to PeaceWorks and l.ane County American Peace Test is putting an end to nuclear incineration programs Alberti said there are nine places in the United States (the closest being Umatilla. Ore.) that store chemical weapons. The U S. government's plan to dispose of the chemicals is to incinerate them. This, Alberti said, could lx; very hazardous. "There are alternative meth ods of destroying the chemi cals." Altierti said. "Bio-remedi ation for one. which will neutralize the chemicals, which is a much safer process." Altierti said it is imperative to remember the tragedy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. "It's important to keep the memory of Hiroshima and Nagasaki alive so that we don't repeat our mistakes We need to learn from the past," Alberti said. PeaceWorks and Lane Coun ty American Peace Test are planning future events, such as the "Never Again Campaign," which is sending survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki across America to share experiences and keep the memory alive. PeaceWorks is now working on finding places to house the survivors For more information on the "Never Again Cam paign," or for more information on becoming a PeaceWorks vol unteer. call Ellen Klowden at 343-8548 Payment • All .aiv mw\l N unless billing has hcvn established Call '-U> 4 '4* f»»r hi lime .mange niriiiv • VISA M( 4iv .Kccpuxi • A purvtuiw Kkr mu\i .KV‘*mp*tn> all IMtvcrviy departmental ad* apxrtmkvi hi mini;? 1 H uur (tauMi hr tear P#*>'_ ManutcnpC* T»*rt*cr«pt«orv* A BOOMMMpvftg Serve#* avarifttiO Call M2-486ft DON’T WASTE YOUR TIME THIS SUMMER S«n##f ••aeon -* too Ip spend now# typing paper* We ***>’ «M hour turnaround on *r project*. and wnr da* amc*# on ms** Mir* mu* your efree* meitmUe your grade* CaM u* today! t ding * Wrttng A* tithvtoe • Typing Ki «*4mg tfyvn and tubject* eeHSCVne Pro/Edtt 343-2747 "GuA'anteed (ft c* *■ ■ ee ^reject* ====i A» UA OTVi ROe*N - GRAD SC MOCK. APPROVED . 0 y*nv tr«*. •, vfc»» t.* * ground Term papArft/f ufi »trikumA . . : ; . ; - . 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