‘Men in Tights’ just plain stinks One < nnnol help but think of l.o* Alamos while watt hing the new Mel Brooks film Robin Hood Men in Tights Not since the Manhattan Projet t have so many talented people t ome together to create such a bomb Men in Tights is nothing more than a museum of jokes that make Saturday morning cartoons look like a bastion of original t omit material. Perhaps he just took all of the jokes that didn't work in his past films and figured that if he threw more mon ey at them they would work this time The story is much the same as the rei ent Rohm Hood Prince of Thieves, with a few changes 111 order to match the more traditional storv of the green-lighted a\ enger. {;,irv l.lwes pins s the lead role as Rohm I loot! an English gentile man who. though sometimes clum sily , tries to restore the usurped i rown of Britain and must battle the evilly neurotii Prince John (Richard l.ess is| and a had script to do so The casting of Llvves seems to he some kind of cruel joke that is supposed to mislead the nudieni e into believing that this film is on par with the exi client Princess Pride in which In- played the main i haracter Elsves. like most ol the i ast. tries his best to deal with an inept si ript, hut none of the actors are able to breathe life into this sterile clas Lewis turns in the worst performance of the hunch, mainly !>e< ause of the fai t that the t hurai - ter is a bad pnrodv ol his act He has proven that he i an play .1 grc.it neurotii on the nightclub stage as well as on the small screen, hut he fumbles around vv 1111 most of his liiu-s m w h.it seems to be a failed attempt to make them funny. As an example of how poor and outdated the writing is. one only has to answer one question When was the last time you heard the word Honks used on the silver si reenv When was tin last time it was funny? Unless sou are a collet tor of old racial slurs, this movie is not worth your time Although Brooks lias Im-cii able to take old jokes and make them funny in the past, the jokes 111 this film come so slowly that you c an see them coming from 10 miles away. and hv !ht* time they are exe i uteri you may have forgotten the set-up (or per haps y our mind has hits keel it out through sells live memory) Timing seems to lw> the main problem with A fen m lights, with jokes taking forever to finish them selves There also is a long waiting period lietween jokes, so Brooks fills up the time with songs that go on for too long or i aineos that seem to have no plat e Dorn Del.uise makes an appearance that takes forever to finish and just slows down an already over-extended him Chances are that Del.uise met tip with Brooks at .1 party for people who used to he funny (perhaps at Boh Hope's house) and reminded lus old pal Mel that no i rummy movie is complete without 1 rotten impression of Marlin Brando as the Godfather If an impression of the t .mllatlier seems out ol plat i'. then perhaps it is indu atlve o! another flaw III the movie file siii 1 ess ol the I’nnrrss flmlr was often bei ause of Hob Reiner's ability to play with the time peri oil In Mm in lights the atidi eni e is loo often assaulted witll jokes that have less to do with Rohm Hood's I ngland than Brooks Holly wood The only entertaining parts of Mm in Tights are ones that poke fun of the awful, hut tin rative, I’ritu r of I himrs Vet even these jokes are not worth the prii e of 1 tii ket bei ause you probably made them yourself as you were walking out the theater two summers ago One of the worst parts of the movie, however was not even on the si reen Many parents seem to think that this is .1 1 hildren's film and so they pm k up their little tykes and bring them along W ho in their right mind thinks of a Mel Brooks film as a good place to bring kids' I veil when Brooks is at his In-si he is generally perverse, rude bigoted and. all in .ill. down-right mean lust because a film is overtly silly dues not mean that it s for kids f inally, d you don't want lu waste six hut ks on yourself or your kids, I suggest that you put the rug-rats to tied and rent filming Stnhllrs or Young f riinkmstrin and save yourself two flours of grief Pettis’ newest release piercing Many people find certain songs tom hing enough to pro dm e tears I, on the other hand, have the emotional drive equal to that of a rock Well, this rex k happened to lx- tom hed and. vi's, a lew tears fell — when I ixigan to listen to Pierce Pettis's new release Cl lose tht' tluffalo. The term "modern story teller" Ixist describes Pettis's tal ent for song writing. His song writing, combined with his tal ent for guitar playing and singing, allows this album to c onvey more than beautiful music The song "You're Not There" is a song that anyone can relate to — it desi ribes the emotions one feels when a relationship ends I Will He There" is a wonderful piece that illustrates the strong, never-ending bond of a true friendship Pierce Pettis was exposed to many different types of musit growing up — blue grass, gospel, rhythm and blues, roi k n' roll, and country Pettis also studied music at Florida State Univesity for a while before lie began writing musii at the famous Muscle Shoals Sound Studios Joan Hae/ and the late Alex Tay lor were among those who covered his songs (.7ifi.sc the Huffnlo features many talented artists Some of the artists included on this album are. drummer Jim keit ner. David Hidalgo from Los Folios, John Jorgenson of the Desert Rose Hand, and key boardist Hooker I (ones Pierce Pettis's two former releases W'htlr thr Sriprnt l.irs .S'/er/jing and Tmsrltou n were big tuts among fus fans Chasr thr Buffalo is the album lhatwill make him well known to all lis teners I found tfiis album intriguing and was touched by many of the songs Pettis possesses a power that clearly comes out in his ability to write songs Listening carefully to him. I can find deep meaning to Ins songs Stick man" is a story about an indi vidual with AIDS Ihroughout dlls song, we see life through this individual, which shows the fear and horror this disease bolds When this album finished, this rock was a sponge The Great SUMMER! 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