Local artist needs new material A O', to be somebody's muse To Ite immortalized in artwork that is named especially for you. To be the Dante’s Beatrice. Shake speare's Dark l.ady ... or George's Amy. You know George. The oafish man with the sunburned face, the overalls, the sculptures on the front lawn of his Alder Street home. The man who peered like a lonely puppy from iieneath the front-page headline on The Register-Guard — the headline that read. "Art or Intimidation?” The man who's been stalking Amy Klnuke for three years in the name of art. In case you didn't catch the article, or if you don't get down to Alder Street much to chat with this classic Eugene screw ball. here's the basic story George Von der Linden and Amy Klnuke were neighbors. Ho became obsessed with her. "sending her letters, following her on the street, watching her house — and ultimately using his art as a weapon to persecute her," wrote Boh Keefer of The Register Guard. But. wrote Keefer, "the artist sees it differently. Klauke. he says, is simply his muse " Muse, schmooze. Von der Linden sees nothing wrong with showing the "Amv Series," an eerie-looking bunch of figures made of brightly paint ed wood, with bits of hangers and tools and faucets and swords and tennis rackets and who-the-holl-else knows what These figures grin wooden grins and stare with huge disc-like eyes. Some ol them bear the name "Ann' or have .1 red "A' on their chests. I he whole offer 1 is that of a bunt h of rejects that didn't quite make it into the nut t rat ker suite that have finally found a permanent plat e to roost where thev can spook everyone out And people wonder whv Ann is not impressed' It's a pretty nice racket that George has going for himself. He spends all day working out his frustrated obsession hv i resting a small army of junk women, torments "his muse" so mm h that she moves to a new neigh borhood, puts his "art" in local art shows, and then laps up all of the media attention focused on him when Amy ai < uses him of harassment Hut he would insist that he's just another thwarted artist, and that the "Ann Series" is his first Amendment right He is supported by the University's own Maude Kerns Art Gallery which refused to remove the sculptures after Amy com plained that they were offensive to her. because they were nei ther violent nor pornographic. and anyways, the gallery already had a contract with Von der Lin den. He is also supported by a University law school professor who says that Von der Linden has broken no laws and "that's the way it should lie Think of the Divine Comedy. Where would the Divine Comedy !m> if Dante couldn't write alnnit Heat rice?" I cry foul. George Von der Lin den is using artwork as a legiti mate excuse to stalk her True, the art alone breaks no laws He is entitled to free expression Hut that's not what he's after George is just an embittered man who can't get w hat he wants, so he'll throw a public tantrum in the name of an art show — and receive a few bucks and a lot of attention while he's at it. As for the grand allusion to Dante and the Divine Comedy. give me a break. Although art is subjective and I am no art crit ic. I'd have to sav that (ieorge is no Dante, and the "Amy Series,” is a far cry from the Divine Com edy And there was no anti-stalk ing bill or sexual harassment laws in those days And I'd hardly cal! the repeated phone tails, letters and inslam es where he follower! her "artiste expression " It's been three years sue v this ordeal started It's resulted in Amy Klauke moving from the area, a search He could quit cashing in on someone elec’s discomfort and create art for art’s sake. warrant for Von tier Linden's home (bused on Klauko's com plaints us well us unrelated t am plaints from another woman), and, rei entlv. a media spotlight on the two Lven if Von dor Linden is "innocent” and only wants to express his un-returnod love (and not harass this woman), if she is offended by his sculp lures, he should stop He's rei eised so mm h attention that I'm sure anything new he i rent ed would get lapped up bv hx ul art enthusiasts eager to keep a Kugene icon alive He < ould quit cashing in on someone wise's disi omfort and i reale art for art s sake Amy Klauke wrote to the let ters to the editor se< lion of / hr Register (iunrd. "As a poet myself. I cherish urtisto free dom of expression I do not xvish this man to stop making or showing Ins artworks Based on fiis admitted harassment of me. however. 1 do ask that out of rex [mx t for my few lings they tiear no direct reference to me the real story here is not aliout love, but rather about obsession. Many people, especially women, are stalked. Many, understandably, flee. I am choosing, instead, to seek com munity support, to address this issue in our town." Well. Amy. you've got sup port here. Any woman (or man) who has ever tieen the recipient of unwanted attention, ranging from some pest in the street ask mg them for their phone numlMir to being followed to a hum ti of t.u ky wooden soldiers of love erected in their "honor." would have a quick answer to the ques tion, "Art or Intimidation7" tinquestionahly. intimidation t.in Snlmrrin is n columnist for the Kmerald On Campus Desktop Publishing and Darkroom v Services (ah 34M38I or come by Rm. 300 EMC Open 8*0 to 5:00 Monday-Frtday EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS 1 IKK! 1 I -800-KAP-TEST C 'lass begins Aug. 1 *> bREE Diagnostic! 140 West 8th Eugene KAPLANRUl.ES This week s Luncheon Specials Satav Chicken Malaysian style chicken cooked rUIMA D| I IB with sautfc sauce, Ml»W,Pfc|gC vegetables and rice RESTAUANT1 $4.50 Try our Mandarin Chicken for (toner1. 179 I. 15th • upttjtn Herat to UO •ootifor* • 545 215} • Take out kvakaNf J Cooking With A Social Conscience Nurturing your health while supporting the earth. •Jan's Salsa •Marinara Sauce •3 Bean, Black Bean & Chili Dip All made with organically grown tomatoes & beans 1*. sales for Ecology & Hunger Projects AVAILABLE IN THE EMU (wUNDERLAND G •SCVIOEO ^Pgames 5th STREET PUBLIC MARKET 683-8464 ( - VIDEO ADVENTURE ^ • VALLCV RfVffl PI A2A «« lb« »*, M* IWJ ii'ii ii'iinjuLiuri I SELF SERVICEl COPIES ALL DAY EVERY DAY Tlte Copy Shop Open Mon-Fri 8-7 Sat 10-4 Be#****) PiastersonS Furr* Rghtan I3fr 485-6253 Opticolor Film 135/24*100ASA 199 One Day 4* Reprints 1-Hr Photo 2nd Set 4' Prints I 99* J Weds Overnight 2nd Set 3* Prints 99C I Than Opticolor Film 135/24*100ASA 1” UNIVERSITY OF OREGON A PARTNER 1 N Y O U R