Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, August 05, 1993, Page 8, Image 8

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700 Miles debut album young, raw, new
Seven hundred miles is the approximate
distant tl between Detroit and New \nrk City,
hut 700 Miles is also the name of the hard
hitting new Iwnd w ho take their name from
that distance Consequently, their dehut
album is also ralltsd 700 Shirv
Consisting of |ohn Carlin on lead vocals
and guitar. Tom Clopp on bass, and Justin
Culp on Drums, the (wild was born out of late
night jams _
During these
jams tln> band
loomed (0 tut
tessfully blend st reaming guitars with
provocative lyrics This combination yields
songs that are loud and aggressive, sut h as
"Kat hel'and '41 j>t Me Out " However, on this
album. 7(Ki Miles proves that they are also
capable of produt ing tender ballads sut h as
' l.ullabv " Not all of the songs on the album
fall into these extreme t ategones -- some.
such as "Cherish
This." are more mod
erately hard edged
Bassist Tom Clapp
and lend vocalist John
Carlin met in college.
Before Clapp met Car
lin ho studied bass in
New York, where he
began to play with local funk and iazz ensem
bles Mis iaz/ influent e shows through on
many of the tra< ks. most notably "Lullaby."
The son conjures up images of n dark smoke
filled jazz cafe
Prior to forming 700 Miles. Clapp and Car
lin played in a band called NHT
"We were so is lei In as NH I that depend
ing on yvhnt song you yvalkeil in on. you'd get
a totally different impression of what we yvure
n!>out." Carlin said.
The sound that has i ome to embody 700
Miles was realized with the arrival of drum
mer Justin Guip Guip was weaned on every
thing from Motown to funk and had played
with bands up and down the Last Coast
Through Guip. Carlin and Clapp met pro
ducer I,ouis Scahse. who suggested lliat the
hand ns ord its first album at a new studio in
Detroit that was equipped with vintage ris k
recording equipment
"We find all this raw. industrial space, and
we used vintage gear to come up with that
fat. warm sound of all those great hard rock
albums we had grown up listening to,” Car
lin said of their first recording session. "It
was just the opposite of what you'd find in
New York — no hot water, no heat, rust,
mold, garbage lying around ... when we start
jamming we would see the windows shake."
700 Miles succeeds in creating the sound
that they grew up listening to. yet the album
also sounds voting, raw and new
Auk. s
The WOU Hall will feature
Hie sounds of ( Hwald VO, ldgm
and Compost Show starts a!
8 10 p m . open to all ages I or
more information, i all »iH7
Aug. f»
Hitting Birth. Jolly Man and
Two Minutes Hate w ill play the
WOW Hall Showtime is <) to
p m I n kets are $t> in ndvant e
and S7 at the door.
"Intpiiries and Inttmai ies,
an eshilntmn by Karl Herher
and Wesley Thornton, will
liegin at Wm White (.alien and
w ill run through Aug 14
I he Mt Hood Festival of
la//, vvhii h w ill feature KoU'rt
Cray, the Dirty Dozen Brass
Band and Margo Tulo. yyiil
begin today and run tfirough
Aug. 7
The Saturday Market yvill
"CeleJirate Talented Women"
from 10 a m to I p in
Joanne Kami and Paul Prime
yvill give a performam e at I he
Maude Kerns Art ( enter The
show starts at H |> m Tickets .in*
$8, and an* available .it Fix** the
Music, Happy Trails. I.MT
Mam Desk and House of
Ke< orris
A n t i • a p a r I h e i d
a< tivists/musii urns Johnnv
( legg and Savuka will play the
Mill Camp Annex The show
starts at H p in and tickets an*
Aug. H
Fifth Street Public Market
will begin its dnssii Hurley
Davidson Show This feast lor
motorcycle losers will also
include live music from 12 to
2 put.
Aug. 12
Cost Tribe and sptx ial guest
Paul Prim e will play the WOW
Hall tonight Showtime is H to
p m Ti< kets an* $7 in advam e
$H at the door
Aug. 13
The Daddies will play Good
Times Cafe Only 21 and over
For mmv information, call 342
/canoe rentals/
an hour
/I weather permitting
• Monday - Friday, 12:40 p.m. - dusk
• Sat. kt Sun., 10:40 a.m. - dusk
, on the mill race /
I 1395 Franklin Blvd. /
726-6969 1166 S. A Street
open 24 hours Springfield f
CltttJ Sm. 4mm It 10mm S,M w/> mmd w I
Mtm. 12m It 8mm /tr mm um ytanf
Bjork’s new album
good for cleaning
I have never considered myself
to t»e a fan of the h eland-based
hand the Nugari ubes. so when
handed the debut solo album
from lead singer Bjork — quite
fittingly named Dt’biit — I was
not throwing cartw heels
Not ex pm ting much. I plopped
the (list in arid waited Halfway
through the first track. I found
Bjork's new sound surprisingly
innovative I attributed this inter
est to the fat t that it was long past
the witi long hour on o week
night, with alertness levels
dm reusing w ith each minute
The true test would occur the
next day the house-cleaning test
This consists of scrubbing mv
apartment from the kitchen to.
yes. the bathroom
Work-inspiring inusu is a
must Standing in the kill hen
m ouring avidly to each song is
not the sign of an average album
I even caught myself humming
along to the tracks Human
Behavior" and "Big Time Sen
suality. "
The slower-pat:ed "Venus as a
Boy” and “Like Someone in
Love,” really emphasize the
hauntinglv melodic qualities of
Bjork s voice, which 1 would not
have believed existed until this
B|ork herself said "it's the first
album that's exactly the way I
wanted it to Ik*, that has my songs
on it with the music 1 hear in my
If you are a long standing fun
of Bjork's career with the Sugar
cubes. you will truly enjoy her
newest release Kven if you are
not, you should definitely clean
your abode with the help of her
von e You will l>e surprised how
it distracts from the work you
should have started last week
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