I Equality memo creates backlash at WSU PUU.MAN. Wash (AP) — Barbara Har bin h suit believes the professional < lunate for women nt Washington State University is trot ter than at most universities But the music professor had to wonder after stie and five other women (at ultv mem bers circulated a memo urging change in attitudes toward women and t urriculum Instead of the productive disc ussion she had hoped for. I lartmch said the menu pro voked a fwu klash Hnrbach said the memo's i irculation led to 75 instances of what sfie cnllc*d sexual harassment. She reported receiving several anonymous notes and harassing telephone calls Still, she and other women give the uni versity passing marks for promoting gender equity But they say there is still a long way to go "I think that proixihiy no university is ich ill for women." cell biologist Margaret Si helling said. "Women are under-repre sented in any group you look at WSU, how ever. isn't at the Ixittom of the tsirrel After I lari Mich reported the response to the memo. Music and Theater Arts Director Erich I .ear issued his own memorandum "I've never found out who did it," Ijaar said of the response to Harbnch's memo "It 's one of the worst things that has ever hnpjiened in tfiat setting and there's no recourse except to declare the awfulness of what lias been done " Sim e llarlxu h sent her memo in Oi toiler, she said some progress is noticeable. The Ini - nity plans a "gender i aucus" this fall to con tinue talks "WSU is very concerned about the prob lem." Hartwell said in a recent interview, "It is slow, hut at least it's not glacial." Washington State President Sam Smith is given credit for helping to increase the num bers of women in key administrative and fac ulty positions during his eight-year tenure Women make up 32 percent of the upper level administration at Washington State, up from 14 percent in Sallie (iiffen, vie e president for business affairs, is the highest ranking woman in Smith's administration. Others ini hide Sal ly Savage, assistant to the president and legal counsel, and Ernestine Madison, vice provost for human relations and resources "We go out and try to recruit women," Smith said ret enllv "We've been working to take advantage of the fai t that it is just moral ly logical to recruit everyone, regardless of gender, and it's good business sense ” While improvements are being made in administrative and faculty ranks, staff women continue to experience sexual discrimination, administrative assistant l.isa McMullen said. "When there's a situation where sexual harassment is going on with faculty women, it's also going to he happening to staff women." she said Women in lower-echelon jobs, such as secretaries and clerks, were not asked if they had experienced gender dis crimination w hen Hnrbach raised the issue among the faculty. "An individual staff woman would never have brought a charge." she said. "But when a faculty woman brought it up. it would have been an opportunity. It's a class issue," Some women say they have never encoun tered gender barriers, while others have hit ter experiences. "WSU is one of the few pianos that will con sider two people." said physicist Margaret M Mumane, whose hiring included her bus land and research partner. Henry C. Kapteyn. "It's easy to pay Up service (to gender equi ty). but it’s not done here." Reports say Packwood will run PORTLAND (AP) Cam paign reports filial with the l ed ernl Election Commission indi cate Sen Hob Pai kwood is laying the groundwork for a re election bid The senator’s political action committee. “Hob Pack wood in DPIH." contains $28,000. the reports show. Pack wood has $782,000 left over from lost year's campaign. The senator, under investiga tion by the Senate Klhit s Com mittee on allegations of sexual mist ondui t. tins not said flatly that he will run in Pat kwood said in May that he probably won't make that deci sion until mid- 1007 The report show s he has spent $147,000 in the first six months of the veer, paying the « osts of staff, mailing and lulls at motels and restaurants f’ai kwood is far ahead of Sen Mark Hatfield, K-Ore . who is up for re-election in three years Hatfield has spent $27,000 in the past six months and had pist $2,000 left in campaign funds at the end of the six-month report ing period |une 30. Pack wood spent $40,000 fur accounting, $4,000 for computer services. $3,000 fur mail ser vices and about $H,000 for pay ment to a bank for unitemized expenses The two biggest donations. $5,000 apiei e. ( ante from polit ical action committees repre senting the National Cable Tele vision Assik intion and Imported Automobile Dealers It's unclear whether he'll use them to promote Ins separate legal trust fund His committee reported $3,700 in travel, meal und lodg ing expenses The bills included a $1,061 bill at the Regency Hotel in New York March it and a $473 tab in a Portland restau rant. Cal's at John's Landing. Fob 12. M1SO l.i.ANWW JS I iwrrmr (taller* - on Highway 18 between Mt Mimn die and Sheridan •— will have an exhibition of v< ulpturuy and fountain!, by metal »i ulptor )ohn KxhnnAwg 7 22 l ive gallery i* open from U) a m. to S 30 d m all work f or more information. (.all 84 I 3(»j I I aVernr krauw hali«r* will have an exhibit featuring work from tho Univer sily Department of f ine and Applied Arty Aug. 0-13 Regular gallery hour* are from 10 a m to 4 p m Monday through Friday For more information c all 34b 3610 f ugene Prat eWorka and I anr (.min ty Amrru an Pear e leal will honor the 48th i ummiMiiorahon of the mu. Irar bombing of Hiroahima and Nagasaki Sunday with a pot luck atartmg at 'S 30 p m in the No Z ahelter at Alton Maker Park For more information cell 34 3 8'. 48 f( ^ I Win Eugene Em’s Tickets I Drawings Weekly • Dose to campus • Clean • Handicap accessible machines • Serving the area for 17 yeas 200 E. 17th (Between Wgh * Pearl) ^ Sunglasses • Pipes SI.OO OFF Posters Payment • Alt i*iv mud be prepaid unit " billing ha> been established C4JI 4^4' lor bitting arrange men is • VISA \H arc accepted • A purchase . rdcr mud accompany ail Umvemiy depart mental ail' sJvfr*>3 344-4510 t.11 \1 111 VMWDI'KII I SSIVI s * M 4 Ml U II • 1 Mi c'iiti'JblU AafA.Mfct»^i 1358 Oak St.. Suite 1 CHIVE ME 3 Run your "FOR S/VEE” act (items under $500) for 5 days. If it doesn’t sell, call ns at 34 6H343 and we’ll run your at! another 5 days FREE! 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