Real world really isn’t that great By Andrew Ross Susa tine Steffens express*** an admirable desire to reach dreams and goals in life ("Does anato my still mean destiny in U S.?." ODE. July 2‘l). If she believes her goals will be furthered by achieving "equal opportunity" with men. howev er. she is leaping from the frying pan into the fire. Many women these days art* discovering to their outrage and despair that equality is gist what they've achieved. As Chuck Norris once said. "Welcome to the food chain, pal." Women seem to have this fantasy that, while they've l>een chained up in the kitchen w ith Junior, men have been off having endless fun in the real world. Once they make it into the real world them selves, they are shocked and unprepared for the ordeals of life as corporate chattel. In elementary school, while girls were being taught the principles of cooperation and nurturing, boys were being taught that theirs was not to rea son why. theirs was to shut up and gut in the line behind authority figures Insubordination was the most common offense. in higher education, we learned that professors and administrators may break commitments at will and that the key to high grades was to adopt the thoughts of the teacher In the ormv. we learned that our Ixxfies were dis pensable cannon fodder at the whims of people stu pider than ourselves. All of this was designed to prepare men for the real world, where all independent thought and action is not to lx* tolerated, and where civil lifx*r ties and dignity are left at home Intellect and mem bership in unions or civil lilx-rties groups are used as evidence of lack of patriotism. One boss of mine encouraged Ins two dogs to pee in the personnel office, with no apparent reason exi ept that he had the authority Another regular ly used humor that diminished people and dispar aged their minds, bodies, sexuality , achievement or potency, and xve wore expected to roat I posi tively, or else. This was not considered harassment; it was just another fact of life in the workplace As demonstrated through Stanley Milgrnm’s famous electro shock experiments, relatively fexx men have the resources needed to resist authority any more We've seen our pensions and benefits eliminated, our unions busted, our xvnges loxxered. our working conditions xvorsened, our jobs lost entirely, all without a peep. We are not allowed to have our own opinions on pollution, safety or other issues that might conflii t with the company 's profit margin Does Susanno Steffens to las ollie equal to tins' Most women, encountering real world oppres sion for the first time, art1 understandably enraged Unfortunately, many of them see the problem in terms of their gender They approai h harassment as a sexist issue, failing to realize that it happens to all of us The men consequently see the women as demanding spix tal treatment based on their gen der. and resent them fur it This leads to the hot tie of the sexes mentality, vvhii h benefits nobody Women emerging into the real world have a chance to deeply affect the quality of life They could join men in the equal opportunity to become chattels. They could continue struggling for unequal positions of privilege and hostility for themselves ()r they could work yvith men together to create a new "real yvorld" in which self-determination for all people is n reality, and opportunity for all is lim itless instead of merely equal. Andreiv Hiks is n graduate student in the / ric versity leen done in Canby, the violation of the oath of offit e and assault on citizen rights deejxms further The ret ails are addressing the demtx rot it prtx ess. not a partii • ular controversial issue It's time for our legislators to re-read tile constitution under which they must operate and quit playing politu *ii games wfide making the laws that you and I must live by Pat Smith Canby Prez again 1 am extremely pleased by action taken Tuesday by the Sen ate in passing (lie National and Community Service Trust Act I am also gratified that Republicans and Democrats were able to wurk together to turn this landmark legislation into reality National service will take on our nation’s most pressing unmet needs while empowering a new generation to serve as leaders of change National service is about enhamed educational opportu nity and rebuilding the Ameri can community Most impor tantly. national servii e is about getting things done, A number of senators played crucial roles in helping pass this bill In partic ular, I would like to thank Sen Kennedy for the lead ership and dedication lie lias shown throughout this pita ess Thanks to the efforts of the Sen ate Tuesday and the House last week, young people will soon lie serving their country in their communities here at home I’ve always said national ser vile is the American way to i hange America I commend the t’ ,S Congress for taking action that will prove that true Bill Clinton U S. 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