Oregon Daily Satisfied customer Saturday at the Children’s Flea Market, Ryan Hamand (right) made 75 cents selling the NBA card of the Miami Heat's Harold Miner to customer Ryan Strutm EMU announces TacoTime service j TacoTime apparently offers a more generous financial proposal than Taco Bell By Ed Carson l Vague 1^)4 I 'vii.isl l bnversitv students v\ ill be able to |mri base I'm o l ime s tai os ami burritos at the EMI' EishlKiyvl this fall 1 Ml1 I It rector I lusty Mi Her announced a ten tally e live year agree metit yvith Ear it Etrne Tuesday to provide Mexii an quick service fooil in the IMI '■ Miller r iteil Ear oTiltle’s desire to yvork yvilh tile IMI ! as a major reason why Tm.oTime yvas i hosen I'at oTinie put together a y ery thorough response and displayed an extreme w illingness to yyurk w ith us .ind our i onstituenls." Miller said Ear o Eillie yyas seler ted over r ompetitor Tar o Hell after tire two companies submitted bids lo the i Ml 1 lie two bids xxrrr reviexved by a panel of administrators and students Miller sairl panel members Here asked to quantify r ertain seler t ed criteria Miller said the panel unanimously seler ted 1 it oTune as lhr< first option A spokeswoman for the Eugene-based r orporaliou said Ear o Ernie is eager to open a restaurant on r ampus Eltis r onipanv is yery ext ited We consider Eugene our home said spokesxvontnn I’atru ia Sr ana We are looking forward to the opportunity to have a restaurant on the I adversity St art a sanl Ear o Time s founder anil several r urreiil corporate employees are University graduates Ear oTune apparently offered a more generous finum ini proposal Turn to FOOD, Page 4 Legislature approves sales tax plan; goes to voters j Oregonians have rejected proposals eight times SAL KM (AF) A r) percent sales lax package was approved by the Oregon Legislature i'uesdav. clearing the wav fora November vote on the plan Oregonians will be asked to amend the constitution to. in effect, enact a sales tax by limiting it to 5 (lervont If voters approve, the state will start collecting sales taxes beginning next May, with the money going to public schools A spokesman for Gov Barbara Rolierts said the governor supported the pm kage and would sign House Bill 2500- B. the bill implementing the sales tax The Legislature rejected Roberts own sales tax plan a year ago Senate Minority Leader Du k Springer. D Portland. likened final pas sago of tho controversial proposal to arriving al tho end of tho Oregon t rail It's taken just about as long and I hope it turns out to he the promised land." he said l uesd.iv s key vote ( ame in tile Sen ate. which needed two tries to pass the hill 111 14 I arlier. the House passed the measure 4 J-20. also on its se< ond Irv In each case, passage came alter several delavs and with no votes to spare ['lie Iso I lot measure that will go Iwlore voters Nov 'l. I!|K 10. passed with wider margins m hath chambers The plan would raise about $1 billion a year dedu ated to puhlh si bools file tas increase, the largest in state histo ry. would make up for money lost by si bools under the llullot Measure r> property tas limit passed by voters in l<)'in A key provision erases homeowner Tun ' TAX ! a Drivers adjusting to OPS booth j Some people drive around or keep on driving past booth The new University Office of Public Safety booth in front of Oregon Hall is working out as planned, although some people are still adjusting to it. says the Universitv s top parking official. t here are still a lot people who are finding it difficult to not drive to the door of where they want to go." said parking program coordinator Rand Stamm. A few people still do not stop at the booth and jus! keep on driving. Stamm said Some hove gone so far .is to swerve into the opposite lane to avoid stopping The projet t has lieen worth the expense. Stamm said, even though some people had complained that $42.00(1 was too much to spend on such a projet I The two goals of (.mating a central point of entrance and information and weeding out unwanted traffu are being achieved. OPS said. The money was also used to do some repaint ing and reorganizing as well OPS had some paint ing done to create an entrance area for visitors, while other painting was done to organize traffu .—-———— . ■ ~ mhhhhm Photo »»fl* ftytfmjta The OPS traffic booth sits outside of Oregon Hall on 13th Avenue WEATHER it's going to be cooler today. but it will still be hot After some patchy morning clouds, expect temperatures to reach 85 to 40 degrees Courtesy Proto HELMETS HAMILTON Page Hamilton (far right I. a former Eugene resident, brings his band Helmet to the ExFest Sundav at the Salem Armors Tn Ms are still available to see the sesen-band show, whit h also im ludes Social Distortion and X UNIVERSITY Opal Kouth Clark. wife of former University President Robert Clark, diet) Monday in Eugene She was M In l%4 Opal Clark with help from a federal agem v ■ rga nized the i ampus day t are i enter for children of students She volunteered there for many years Clark was known for her ability to play hostess and organ u er for dozens of University social events She w as often the sole coordinator for the stream of of various University and community groups entertained at the president s house In May at the Friends of the Museum s annual meeting Clark was presented a Volunteer of the Year award by the Museum of Natural History