Greet Coliege Job? Schedule you# Own Nx*f» and earn good money with e*pan<»ng company 34g-39g3 arr position row m we Supervising Practician Students The Secondary Emphasis Hand capped learner Endorsement Program (SpecfcW Education) net t GTE portion ( 40 ETC) avai‘at*© to# me "93-94 so* dame yea/ Respon suites ^.kxie. Su pervising master « M»v«t students wN> ms completing me secondary ©mpha &•* HIE program, arranging tor prarii cum s 4« placements. assisting nta»nmg r«. o#d» Teaching experience >s regaled preferably m special education For more information, contact Gndy Herr. Mb Educator, 346 ' 4f C KWVA IS HIRING a Production Manager to produce audio dip* for broadcas* Term of *m Payment begins 8/193 through Spring of 94 A $60 stipend is offered Ail up plications must be turned m by Tues 63 at 4 30pm interview *rlt be ached tiled for Wed 64 Broadcasting ©xp*n ©nee strongly desired, but not required Pc* 14) an application in ASUO often and put m KWVA » bo* We ar© located on tf>© M©//anm« >©vet of the EMU Looking for someone qualified lo teach Spanish to smut! group of young people. (7-tQyrs) Fait Sue at 687-6733 More Money? Earn while you learn to help me expand my ©nvwonmertai business & share the profits with m© 344-8633 ••• POSTAL JOBS Start $11/41/hr ♦ benefits For application A information Ca.,( t ?16 233 90/8 (7am tQpm) 7 days Resident Manager I Needed tor sms .ypartmenf complex near U 0< O Send resume to PO 1 11468, Eugene. Q» 9/440_| Teacher or MBA graduate student to teach GMAT . weekends tor • a? cnal company have high (iMAf sco'©s P-«■'♦«* teach mg experience 34«hM?0 I .—I Studio Apartments: 971 Hilyaid “275 1 Badrooms: 310 E I4ih 496 361/361 E 14m '296 534/634 E 1416 ':380/*375 /66E 19IM V,• .. ’310' 914 E 18th •, »•«! from *300 945 E 19m *295 957 MdyttrO - -y *275 9?5M4vam *275 1161 Mill *310 1370 H*yh Si *250 13/2 PattBfWi -250 1668 Fwry *280 i844Kmc<»di *300 1881 M«yi 335 2 Badrooms: STS* 3S 1844 Kmcar-i * -«• '320 ’91? Kmemo l.‘\j 1 9*1 1 QrVy s v .* ?94|jMamsS? 320 3 Of more bedrooms: ?04? Ofty • Afo Pefs Allowed gPYCI.ASS L-JPBI'llBMWm 346 W 10th Ave 686 1130 *Pui two Serf jooffl uo»n area Cmkqam’ 'to*miV*r (MtonQ and .'.JOM to U 0* 0 *nd dDwrtcm* (.arm by s* cap *w tfwenng 60 < • ‘ t3» sumit &$*■’*> 'ah HAYWARD HOUSE APTS 1?901 1«h btoitcMMe RAHS oo Tfttte i bdrm 1 , 6i*ir» TOWObOMM *ty1f (MftftoOtong Hjywrl Conned P*to«Q tufcon** j»aA*b* R»m umls a'»a*UWe HOW Urge {*MtiT0y twetewJ (Mrtong »uo aiy t»c*ton . tot* to U 0* 0 '^jrMtw Ra*» omrSX>'> call 44*. 160 ^ Jennings ■ Co --^ ezf^ccLujooa £PauC Country Style l iving with CITY CONVf Nli.Nl f ; Grow Your Own Vegetable Garden • Completely Weal her t/ed | and Energy Efficient ! • Close tu Shopping and 1 Medical Facilities • Oiling I ans • l aundry Facilities j • Prompt and Efficient jj Maintenance | • Newly LandscJfied and Heautifully Krpt Grounds f • Wooded Park and ij 1 Playground • On Site Management j Team • Completely E quipped Weight Room and Spa • Net Room • On Busline j I BEDROOMS Starting $ 1*5 j a BEDROOMS Starling $455 Management Available ! Civs A Week ! Ottif* 4/03 70 /fr* 4$4 5775 -r:..- r:~^d Pre-Laase for Fatt-3 b* coveted pacing 444 6C/7 or 401 <0490. 5p®c»oo*, ®po!te*». 2 8 Si/■>€*« 345 S/15 V®ry cot® on® t>«J»oom UNI F«>» Ou«m®u®/» N-'1 52* ?VAu(|utt S-W*®* t nano jy®‘«n*f»a 3436000 1 1 Campus Apartments Furtvahed f A 2 Bedroom* Summer '*m 1300*400 405 2^^ CLOSE TO CAMPUS 2, 3 ; at.** to# Sum mer > 34 * 7093 GREAT LOCATION. OREAT VIEW NeAMy remodeled 2 bdrm Apt 2«*« 1 aundry A POTton^ Dow to campu* 404 /»,v 2 8drrrv2 bath Dose to campus * bulk#-*# OdbsrAsNar yar&pw- • Nr* smoker. to pels $600 ► u*****ea Cat* *4* 5966 to# appptntmenl 2 Bdrm town house near campus' You# charve to >jve m an escepbonai tmjta. <>u*et comptes A*v *t ?u»to cteen Carport laundry, private patto dshwashe# No pets’ '43 * Htqh Available now $439 Augoi $490 f afl 'Hui-vm 344.7434 344-0697 2 Bedroom Apt Very nice. qarbeQ* deposal and (kshwaaher Qu>«< f 200 Terry lM$wo 343-3310_ 2 SL 3 Bedrooms 2 blocks to campus Oh street per*-no Dean A quiet 2 Bedroom* f42V$490 3 bedroom* $/7$ Will go Fast.’ 345 4/33 Spyglass Associates You we welcome to stop by our Office tor a free i«tt t»f Our pr«*4m! and future vacancies Apetmevtt dupieses and houses w*th uw »**# Summer »«te* Then drive by any locations that inter #*l you and cafe om oftoe tor an apporttm-yrt to nr# 'h* nvrtv 340 W 1 cm Avenue 606- 113C SUMMER RATES FALL RESERVATIONS RESERVE NOW* Or»e of toe iwyest and best Campus Select on* Stutko* arxi t 2 A 3 Bedroom* CAl l F( X\ MC#U INI (jf IMA 1K )N VON KLEIN PROPERTY MCMT 1301 FERRY STREET ees-me__ Summer Rate*-Walk to campus t »!/«$ ftpaoou*. newly decor Wed J.Hdrm* »*'«{**.* bay wodow* pPdv Off «*ort parking $62V$0fi6 * Dep. 967 Possrson Si Real Estate Northwest_741-2504 I I FALL RESERVATIONS Alder St. Quads f'vM'HhdK) <1UACJ» p**d laundry room Pfvn® campus tocitfsoe Lirmlfd writs s*l App** otter Ao gu V 1(MK 'M'S' S6 1360 Alder St 345*5949 CEDARWOOD QUADS 441 E I7lh NOW ACCEPTING APPllCATXJNS Wo* to U 0< O A Satowfty PwvaN *xym UMM» pad l 4ur**> s.jMMl W»WAI5*r0 _CAU THOV IWWIYARO SUMMER RATES Wa* to campus »*om thews ****♦> Mftad qm»t» Is* i** ate f off arv:« f acWtent l ocation SNN« bath. V debar* $»86 • dap K«af l stale Nprthwev /4j I == n«rUU to share «* • >< 'oomi naca house A n«nyhtx*hOOd laundry, on bwskoe Wad* to U of Q 14 !>4*154 j»ir»wi= ■ MCOUnaMMIbMU U.UUU ' fmmmm > **><’ MtIMM afki'iiU its • £ 1 IUCH ADO ABOUTNOTHINC hWcm ■& ol Am 'Zl'nil Tseaat ^ W«WMt »MI M*OWTW AiN »A»V^ menace ii hociktV^ DAVK kkvin ki ineJ .. .....1 TAR PAR SIDC By GARY LARSON a.1.-*. *' I sxcs3»»ssa« I OK. Kid*, here we go And I behave Danny t ngM. Randy—H i Mi turn to eat the quean." -—.. . .. . - Calvin and Hobbes by bhi watterson GENTLEMEN. THE YDICTATOR FOR PURPOSE OF 100AVS \ LIFE CALVINS MEETING IS TO DEVISE j BOLD PROPOSAL ANOTHER BRILLIANT" / IS GREETED PL AM TO ANNOV / WITH WUZZAHS ] OUR E NV MV ' ^ f k’’* W MRltriWP ! D r . ^\ ) XL. WAVE VSUOUTS or A7>ENT MOOT TOLERATED POUNDING ON TABLES iul three cheers erupt PRESENCE TOR CLUB 'DEALS TOO LONG RTRBEPSUlP REDUCED 10 I SAT' TEARS WORE HUZ7AWS k ,J PANWMf>NtUM ENSUES." BOi UMMMCi GOOD MEEUNGS Ik CL08 ft AEWMS \U«K HEMH EtPER'ENCE INtt) (MOT'S *• I I ... I “ToMiyitt Naked iggression NetMjSon mickBid • Pi# I |f, ODE cUutfWd •dwrttalng K „hcforr ><*i thr cad of jour rop«' Ihe UO O vs Lme lew free. anonymou* Cfiis* counseling and ?••>**#* '.iom-Aaffi, Mew in ?4 hourf on ****4*1X1* 346 4-111$ raaamiaasm?emaiwii4m^a«i«| If yaw have semathfcsf lo f e ••II.., ;■ & Van ha*« ••malhferif la r advwtlaa. p ODE CLASSIFIEDS 9 346*4343 Sma-^i^^^uiiUb'uniuu'bB .--=^ Fuse Pregnancy Testing I ug*n« P?etjr ancy Support W^lw ft at* »■ ' •eA.tW*'*' ! g** M I&4 M' 1,401} PlannsKf Parenthood kw Pap s !*n?s trd unbiased counseling U4 -MM Unplanned Pregnancy*/ We * not/w m.'Tt cAxxy *6 ANY INSURANCt, l Pont see »tw #*/*?: -y. ■«> V Kf&UUP HfK* \ /'•'"’X THAT*?fit OVA* n\fvf MtN AMAY fWAf YCUF f,WM wart>TOOuJN(> wvt sf .• I mwonFM unA7 at , ’ PtXM&MKKAK /, • „ i AAC*-' ‘ >U’M,I fW> UfilAtNW fAMU Y ft H RX/ft • l PON ICAR UMYIT !M'< : tutu. ftmW‘ , I CAP U Al | i-—i ALHU'jb 1 Bunch of play art 5 To ail topping 0 l • an to 12 f u*op* t na^htXW 13 Ado# Wattach 14 Waai a rut m lb* rug 15 Digital ws>* 17 f o# marty 16 Anm* Oak Jay % prop 10 Shark of a tort? 21 Pair?, an plumbing (>ai 24 Diana of 'Tha Avangart* 25 Skunk » dafania 20 Un*antad follow** 30 Fmulal* Baity Ron 31 I at) rail thaftanga* 32 Futui* ava* 33 Bing* aha* allad 35 Bavwty Mrftwlbai* can rr" w " wr"~"T mmmomt 36 t »g*f 37 Fom » purtu* 36 Po/1u gu*M nl*nd at oup 41 Do * /OUf buy 42 A« > 43 pMfll‘1 «n 4m«i«w 46 1 <«v«n to 11 f 0<*«t dtni/on 16 f ' ( oolfc 20 1? 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