Extremists turning to bigamy, expanding ranks SPOKANF. Wash. (AP) — Family ond friends were stunned when Angie Murray told them she was going to enter a polyg amist marriage with a neo-Nazi skinhead "She didn't Iwt an eyelash when she told me about it," said Kelly Meyer, manager of the sandvvit h shop where, until re< ent ly. Angie Murray worked "She said. Tin his s«s ond wife and we’re moving to Okla homa The only thing I regret is that I yvent into this not loving him With that, Del and Mary Ann Murray of suburban Mead lost a set ond daughter to the Christian Identity Movement, which combines Old Testament and yslnte supremat ist beliefs Angie's sister, Susan Murray Settle, joined six years ago. We re just devastated, bei ause now we've lost our youngest daughter, too ." Mrs Murray said in an article published last week in Thr Sj>ok<‘stnerson she's teamed up with it's also possible, what ever the reason, if that changes, she’ll come out of it." It is not surprising that some Christian Identity devotees would turn to bigamy as a was of expanding their ranks, Wassmuth said "Sometimes people come up with these rationalizations for behavior they want to pursue," he said, noting that the late Knliert Mathews, who in the late 1‘tHOs founder! a violent neo-Nazi organization r ailed The Order, had "spouted that sort of thing for validating hav ing a child with a woman other than his wife.” Susan Murray Settle, the first of the Mur rays daughters to embrace white separatist beliefs, confirmed that her younger sis ter had joined the Christian Identity move ment and bad gone to live with the 28* year-old neo-Nari skinhead. "She got married to one of our best friends." said lake Settle. Susan's husband. "(His) only reason for doing this is not sex, but to firing more of God's real children into the world The man and his wife have one child, who is almost two years old. Del Murray said he is angry with the Aryan Nations and the movement's "total ly ridiculous beliefs They stand for every thing I'm against." The Murrays said they remain close to their four other grown children and would like to re-establish ties to Angie and Susan. The Murrays wrote to Richard Butler, self-proclaimed pastor of the Aryan Church of Jesus Christ Christian, who was away from the sect's compound last week and unavailable for comment. "You are the person dins tlv responsi ble for so much pain in our lives This is our second daughter that has been swept away in the blink of an eye by your group." the Murrays wrote. "Whatever you think you are. it is definitely not Christian.” Support floods in after office bombing TACOMA (AP) I -ii from scaring people away, a bombing at the local NAACP office has resulted in new members and an outpouring of support for the i ivii rights organization. “Some have said. Tut sorry it took this iru ident for me to join the NAACIV ' said iai omn branch President Os< ar Mor ris “Many i ommont on what a reprehensible at t it was The |ulv 20 explosion shattered some glass and punched a Sew holes m a wall anti desk No one was injured. Two white supremacists were arrested and charged with stag ing the bombing, wins ii authorities say was part of what was intended to he a racist terror campaign in the Northwest A third man also was arrested after three pipe bombs were found in the car of one of the alleged bombers While the bombers' aim mny have been to promote fear, the reaction instead has I asm lor |xH>ple to unite under the ban ner of the National Association for the Advancement of (ad ored People. Organizations and people from across the slate have called and written the branch to express support or to join the civil rights group. Morris said One day last week, Morris said, he arrived at the office to find a woman waiting to sign up as a lifetime member. Meanwhile, rnemliers are redoubling efforts to increase the group’s meitiliership. which stood at 500 before the bombing. Morris and other members planned to speak to local church congregations about the local NAACP's efforts to investigate discrimination ond fight hate crime “We'll make them aware." he said, “that they should come home to the NAACP." Pro-pot woman elected to board SAN RAI'AKI.. Calif. (AM) Is I vnnette Slims an impostor or a visionary f Ihe 49-year-old Marin County musit ian < launs she’s living proof that marijuana heals The leafy green plant has i tired tier own chronic depression and friends who smoke it have weaned themselves from all oliiil or quelled the pain of All IS or cam er. she s,n s Homed by tins and "thousands of years of med ical in format ion" on the drug's benign qualities. Shaw sought an unlikely forum a seat on the count\ s Advisory Board on Ah ohol and Other Problems faist week she won. hut not without controv ersy The truth has prevailed.'' she said after coun ty supervisors voted 4 1 to reaffirm her seat on the 17-membcr advisory board I won through trial by fire ' Two Weeks ago, Shaw ’s seat Was sent into lim bo after the advisory panel urged supervisors to re< onsider the appointment, handed dow n about a month earlier Shaw's fixe, (rilled her a marijuana crusader unde serving of a role on the (itizens' panel, which at ts as the county's liaison to Ux-ai drug prevention ser vice providers. Included on the hoard's roster are law enfort e ment offn nils, therapists, attorneys and recovering addicts, none of whom express vocal support of reforming drug laws, member Patricia Honelli said. "The board has some concerns relative to Ms Shaw's motivation," Honelli said during a July 19 emergency meeting to discuss Shaw, "This seat is not my platform for personal political persuasion, nor is it the charge of this fxxirti, nor is it our focus Honelli said the community, and particularly dnig addicts, might read Shaw's appointment as an endorsement of pot smoking. And, she said, it < ould haze battle lines in the local war on drugs "The message here is print iple lie fore personal ities Our primary principle is recovery, which is defined bv abstinence." Honelli said Others grilled Shaw about her affiliation with the Hemp Kenaissam e Couni il ol Marin, the Califor nia Hemp Coalition and the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana I.aws Shaw assured them "liven though I think pot is lienign, I don't want to see kids smoking.” San Auselmo i’oli< e Chief Bernard Del Santo, in voting to oust her, said he and Shaw "philo sophii ally think of drugs from .1 different aspec t." He reportedly threatened to resign from the hoard over the furor. But Slum yvon the ba< king of AIDS sufferers, drug law reformists, and "Broyvnie Mary." a Marin Coun ty resident who makes marijuana brownies for the chronically ill Most lauded both Shaw and the heal ing properties of marijuana and said any citizens' panel needs a diversity of vieyvs. "Here we have someone who is yvilling to serve. If yse throw this person out, it almost sounds like u witch hunt here," said Brian Friedland, one board member who supported Shaw Supervisors also sided yvith Shaw and her insis tence that she's no drug pusher or "some wild drug legalization mama out to embarrass" the Ixuird. She was sworn in and said she was planning tours of local health service providers who work with sub stance abuse problems. "There are hundreds of people counting on me to tell the truth," Shaw said "I believe 1 can help save people's lives " Copy Acceptance 11k ODK iter'cs the right in retire. reel#»*if>. rcjcvt *• '■Arxcl ,im a) at any lime No altertiting (•« term fu|Kt vile* nr edit.rtn'i ; ft MiltaitiilJ Jkx t*a£ua 1358 Oak SI- Suite 1 IGlftlE ME FIUE! ^ Run your "FOR SALE" ad (items under $500) for 5 days . If the item(s) doesn’t sell, call us at 346-4343 and we ll run your ad again for another 5 days FREEI Private Party Ads Only - No Refunds/Credits . 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