Oregon Daily Case raises important employment questions j When school removed Monson, it believed rules were being followed By Marlin Fisher Oregon Daey Emerakl When the University re-assigned Don Monson from head men's basketball com h to golf i oach, it did so with the assurance that state law supported suc h a move When it made the decision, the University bad the assurance of an attorney who drafted the Oregon Admin istrative Rule that was being relied upon that the re assignment was permitted by the rule It all seemed rather straightforward, written there in black and white However. 12 l ane Counts - Hirers saw enough shades of gras to dei ide the rule did - not gise the University the authority to reassign Mon son and promptly awarder) him about $2fH).(HM) for his trou bles Although the case will likely he appealed and even tually overturned, it raises important questions alxiut the University’s method of contracting and its reliant e on the myriad of rules and law s that are incorporated hs ret erent e into the University s standard employment t on trm t. svhu h is also culled a Notit e of Appointment riu' i ontrni t itsolf is one jingo, although the ajt|ilii able rules and laws fill binders with reams of jiages I'm Inn i ally . the control t is hundreds of pages tlm k. if one con siders not only the stale rules and law s, hut loderul law s. 1 httversity rules and < odes and. in Munson’s i ase. Par if u: 10 Confervni o and N( \.\ rules (ertainly . somew hero in all of these rules, there must tic something that allows the University to re-assign per sonnel Common sense <1 it tales that institutions or busi nesses Ih* aide to arrange their stalls as they see fll It seems, however, that the |iirv could not com line itself that Monson’s re assignment met any s|>e< ifii need Turn to M0M80N. Page -t Out with the old Ptxtto tff Tr*or*M B*gttny« John Anthony, a University Physical Plant groundskeeper, worked Sat urday to remove a diseased tree from m front of Chapman Hall The University will be replacing the old tree with a young, healthy sapling Quick call to DuckScoop taps you into school info j University’s computer network still in its infancy By Martin Fisher OfpQen Oi»>V t It's midnight. Wednesday of Finals Week and yon suddenly remember your history final is tomorrow, not Friday But when? Where7 You get out of lied and fraiitu ally begin ripping your notebook to shreds, finally roc ailing the paper airplane that had once boon your c lass syllabus Choc k the fall time sc heduie? You < an't because, like most people, you threw it out after classes began, You're sunk — unless you have a computer and a modem, in which case you’re in business A quick call to the University comput er network gives y ou the information you need, and you i an return to blissful slum ber. or begin cramming DuckSi oop, the University s t ampus wide information service, came online about a year and a half ago, and JQ John son. direc tor of network serve e for l (Di versity computing, hopes students will liegin making greater use of the system Aside from exam si hedules. the system contains time schedules, usually vsell m advam e of the printed schedules. a i opy of the Cetwml Hullrtm and other campus information, such as football si hedules. University press releases, upcoming events calendar and a complete Universi ty phone book Although DuckScoop is still in its infancy, (ohnson sees great potential for the network's future For example, the current tune sc hedule is simply a copy of the printed version. In the future, students may he able to sean h for all classes taught by a specific faculty member, Johnson said. Such a search could he very difficult if a student had to read through the schedule to find the same information, but would take only seconds via DuckScoop. Future versions may oven incorporate pictures ami eventually video, lulmson said, though the lei hnologv to do that is not vet available Duck.Scoop runs on what is called a Gopher client, which is a program designed by the University of Minnesota to more easily present information found oil the Internet t he Internet is a loosely organized collection of computer net works throughout the world The Gopher software effectively "tunnels” through the Internet to find information. Johnson said he nulii ipales Gopher to l»e the software used for DuckScoop for a couple of y ears, depending upon changes ill technology The University nelyvork offers students, staff and fat ulty act ess to more informo lion than they could ever possibly use. whit h actually could pose a danger for .1 student on a tight si hedtiin who gets lost ill a se