I 1 Horn ciimpu*' Ou*t. or* bedroom m »m*a tr* SunwwiCSI * *» CM k» V*»**Q STUDIO IlSStwiySi CHARMING aw wt* » cjmpul mo mi $795 RED MAPLES 16m & Oft* 1 term !» BLOCKS TO CAMPUS B#*l«»l bi1 p«yik wrttmo «»4>te»y taciMy S3Ri pw mortffi CM tor vfx>*«X} DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY 540 1 'TIN •Mi itmaM VICIOUS TWO 5*>m lot ' ■WM W*SM((1 AND OWTIR" CK» B omprt cum me saw amcm i *•* men1 *w o« tt«wsm»mg $395 SPACIOUS AND CLEAN! 1550 High Sums 11m* popup* on* tarnon* am m n» in* no* COM id U o* 0 Bnnmg tnd nn may 5anm*i ftil* only $7*5 1340 MILL final 1 & 7 UMiocmi tpsrtnBM nuum SOON' Bwony towns PJiung utmety GHIA! l OCA HON—Oom It / O' 0>5 $795. tM5' CM now B »ww' FIRTREE APARTMENTS 1149f#rfy CLOSf TO CAMPUS" Tnps* Urge on* *n0 ? Otatoorr units vr f««y AlN^anaMJ tttfcuny Ate OP Mt Uhrtet f Surom*f Hjttri i»t*y J?RV Jennings-Co 683-4219 -! Studio A part moots: 971 HUyard '275 1 Bedrooms: 310 6 14fti '495 361/361 7i E 1416 *295 534/534 E 14m ‘380'376 /66 E I9lh »»*np *310' 914 E 1 Bit! ftom‘300 945 6 19m *295 967 Hftyard ’nwMfl ‘275 975 Hilyafd ‘275 1161 Mil! ‘310 1370 High St *250 1372 Patterson *250 1666 Ferry *280 1644 Kincaid wwm* *300 1681 High *335 2 Bedrooms: 325 E !9th ’360 1340 E 19th ‘695 1644 Kmcaxi wwi: ‘320 1911 Kmcaid *320 !943 0oyl ‘695 1946 Harts St ‘320 3 or mors bedrooms: 2042 Onyi o> *570 you are w«*coir$# 10 »*v# try m# #Oov# locMont r» you are **#r#«i»d ^ »##»ng m# nnoe pMMts# c#K ou» o*Rc# for #r> #pposntm#r\t AS moil winitt a>e »»»« OCCMPMfl Sorry# femm#r r*t#* «%>»Mtf*# Wo Pe/s Allowed CPYGLASS UBBmS 345 W I0lh Ave 686-1130 I ' l—" Available July i W* A Aug 1 Summer t taproom A** $2 7$ Dear qu«e M-aNsP 1 ? fciocfc eaqpus i ft^v *ft% Aaierveicr 14836633 735 f 17th 343-2114 Campus Apartments fum*Shad • A « 8e«3oom» Summer >ates *3035400 486*3833 Redwood Park Apt*. Quirt, Country tiring With City Ctmrrnirncr UakmMM 1 Mm $4*6 (ffltftno Nnv i) 1 cm Ut*t«* 0ft Ai**nt i qu****! M Room WvsxJ >’*'» 4 Playground i iwnd»> t at**** AIM Fymliliil luHat Slud*o 1 4 ? 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BLOCK FROM CAMPUS Large 2 bedroom spirt tevei pen! nous* Apt ,i. ,i *«f Sept <5P> S6/5.TCO Can Uj* :u3 *4 74_ 1 ftodroom. to c*mput No p«** $360 Cy 3* » &>*»'___ 2 tktrm-2 pot* CtOM to ' txiOAn* OMNMMf#' y«-r«i1>4i ■ ■ ^ f *jriO*ar no pot* 1800 * C<*fe 3*.$-»g6& agpo**"*0* 2 Mrm towohowM *♦•< campu»’ You? enanc# to *vt #> |f •»c«crt‘<'-r'<* vn**‘ qu*rf axnpN** A'<*> »? *4*» Ciaon export i»un>t P"vt** P&’V C>*n*«af>4X No pOU’ -43? Av^iaP*# no* $435) A$45)6 f a1 ■.*»»« - CEDARWOOD QUADS 441 E 171K NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS Walk 10 U Ol O A SjUsH) •v-.au room IMM am) i inT. SiAIMtRf«0M|i7t> CALL TROV-SSMMS 17 JO NIL TARO SUMMER RATES Walk to campu* Vow maw nwary raturtvabad quad* fv-vai# I - Vance Eicaaant locanon Sr are bwMmchar JI84 • dap Haw Cataia Nodt-wP 74! ."xX Charming (tout* naar Waatalda natgWfaowiood SJSO •rv.vu.lM ut ' OawJ at 4(14 3 W_ MALE ROOMMATE BORM Oupres .'ftm A McLean S?’Smonth . ’ J u( : w 60S 3357_ Baautltul 3 Bdrm on quial tlraal CJoae to campus W O SI70H •*-■:> • Dm Jerrn.ter ->• Mawr 346 v.M 2 bdrm (Ww campus 0 taoca from UOl laundry garage tvgh ca-rya neat, quart S30C»ut * as 342-USA7 r wacosarr wrowa k>mM (un iasrii Luan— tarttr «a ratwama W>1> r wrsymiU'Btakrwi® “ jflUCH AJX^ABOUTNOTHING TV a u» otw w »ma'r.TAasiwari l aw wai * ran aaaorm* rsua aaaat J r wway r >o a no w* ww » « [like Water for chocolate r—adniW SU.VtC7wTBtu^ L LEOLO ML** |9 M£NACE U SOCIMT^ ^rav ORASONIMI IRUCI lit tTORT^ I-1 Housing a bit tight? Check out sections 220-2SS lotuyJtl John Fahej & David Banks Ouday, jnly 30 SottIFish £ Olen Aives Salnxday, j**ly 31 Zero Monday, Auynii 2 Women of Hewjae Judj Mowatt Sister Carol Jean Binta Breeze TNI PAN f IOC By GARY l ARSON ------'A—.""l “So than, whan OM McDonald tumad Ma back. I took that ai and with a whack whack hara and a whack whack thaca. 1 tlnlahad hint oil." Calvin and Hobbes by bhi watterson ......... .. i ..— . ■ ■■■■■—* Who' wAir* miNt A0DUT tr'i WkSHT THAr UFKSWH6 I NEED TO TtofcK Oft ) M1 SALESMANSHIP j Community • MafWcMplace ^litadiy on the Market SUgeS M Peter Thomas! CUi»h»1 k ^OSPIRG Recycling < for Kids SSSV"8-j -The Traceys | |n»t«. Uk -«* * himw>«. ! ..Kutsinhira | Community Mifimbj Cfntfr I t«Yo Vinnie! \ IWm oi i A fo« I tfrwfeSca'IUfNMMtS-tHQi Doonesbury uAiTtf PWTTYGOOP. HOUJ oat M» f THIN* iOU' XX1FM0MUXAIP MNP tf I POf W ’"’“Nv At/rrtf Kftv • !» ***» ' tar WWS rAPM rim m only one un per HjATer aoounp Here &WUNP*tr’T tv iauter on tour i*vpffir> BOOST your CMC ROY wtn nulo-i products not - tUt*n# or drugs *d«v> tor samp*** *St» ’!*!' PROBlCMSTOtf t*>* UO Cnps L*'« to> tree anonyrruxit cnv* counseling *r%cj fe^Kfai* 5pn* Asm Mon f! ?4 hours on weesends 346-4486 Free Pregnancy Testing l ugene Pregnancy Support Cent* * f< 'CM Planned Parenthood H* Pap •*»**■'* infection cherts t*rth cootro jvegnar c> tea's Itod unbiased counaeiing .144 gan _ ... Pregnant? Dec*a«on* to ">«*«'’ Con* band* 'me testing t *r5y cfcXocion BtHTHHlGHT Mr W6&1 BY GARRY TRUDEAU HOIATAU HUPTOlttW. f TGU CAN HUP 7H£ pump iounuc* . 9!U , ** vt AU IN TH/5 memf . / RXjta * UUL. NO’ &AU-Y, at ft ockno owr U • COOP IP -at xv. mt s ACROSS 1 Old hand tor abort 4 tar • A apan aqutp manl 11 Paal 11 BaAal band 14 Taaaa c«h m rac ark nawa 15 firrddla bah ad cornmaat braad 17 Naya cancatara It Yank It U boat mraaha 11 Afcomlt 14 Urban mute aiyla 15 Mam Iandat a aootramr 74 Baal up boat It Appor tionad 11 Baar m Iba at 14 ( ranch pronoun 16 Cupola 17 "Whabar thou —' M Hard) a haghi 4« Eva. ongmaHy 47 Ad#tten a»y 44 Mt llani1 40 Rlua Jay* nail? 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