Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, July 29, 1993, Page 5, Image 5

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    The following incidents wore reported to the
University Office of Public. Safety and the Kugone
police department July 19-26
• An employee of the Student Insurgent report
ed an incident of telephonic harassment July 21
According to police reports, she said the harass
ment at her residence has been continual for the
past six months, anti she believes it may be
because of her involvement with the student news
paper. Most of the calls have been hang-up calls,
but some have been from n male caller using vul
gar language No reference to the Insurgent was
made in those i alls.
• A' 39-year-old man w is. (tad fot trespass on
the 1300 block of Hast 13th Avenue on July 22 lie
had previously been issued a letter of trespass by
OPS and had violated that on |ulv 11
• A theft from a vehicle was reported July l(* on
the 1800 block of Columbia The theft occurred
sometime Itetween 1 and 7 that morning The sus
l>e< ts removed the bai k window of the vi< tint s car
and stole two speakers worth $r>0
• A 19-year-old l.ane Community College stu
dent was cited for minor in possession and i rimi
nal mischief July 24 at 1:22 a in. on the 1100 blot k
of Franklin Boulevard According to police
reports, the suspect walked up to an OPS car and
urinated on the left quarter panel of the vehii la.
then walked awns with his pants still unzipped
An OPS officer got out of the car and asked the
man to stop. The man didn't Stop, so the officer
apprehended him and cited him.
• A 39-year-old man was arrested for attempting
to start a light on the corner of 17th Avenue and
i 111 yard Street July 24 Aci ordingto polii e reports,
the man jumped into traffic, fell in the street and
striu k his head Some onlookers pulled him out of
the street, and police officers arrived with the
intention of taking the man into detox. The man
told an officer that he would "kick his ass. and
once in the car the man became violent and kicked
the hack door open The officers took the man to
jail, where he became increasingly combative, and
he was placed in segregation.
• A 20-year-old man was cited for minor in pos
session and for providing false information to a
police officer July 25 on the :»<><) bloc k of East 13th
Avenue. According to police reports, the man was
sitting on the porch of a house when polk •• officers
pulled up in front. A few minutes later he exited
through a side door and left a 40-ount e bottle of
beer hy a shed
Whim appruhondmi by police, he said he didn i
know why he ran into the house A polu e officer
informed the suspect that if ho provided false
information to them, he would be arrested The
suspei t said he understood that He prot muled to
give the officer a false name and said that he had
no identification. He then gave the officer a false
phone number, and the officer requested verifica
tion of that number The man finally gave the offi
cer his true name, and he was arrested
• A 32 vear old man was arrested for < riminal
mischief, disorderly condui t, possession of less
than an ounce of marijuana and assault Inis 25 on
the .300 block of Fast 17th Avenue According to
police reports, the man was intosii uted when he
I u in (Hid into the street in front of a woman's i ar A
i row d of onlookers approai hod the scene The
woman's car stalled w hen she braked for the man.
and he smashed the hood of her < ar inward and
i aused $(300 worth of damage
He then tried to open the door of the i ar. hut the
woman had locked it. fearing for tier life act ord
ing to polii e reports One onlooker approai hud the
suspect with a stu k and told him to get away Thu
suspect attacked the man with the stick and
punched him in the head Police arrived at the
scent) and arrested the suspect He told police.
"Cars have lieen trying to hit me all day He also
said that he had damaged the woman's < ar because
she had tried to hit him.
• A 17-year-old man was cited for trespass at the
Westmoreland Housing Complex July 25 Thu man
had been previously been issued n letter of tres
pass He was cited and released
Continued from Page 1
extracurricular activities, anti
the parents are concerned about
classes," he said.
The staff also tries to make tht*
program entertaining by inviting
speakers, encouraging participa
tion and by producing a unique
musical — which Morris is
extremely proud of— called A
Quark Uruf
The show, a spoof of A Cho
rus Ij/w. includes seven musical
numlwrs — rewritten every v#or
— that address stereotypes of
the people students are likely to
encounter at the University and
attempt to curb pre-judgment.
Surprisingly, few students
and parents seemed to be dis
Mt'-W IJWtMl
r v
•< •» "t .MMU
cou raged by the recent increase
in tuition or the history of con
tinually rising costs for educa
tion in the state, said some
visitors and the IntroDUCKtion
Compared to other places,
especially California, the Uni
versity is not much more expen
sive and sometimes cheaper.
Morris said
"There are still some people
who think we're a good deal."
he said, "and we are."
Another parent saw it |ust as
the reality of the situation
"We expected it was going to
lie expensive." said one parent,
"but that's the price of an edu
cation "
MIS* 11 l ASM M S
l ibrtan Buddhitt t rnln will have
three day* of teaching by Ven lam*
I»4tig Tting at B444 l Murdoch Hoad
I he tea* hing* and BtHjtowannwiI of
Chen rung llw»tt> of C ntnftoMiou will
be Friday at ’ pm and Saturday and
Sunday from 9am to 4 p m 1 ■>; more
information call 4ti‘» J*n»l or t>Ott ttiiOi
Photnron* t.allerv will have an e*ht
bit ion of print* by t aldorn .a photogra
pher* Wynn and Fdna Mullock during
the month of V.g:i*» at 4 11 High St For
more information. tail 4M1 ll'A
Deadline fur tuhnnlting 11 .A!* to Itw
Fmerald front deti Suite lOOt.Mt' u
new* editor d>*>* not have a tune
mur tune t l A l* run the far >f the event
I -
.Wotnet of event* with a donation of
. ••
Co&tpot fVCffft on i th or ft t;r.}.;if 1
/ten net l the puhln at ion date *» ill he
given pn tify the Fmerald re+ervrt the
right to edit fm gruiuinm and tlyle tl
.Alt run on a *(*n r nvuikihle htr*.»
So You’ve Never
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The Clothes Horse !
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JL he Muslim Student Association
will lx- sponsoring a general
information table about Islam
in the EMU lobby tomorrow
from 12 00 p m ■ 1 00 p m We
will have literature and videos
Any one who is interested is
welcome to stop by the table
or the MSA office in Room
202, EMU Eor more informa
tion call 346-3708
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