Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, July 29, 1993, Page 4, Image 4

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EWEB makes going solar easy
By Lie Salclccia
f or rfrr Ortffjon Ontly f
The Kugene Water and Kite
irii Board jus! made acquiring
solar energy a little easier
KVVKB will now give as nun h
as $400 in rebates to homeown
ers who buy solar water heaters
to replat e their current olectrii
water heaters.
With energy costs on the rise
because of a 14 percent to Ifi
port ent increase In the Bon
neville Power Administration,
many believe that now is the
time and that Kugene is the
place to go solar
The amount of the rebate is
based upon 'the performance of
the system and how much elet
trie energy it saves in Kilowatt
hours per year." said Don Spiek
Tax i redits are also available
to < onsumers vs ishing to install
solar water heating systems
The credits are measured
"directly against state income
taxes owed per year up to
$1,500 based on the perfor
mance of the sy stem They offer
til) cents per kilowatt hour saved
every year." Spiek said. "That
means if the homeowner saved
2,000 kilowatt hours a year they
would give you credit in the
amount of $1,200." he said
The American Solar Network
is a solar company that has just
Courts*y pooio
Paul Israel (left), owner of the American Solar Network, sits atop the
roof of client Ken Naness with a flat EPDM panel.
moved to Eugene.
"Utilities across the country
are looking to solar water-heater
companies." to join forces arid
offer solar water heating to
homeowners, owner Paul Israel
Installing systems such as his
"Skylite" water heater will save
money for the consumer, cutting
30 percent to 60 percent of the
total year of water heating costs,
depending on the size of the sys
tem, Israel said.
Senate to debate gay rights bill
SALEM (AP) — A lull to blot k enactment of tin*
Oregon Citizens Alliance's local anti-gay rights
measures is headed for a vote in the Oregon Sen
The Judiciary Committee voted Tuesday to send
HB3500-A to the full Senate for debate. If
approved there, the bill will go to Gov Barbara
Hackers say the hill would bring about a truce in
Oregon’s war over gay rights by heading off
enforcement of anti-gay rights ordinances like
those the (X^A is trying to pass in various < ities
and counties
" This gives me nothing more than what I've had
m the past," said Rep. George Eighrney, a Portland
Demur rat who is a homosexual "It only say s.
'Let's stop passing hills that take rights away from
But (X)A Chairman Lon Mahon, who testified
before the |udu lary Committee, said the Legisla
ture is trying to usurp the initiative process by pre
venting local voters from enacting anti-gay rights
"This is a political maneuver to stop our local
campaigns because we art* storting to rack up vic
tories." Mabon said. "1 think it stinks."
Voters in four counties and two cities adopted
OCA measures in mail balloting June 2‘t. Earlier,
a similar measure was adopted in Cornelius. Votes
in other counties and cities are expec ted in Sep
tember and November.
The bill represents a political compromise that
was worked out after the House snubbed an earli
er bill that would have outlawed discrimination
against homosexuals in housing, employment and
public accommodations
The majority Republicans refused to let SB34
out of committee, saving it would confer "special
rights" on homosexuals Instead, they cleared the
wav for HB3500-A to emerge from the House as a
way to block the (KIA's local anti-gay rights
Governor to sign anti-stalking law
SALKM (AP) — A lull making
stalking a crime is on its way to
Gov. Barbara Roberts for her sig
The House voted 59-0 Tues
day for SB833, which makes
stalking a misdemeanor punish
able by up to a s oar in jail and a
52.500 fine A repeat conviction
would tie a felons punishable by
up to five years in prison and a
$100,000 fine.
The bill defines stalking as
knowingly making repeated,
unwanted contact with people
for no legitimate reason
Under the bill, police ret eiv
mg complaints could order a
suspect to stay away from an
alleged victim Victims also
could go directly to court to seek,
an order against a stalker
A leading proponent of anti
stalkmg legislation. Rep. Kevin
Mannix, D-Salem. said it took a
lot of work to come up with a
law to protect the victims of
stalkers while respecting civil
"Wo could have pul out some
sc block m laundry. February or
March and said,'(a-e, wo passed
an anti stalking bill ' Instead, we
worked at it and worked at it,"
he said.
"We worked with the legiti
mate concerns of civil libertari
ans but we also especially
worked at it from the perspec
tive of the victims and came up
with the best possible law you
could pass in the United
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