No Espertonce? looting tor au* go*ng rdvduM to Mi natural products tor health conacous poop** 669 *50* •" POSTAL JOBS Sian $* %Mtiht • F or appiscattor A tntormafcon Ca# i 2*6-233 9076 (7am tQpmj 7 days SUCCESS 101 laem how to bwto a strong Ikvkksal *u*ure whne Wohlgemuth, College of Education U oi O, through Corseting Psychology program Contact D* Wohlgemuth at 346 3630 tor torther ,n*o Now hiring Work Study qualified students as office assistant* to type Me. and pertotm general o*t»ce du t*es $6.S0Av Opportunity to learn word processmg skits Fto»;t>s* hours F41 out application at 320 Chapman Hail See Janice or can 346 25*4 Must be work study quA f*ed tor Summer_ NEAR CAMPUS AND SHOPPING 4 Bedroom house $750 Call 3439011 I I Available July 15th A Aug 1 Summer, i bedroom Apt-$275 Clear quet. lurmhod 1 £ Woe* *roir> campus l Bdrm Apt* Reserve torfaVKO S3 75 735 E. 17th _ 34^2114 Campus Apartments Furn*shed i A 2 Bedrooms Summer rates. 5300*400 485 2823 CLOSE TO CAMPUS 2. 3 and 4 bedroom houses A variable lor Summer/faH 343-7093 Near campus? Quiet, one bedroom tn small, faencfy A sale comp*e« Newly remodwed. carport A laundry Dean' No pets $329r August S379rfa*t (lease; 143/ M»gh 344 7434, 344-0697 _ Roommate wanted to share nice, Nir rusned. n«v» 2 bedroom apartment 1 Woe* to campus Parsing & laundry $245 » ut>H>es Rob at 485-0345 "pan, TRent HAYWARD HOUSE APTS. <7901 l«n UCXOCH H*HS OH MU 1 6d>n IA 6gto lewWKtoM M)M iga'Mnfl owtooto/lfl •MM* l*u CoxHUd PKtong SKWl ikMAOm Iu4fwt/tog.u«li,»i*6ltog *■ 61/ 7)6/ to «n Somra KM omi UM‘ 13th ft LAWRENCE G6tAT i OCATOa" Ttow ipa win two tod toom urwt* *• a torga*' iv»y eefmt&m p**niq md ctow to U W 0 infl downtown Oto &» w cat tortfwmng 643 4719 « 343 1791 ewvwwvH $3® SUMMI8*47$ fAU GREENWOOD APARTMENTS l«5P*toison H*« oMorttoe* to we * tw» mtspsen* compel l*g» 7 M>m toi irMAN MOW tore carpwt ffcxwt 1*4 covrrtfctops iAtodry ***** **d 30»g**a cowtrirfl Cal toff tor wo«t •Mormaeon o* to wsw 317 7(43 1390 MILL STREET ti»m* »<9> 7 MdraM* «M HUM mm lap MUM MM (•«"* tout gry KAMI ttou to u oi 0 Sum Kan 0MVS376 CALI 6MS1A8J —I Spacious. spoDssa. 1 Bdrm m ijuxsi - vary Vetonan Oa-ol • Mnd V rat* 4575 Can 345 5 715_ Vary cuts on* badroom 1371 Ferry Oovmsuar* Apt S3 TV August S3757FMI Im» pr »»«*•«! 3*3 «X» 1 and 2 badroom Apt* »v.i *t«« Laundry 1 Park mg Oc*» m campu* PM SWP? 1 Badroom. cloaa to campus No pat* UeOrmontb _Cal 3*5-6361 _ I I 2 BLOCKS FRO** CAMPUS Studio* arm on pta laundry h*a aafar 4 »«m«r $ 3*3-7093 2 Bdrm toamKoua* naar campual Vour cKanca to «va m nr oripoonal. ima* quart complai W»» M ia'r> aoan Carport, laundry pn*si» p»6o. Mwtalw No pal*' U37 MrgTv AwaSabUi now $439 August $496 I ar'i Mir 3*4 7434 344-0697 3 badroom $350 Praia#** tor FaH I montn Anar 3 badroom $6*5 Bom «** man 1 Noe* born Campu* «*>m cover w! pad og 344 6072 or 461-0199 s4wiit WwgW Horn S** Wood *'4'* K Playground i sundry lie Mm Also Furnished Suites s*ud«» i *?&.« i600to*i/5 roOnduah Oatoraetf CompMMfy f wfmtfed I vwyffung Irom Cat* IV Jo l iron >o# Hrd (Jam & Ktttfwn Or S«* Uanagwron J«/« 4103 W. IHth 4H4-S 775 DUPLEX 465 t >4tfi 3 W OttOOU targt »vng tom MiS y*d *ar« cart p^ovutd MMX 1 AMR s A Summe-tMO IA Cli tor s**w«g STUDIO ttMfwiySl lmaHMiw; uw» •** to tamgui l?50 and RED MAPLES ifttft 4 Giro 1 Mrm 5 BlOCKS JO CAMPUS IWtaNtwi oar pf*a* 0*rN*g Sundry ***♦» 1365 pe mortO Cal Kr Sttoewg DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY MO I l» am mow swteus too »»« w m MXe uk oaw*’ caw a jaw waoa« aagai hWi HWae aw o*» awgm l»s SPACIOUS AND CLEAN! 1550 Rigfi Strut new veguut am tmnw *m m* §•* um mm CtoWWUdO tfYwng and ha we* Went* «a* i*h S?/S 1340 MILL Owa 1 4 ? MW iwrman nauM sootr tacona cmand w>w aosi 10 CAWKiS" tww agimi«! Mtrow* MM an t»WWW (Mi mama Waum and Oft-UW awW)> Sanaa dm 0a»» Ktt>' Lmnaan^c. •43*4219 Spyglass Associates Vow m* aatcoma to Pop By ow* oMca to> a f> •• "«t of ow* ptsssrl ana Mu» wacanoe* Apartmam* dupanaa and nouRt* wt** apaoal unw tala* T>t«« dnv* By amt teeaaon* toat .otwaat yOw a*vt was ow* ofBca w *r ^d**a*n**v to a* ft* nova* MStW tOdt Atranua M*-"30 SUMMER RATES FALL RESERVATIONS RESERVE NOW On# of m* tar^aw and Dost Campus S«Nc»>o*ia Studwa and t. 2 * 3 BaaPoontv CAU f Oft MORE INFORMATION VON KLEIN PROPERTY MOMT 1301 FERRY STREET _aas-rm_ I ~.-1 Summer Rate Bargains! Studio Apart manta: 9/1 Hityafil ’2/5 1 Bodrooma: 361 361 E um ’295 786 E 19m '310' 914 E IBtfiic—•*+» tram ‘300 946 E i9t6 *296 967 Mtfyatd ■ w«' *2/5 9/6Hlly«d *2/5 1161 MSI ’310 1370 High Si *250 1372 Pomwson *260 1844 Kincaid *300 2 Bodrooma: 326 E 19th *360 1844 Kmcad - v-i *320 191! Kinca«d *320 1948 Man is Si ‘320 3 or mora bodrooma: 2043 Onys .1 ’1000 you SIS mskoins to cfr’vB Dy 'f* BX3NS KXdbuni W fOu Sts SNMig tn* ps*a»« ■ ;*« ou# off** for bp <»ppO*nffT.#rM ««i m=3Bt *#nt1» **S Stitt OCtUpMKJ No Pels Allowed CPYCIASS ^ jf jPg-1 346 W 10th Ave 606 1130 I ! i Summer Rate* Wait* to cempu* f *t»« 9PMTKX% ««**> kx Or 4**»*5 ?*00mt *V*pee« b*t OOTtf' 01* ttP90f pacing I651H5 « Cfcp 90/ Pafcsr^o** 5* itwi gx«» nvmwmt_u \ -iboa Walking distance to Campu* fUQfNt MAHO* t060F«rr> 404/44* ’ C/wmurg Hgf* f (*©m S<3$*> * A4 * cat** ■** ^ded * Studo« >.irg*» ? A * Bedroom* tSttt AOUVC * Stuck* arid k>Rt tcom $3% * CowWOd parking^ Verv <.teor> <#> W 4W w,V> t 2 BLOCH FROM CAMRUS targe ;• bedroom tpM 4it 44/4 CEDARWOOD QUADS 441 f 17th MOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS W# to U 0* O A Safewey P*vjN rooms OMAm paid i, *uv*y SlillMf H > »* ** $! A) CALL TROY MH1M 1/MHKVABO SUMMER RATES WaA 10 campus hom t'-esr 'efu't**-*«*> quads Private Imrarve E iceiient t><** Share bath/% i»-ch«« $'»/>• Jet Real Estale Norther' __/4J * *»D4J Room for rent m charming, historic house i Wot* to campus Art paid l era* k» Summer cj* f a& i jroupa •esrom* |J/y$2/& 3*460/2. 441 -01» 1 ==i Charming house near Westswte naighborhood S220 e* 34? 666/ _ 2 roommates wanted for 3 bdrm house, SfiOtVmo Arabia Aug Tara or Darcy at fr»4 4661 BOOST YOU ENERGY natural products, not cafWe or drugs ideal lor athletes I ree samples 66> ’60’ TIME VAR SIM_By GARY LARSON The townsfolk all stopped and starod; thoy didn't know tha tan stranger who rode calmly through their midst, but thoy did know tho rsfgn of lorror hod andod. Calvin and Hobbes by biii watterson TVC5E REAL Lift HOEO PROGRAMS ARE GREAT ' HERE. ARE ORDINARY PEOPLE WAGING ACTUAL. HORRIBLE EXPERIENCES. RAICH ABE eaoAJXAsr NATIONWIDE TOR THE WBUCS VIEWING -- AMUSEMENT.' . AXA_ irs Wausau. ixao'.tMioN, MO VCNEURlSM ALL IN ONE' VCM NEVER KNOW WHERE A VIDEO CAMERA WtU. BE ! WUoD HMfc Guesto BIG BROUCR WOJID «> cn*auH’ ■7/1 LOW. 'V» 1/ SMICKER W l{ OUC» PEOPliS ^ TRASEDi F?-K-^ ♦ROBltMS? > UO 0-4*4 l«r* or **«*» a*b*y**owt c**% cou*»***$ *■*3 »•►*#***•» 5(*n Jfcffv Mo* »f .■*4 NX.-'-? 0* *rc**«»VH 'V46 4 4 m3 IUCH ADO ABOUTNOTHINQ »«—» ait wm—_J 'kai#Ou«lin A» K»t CAltMOA^ wwiMHWMmmiixti'J MTMKHXM fl»»»0 LIKE WATT* FOK nUXOLATT x 11 i mm i » 11— i i wm hi ^ ► --wWTmWwJSnWw ^ ._LEQLQ_^ t« w ^mcsace u nocimu, ,,MWWoiuoa»n«Mucf in two Doonesbury ..= FrM Pregnancy Tailing F v*g»na P**gn*r*0C FHannad Parenthood tor Pap »w«n/n .nfacton cN**» t*rth contrpt. pragnan cy fM9t» and untweoed eownaettng U494M Unplanned pregnancy? BiHTM MlCHl a pF*;« to llNdfc th*ng» over i &*y dowclron Son**** to ta* to i M7-96S1 BY GARRY TRUDEAU pto 1CU HAVf AW H&tNtNCr THU® Mipm if HOOP##, MOM' >rs, annum JiB i ntfo t i HAP TOCO X) rut HOiA'IVk _Lc*._ intact, imy HAP T/Mts TP OMP THK CNF unt you Butt r A uvu akxnv rtf. iv* \ eXr\ I CAN'T iviTHarr MY na 33 CaMad ttump 39 Maine watghi 34 Naat group* 37 t ic«i»i 30 Karpov a amalaal man 40 Haror narratrva 42 Jana la ad ai 43 Slwpa' paaaagaa 40 Poatal Craad word 40 ChKN and lavar 50 Pannayl vanra pod 51 Wapli 32 CorKael •0 S3 Impraa aon DOWN 1 A mara handlul 3 'Bom in m« —’ 3 Scoumlial 4 Aikng 5 Play m lha allay 7 ft Bum uaalmani 7 Pubhcua ft 1 an anil » ShM» lath 10 Maywwa 11 Dwaftcl. pa*hap« IftOobbwia dnnai JOfou eat* a Pandu turn" aulhoi 31 McNally • partnai 33 f mai lamai Solution titry 14 mini mm Mam 21Qu>* pattern 24 Trampled 74 E. star ot tha Cates 27 Indivisible 24 Buthighl batterer 2> Capaol cap )« Malt D4ton •9 34 Aulhot DegMuci 35 E mutated 37 Reaction to castor od It Eva. at sen 3t OW baaa 40 BeanMe. 41 Dogfgtit partici pants 44 Candle count 45 'Stay as You-’ 4t Yang counts. PM 47 Rang logo m in' 1,1—i