Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, July 27, 1993, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
Broiling good fun_
Jamie Martin of Veneta takes her seven-year old daughter Jes
sica (left) and six-year-old daughter Jennifer (right) on the para
chute ride at the Springfield Broiler Festival last weekend
Jaycee volunteer Brian Culver wears a scarf to keep from inhal
ing the smoke while turning roasting chickens at the festival
(at right) The Jaycees broiled more than 15.000 chickens
wins case
in court
J Jury decides that University
wrongfully removed coach
By Martin Fisher
< VBsJ.it Oa > f /•*.'.Ik1
A l.ane (bounty Circuit Court |urv
I'hursdav decided Don Monson was
vvrongfitllv removed from Ins position as
Oregon men's basketball coach and
awarded him SJ'Ki.OHT HI
Monson was removed as coach in
Man h. l*HI2. and sued the t Jniversilv for
breach of ■ onlrad I
The IT woman.
one~m<ut jury hoard
five days of testi
mony ill the ( .iso,
including two days
from Monson him
self. Tile jury delib
orated loss than
three hours before
returning its ver
Monson. and his -J
attorney Harold Monson
(hllis. evident I v
convinced jurors that the University treat
ud Monson unfairly when it re assigned
him, first as men's golf coach and later as
NUAA compliance c oordinator for rules
and regulations.
"What's 11 contract mean to the Univer
sity of Oregon(jiliis asked jurors in his
c losing argument "Not much." he
Chilis portrayed the University as a
heartless institution that ui teci with com
plete disregard to Monson and his con
"They just basically dumped him,’’
(Kills told jurors
insincerity seems to lie the standard at
Turn to MONSON, Page 4
‘Father’ and ‘soul’ of Nike likes to talk bulls
J Bowerman inspired shoe com
pany to be what it is today
By Carrie Vincent
ten Vm Oregon Dotty Emerald
Dusty Kidd, the public relations director
of sjKirt for Nike, says Bill Bowerman is the
soul of Nike." Or did he mean "sole of
Either way. Bowerman’s contributions to
Nike are immeasurable in "soul" and "sole. "
Called the "father" of Nike by many oth
ers, Buwerman’s infernal tinkering and con
corn for lus runners as Oregon true k i out h
for more than ^0 years inspired the multibil
lion ciollar Nike industry to be what it is
today — a hard-working, high-standard,
innovative and highly competitive company
And the stories are all true
Bowerman learned from a hoot maker
after a cobbler told him he couldn't possibly
learn — how to make shoes for Ins runners
He used glue instead of thread to pul his
shoes together, and, in fact, now uses pros
thetic. supports for his ankles and feet
because of hours spent in the shed with the
toxins of the glue He incurred the wrath of
Ins wife Barbara, using synthetii rubber
instead of Bisquir.k in an experiment with
her waffle iron to create the first non mini
collecting shoe
And the continual drive In his experiment
to create new things — the very attitude that
has made Nike so successful - is still there,
though Bowerman is now focusing it more
on perfecting his genetically produced small
Ills near mad s< ienlist" persons is free to
experiment at will on his large spread just
outside of K.ugene that is supported by his
lorn to BOWERMAN. Kl je 1
Bill Bowerman
2 Fun in the sun
J That's right, the sun should be
I back for a while.
I A high pressure system over the
H area will tmng clear skies and
■ tempertures in the 80s through
■ Wednesday.
OLYMPIA, Wash (AP) - The family of a se\wv-year-old boy who
claimed his hair was cut by classmates in a rai tat incident has sued his
school district.
The lawsuit claims the North Thurston School District was negligent in
hadling the incident that allegedly happened last (h tober The family
claims that )aman:an-Ameritan first-grader Domini: k Watson had a aread
loch forcibly cut off by an older boy who kicked him and used rac ial slurs.
School officials seta last year their investigation did not confirm the
then-six-year-olds account. Evidence presented by the investigation said
the child told teachers his deadlock "fell off
Parent Jessew White said his son Dominick, who has remained out of
school since the incident, is still shaken.
I.IXS ANGELES (AP) - Arson inspectors met with the dis
tnct attorney s offu:* Monday to investigate an incident in
which New York Mets outfielder Vint e Coleman tossed a fire
t racker outside Dodger Stadium Three people were iii|iired.
No arrests have been made or charges filed, but fire dqia/t
ment spokesman Brian Humphrey said Monday the investiga
tion is prot edtng If it is determined the injuries were related
to the firecracker, charges could tie filed.
Coleman, on the advice of his attorneys, lias refused to
speak with reporters Mets spokesman fay Horwilr said the
team would have no < ommcnl.