/ )**lv 22 $6 J**W 23 to foSoalntbat Jttt «wp Cajualo July 2.5 $3 !&iw (':/) : fatty wttA Tho Whirieos Marble Orchard Tho Dotonaton iuii/ m*w ,/«fy 26 $3 Wild and Dlaa July 27 FREE Mavla Might July 2S $4 Su&pttp ptt.s 342 33bl tea*:* ipifcipfc | JPTf1is Week's I luncheon Specials |UV Upr Baung Baung Chicken Y $4-50 Vegetarian Fried Rice with Hot Shredded vegetawes S3.85 CHINA BLUE | RESTAUANT Try our Utmen, too1 | | «79« 1501 • u&a+n mtt to uo aaoruw* • 143*2132 • Tstfte out Avi*uc*e Ij™11™,B1™>,^TYolATNeve^,B,,^ | Shopped Resale... I Honor Dire roily In Shopping! The Clothes I lorse / «M) I I 3th • I3lh i\ I hlv.it >1 • f f» .iu\ .» v\t vk Va The Muslim Student Association will lx- sponsoring a general information table alsnii Islam in the I Ml lobby today from i 12 00 p m l i*0 p m We wall have literature and videos Any one who is interested is welcome to slop In the table ot ilu Mv\ oilier in Room 202, I Ml I or mote information tall 14P 1/08 COME ON DOWN TO OUR HOUSE ON 13th ST. BUY • SELL • TRADE p A NEW & USED nirPNF hpQ7Ani SPECIAL ORDERS CD'S • LP'S • TAPES FAX 344-7242 HARD TO FIND rMA /z*z Speaker tries to dispel rightist women myths By Ua Salclccia / i\t ft*# ('k&QOn Ptbrfy l ffi&filWj Dispelling myths and staying alert was the purpose of "Women of the Far Right." a joint presen tation given in the Koinonia Cen ter Tuesday by two anti-hate groups, one from Kugene find one from Portland The image of neo-Nazi women who stand by meekly in sub servient roles while their men boldly fight to sav e the white race is changing, said Pat McGuire of Portland-based Coalition for Human Dignity McGuire calls them the "Unde Toms of the women's move ment." because they take bene fits ginned by the women's rights movement and use them to abuse women's rights as a whole "Clearly they have a role." she said "They are the future of the movement" because they bear children who will lx* introdm ed to the group Another myth is that these women iire "poor white trash who use the KIan to rise up" on tfie socioei onomii ladder. Mi (luire* s-iid McGuire said many of these yvomen are well educated and fuiaru ially sis urw Many of them art.' leaders, and their roles nre recognized and honored in such groups Hut today's Aryan woman takes her role further than that of childbearer and will take up arms herself to defend her race. McGuire also passed around neo-Nazi pamphlets such as the "Valykrie View. with a cover drawing of a woman with a baby over one shoulder and a rifle over the other Another packet, "White Sisters." includes white suprema cist propaganda with rooking and baby tips. Kxi erpts from the documentary "Blood In Your Face" showed the wives of prominent leaders of the Order defending the white pow - er movement The Coalition For Human Dignity takes a "pro active stance" against hate crimes and keeps files on groups of the far and religious right such as Arvan Women's League and tin* Oregon Citizens Alliance Communities Against Hate is a projc’c t of Clergy and ljiityCon c erneil The curt* group of seven people mails newsletters to a mailing list of 150. ns well as organizing presentations such as Tuesday's, whic h was attended by about 25 people. Tn Our New Game Room SK111 IB t>1l(B |_ - _ ball lies hr tnlnnlB Found 4 book* M 30 am Jufy . a* but stop «r*d turned i* & UO boo* atcwe !*p tireal kttnbkf A ct»m loti July 17 Smalt ttue tluflad dog OutMto Put*c Bo4dk>g V1iH>mi i bat4T*2ku2J .imxmMi iasa Oak St, Suite 1 IH IM IMIHIIID litbifl (4»d m"HI tK- H * **** _ 1..1 NEED EDITING ON YOUR TYPING PROJECTS? CALL US! ^xirrtrm wmbmcso ?»-<•* by ’•*»*. «ncf « you gonl N*v# tyr* to Nv* p«p^* tot u» Oo *w» k* you* tdMng • Wrung AmIHvk> • Typing At M4**e «yl»* **d •wbflKtti Pta/Edn 343-2747 ''Ouatarauail l nor f ran Protada' Al M4 0rV» ROBIN » GRAD SCMOOi. APPMOVtO 20 *»*“ tiatk ground T«rm popara’I.<« ftkiiiM *ar »va tdamg 1 KM* c» ON CAMPUS’ Eiprnnd tailing- Writing, A Re March Sarvicaa lor all atudanl rvaada Prolaaaronal and Raaaon aNa Call Pale al MB-M2* Mmuacr^ta T ranter uaona 4 Boe*ke®pmg Sarwcas a»a-«>t»a Call M2 ABM 1 AVTHBNT1C VKMtTAJtM-V LMMxx nrx trrs S®*xJ name addree* $ $2 95 to Sfeyn* PQ 3ft/9. f ugane. OR 97403 Ktrtoy Vacuum cleaner w a»* attachment* H«*a - i «■'»» great* $*f5 /4ft 30?9 COMICS FOR SALE I «*ryr ( ft»»* *’t itgmd i* unsigned nwui ,4/n* *»i.hi tjhprt* «*rWi Big *#»»* t*u*t i»ff (Wttmt jpricf*. £*£**}+£**. ~ _ 72 Nov* Dependable with lot* of new pert* Wi~ s*rvcnd run* great $550 060 485 6494 _ 60 Toyota Tercel (2dr) 5 speed A . mnettif immaculate $i£>7$ 060 94? 9067 69 Honda Elite 60 Scooter Huns great gwaged. mdude* helmet $4.75 OBO 069 7883 _ I "~l Raleigh Mountain bike lor sale 6 month* 0*3 5739 895 3233 Smith Corona electronic typewriter $70 Thomas at 3*2 8590_ 7M Motherboard, power supply ' case 'oMUr 2 MeglcAM $150 OBO Cai 343 211*_ 3M5X Notebook VGA 20MB t* 3 5DO * options Upgradable includes mouse case adapu* • games $675 Cat Vmceni 342 8072 CASH'" We buy sef and servee VMS vCBs assumed Thompton fectroncs 1122 Oas Guitar, keyboard, bass lessons AU STYLES. AU AGES John Sharkey 342 954J tunopf ms swbbcbt Only S?69'" Jet mere anytime S269 Amt Coat* SIM from tail Coa»t SI NY $!» VftWTCM t 8CD«*HIICH I 1 Clothe* eat*1 Donation* accepted tor chanty Sunday July JSth. at iQ OOar. 2*6C Ov* St POSTAL JOBS Si 8,388*67, l»yt Nc» hmng catt 1 806 962SC00 t it P 86*2 Need M people tot Brand mm 35 pa ol the JtM century Bum* tat. net ease energy-100% natural 60* 268 »tC0_ * * ePOSTAL JOBS*** $tj*1 $11 4 1 a txwwf'MS f Of app*tcaf too A *>*o i 216“3?<*-2'02 7 OQam lO OOpr. (7 aays? ! ! **• POSTAL JOBS •” Simt $11141811 • beneLts 1 F O* ttppecabon & nloimation Can j I t 2'6 233 90l'8t?am 'Opm; fd»< | ALASKA EMPLOYMCMT-Fianartea Earn up to 600* wee* ft carmen** or $4000* 'month on Lifting boat* F ire transportation. worn S board" CVer 8,OOP Upanmgi Mala or Famata FOR E MPLOYMENT PFEOGHAM CALL 1208-848-4188 » IMQM Coding asaiatanca naadad lor » March on imagtnadon E am raAtabw research asparwnca and S Psychology major with Rnswarth Methods .s pre Ian ad Phona S Carlson at 34b 2320 Klnko a si M0 C. 13th Is hiring mol vatad energetrc 8 outgoing co-wots er ft Apply ft parson FtsJay July 23rd only. bMaaan 1000am 8 noon No Student oTtlca assistant will perform roulma ott<* tasks ol Nmg. copying typing Wa be 'esponsrtxe lor produc mg vanous gft acsnoerledgements FI* qc#s typng. ksceLert penmanship and a&My to to*o» instructions caretuF iy Development Othce. Collage ol Arts 8 Sciences C«: Put jt 346-39C3