Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, July 22, 1993, Page 5, Image 5

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    The following incidents were
reported to the University Office
of Public Safety and the Eugene
police department |une 9-|ulv 18
• The University si ience
department reported n theft June
14 of 35 gallons of ethyl alcohol
valued at $150. The theft
occurred sometime between June
9 and the date it was reported.
The alcohol was siphoned from
55-gallon drums It appears that
a master key was used to enter
the building as there was no sign
of forced entry. There is no sus
pect information.
• A reckless burning was
reported at the 1300 block of
Columbia Sins-t June 10. The sus
pis I told investigators that he had
accidentally poured lighter fluid
out of Ins window and then lat
er thrown a i igarelte out. The fire
caused charring of the bricks and
around the window. The suspect
was interviewed by polii e. but it
had not been determined whether
or not he would lie prosecuted.
• EPD officers responded to a
report of a noise disturbance at
the 1400 block of East 18th
Avenue June 12 at 1:50 am
About 50 people were at the par
ty when the police arrived,
according to police reports. One
person veiled, "It's the police
EPD is here!" A University stu
dent was cited for noise distur
bance. As the officers left the
premises, one person yelled.'"I'm
going to get my uzi and shoot all
of you!.” according to police
• Two males, lfi and 18 years
old. were cited for consumption
of alcohol on unlicensed premis
es, minor in possession of alt o
hol and possession of less than
an ounce of marijuana at the cor
ner of 13th Avenue and Kincaid
Street June 18 at 11:1,3 p m. An
OPS officer had seen the pipe and
marijuana and advised an EPD
officer The suspects surrendered
their pipe and marijuana to (lie
EPD officer, were cited and then
• A burglary occurred at an
apartment complex on the 180(1
block of Harris Street June 19. A
compact disc player valued at
$149 was stolen. A< < ess was
gained through an units ked tfixir
from a shared kitchen area
• A transient male was arrest
ed for burglary at 7-Eleven. 1310
Alder St June 19 it 9 30 p m
I lie man had previously Ixx-n t it
ed for trespass at the store, so tin*
clerk saul she would not serve
him The man selected a bottle of
tieerand tossed Ins money on the
i outlier The clerk refused to
accept the money and t ailed the
polit e alter the man exited the
store. The man was arrested out
side of the premises
• A burglary was reported by
the University edui ation depart
ment June 20 A laser printer,
television. VCR. computer mon
itor and computer valued at a
total of $5,248 were stolen
Act ess may have been gained
through an open front window,
as there were no signs of forced
• A 20-vear-old man was
arrested for falsely representing
his age at Pegasus Pizza. 790 K
- 14th Ave . futte 26 a! 7 to p m
HPD officers contacted the man
ager of the restaurant upon arrival
and were led to the suspei t The
suspet t Itatl shown his fake itlen
lification to an employee ol the
restaurant and had Ins time angrv
when it wasn't returned to him
When t onfronteti hv the offu ers.
tile suspect showed them lus real
Oregon Driver's License He said
that lie tiad copied his fake iden
tification from lus real one and
then adjusted ins date of birth
• KPD offii ers were dis|tafched
by OPS to the Universitv Inn,
1000 Patterson St . June 2M in
response to a report of trespass
ing A 42-year-old man was
arrested on the second floor He
was charged with trespassing and
consumption of alcohol on unli
censed premises The man fold
officers that once fie got out of
jail, fie would skip court and
leave town.
• A burglary was reported at
Kspresso Roma, 825 K fifth Ave .
Julie 29 at 5:20 a m Access to the
restaurant was gainer! through the
courtyard, and there was severe
damage to the doors Police found
pafiers and smashed equipment
strewn on the floor A partially
consumed croissant was found
in a cooler, hut no other theft was
reported Damage to the store
totaled $400
• A greenhouse at the Univer
sity Institute of Molecular Biolo
gy was burglarized on June I
Three bulbs — valued at a $559
total — used for growing plants
were stolen An ess was gained
through a broken window. Three
recent burglaries occurred at this
greenhouse previous to this im i
dent The greenhouse was bur
glarized again on July 14 Eight
grow light bulbs valued at a
$2,350 total were stolen Access
was gained through the front
door. On July 18, two heat lamp
bulbs valued at $300 were stolen
from the University Phvsual
Plant Authorities believe that the
incidents are related and believe
the thieves may have made a mis
take in stealing the heat lamp
• Officers responded to an
alarm at Kenny's Landing. 1214
Kincaid St., at 12 a in July 5 The
front door had been kit ked in, hut
the suspects did not enter
Authorities believe that the alarm
may have si a red them off
• Polit e and fire officials
responded to a report of a lotto
Jeep Wrangler being consumed
by flames at t3lh Avenue and
Ferry Street July 0 at 2 4U a m
I lamage was estimated at $8,500
Offii ials are Irv ing to determine
if the fire was started on purpose
or if it w as an at culent
• I he Phi (Mtmma Delta frater
nity house reported a burglary
July I t Sports trophies, photos
and award plates were stolen,
and photo t nmposites had tieeii
damaged A billiard table was
overturned The t ost of property
stolen or damaged was estimat
ed at $5,150 A( t ess was gained
through a window
• Three males were cited for
minor in possession by an OPS
offii er through an FPD officer at
the Bean Complex, 14 in Colum
bia St.. July 11 at 11:50 p m The
suspects had been drinking cans
of beer.
• A 32-year-old man was
arrested for menacing behavior
July 15 at 6 pan. The sus(>ec! had
reportedly confronted two
w omen on the aimer of 13th and
Kincaid and demanded that they
pose for a picture The women
w ere frightened and tiegau to cry
The suspe< t reportedly pulled a
knife on them and said. "Smile
or I'll kill you!” The susper t was
later taken into custody after
being identified by the women
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