No rib l.ia Salciccia's spirited opinion "I am nobody’s rtb" of the July 15 Emerald finds support in the current issue of Atlantic Month fy, where biblical x< holnrsltipand the effects of pat ruin hy are exam ined There is a real movement now that is healthy for both gen ders — irritated with dominance themes in patriarchy and weary of a one-sided attempt at social governance. Patriarchy is nicely trashed in John Bradshaw's Creating Love. in Alice Walker's The Secret of Possessing low and in most of the writings of Alice Miller's Han ished Knowledge, who has come to attention through John Brad shaw and who receives thanks in his publications in AI is e Walk er's and in Robert Bly s (Iron fohn) for observations on the dark side of patriarchy The issue is that authoritarian repression is not good for women or children, and therefore, not good for men. So. before the good Christian women of Eugene and Spring field get real mad at Salt it t ia for not wanting to In; anybody's rib, they might have a look at the Atlantic article, an interview with Elaine Pagels, whose work on Salt.ii i in's theme is based on studs of ancient Coptic lexis Bible scholars are finding out that lots was left out The i reation stories we all know appear to have been sani tized in Roman times to vanish the Goddess anil diminish Her role Does anybody think history is the belter for it? Sylvia Hawley Career Information System Trespasser So. l.ia Salt ict ia. I guess since the word "trespass has no mean ing for you I t an sneak into your home anv time I want if I think that Emerald readers are "dying to find out" (Of>E. Jul\ 1 it) w hat your home is like After all. you smn k into my home (the Oregon Mm im.s t nv« allied Srvual Urhutof la*k forir toll! lluul n: 164 Oregon Mail tmiav from U 10 In i p m f or more nformatmn tali 14»» JilO ( hrtimi fatigue Svmiromr Support (•roup v* til m «•«•* S * 1111 f a % at I ;■ m ■ h;. i v* l if if Sww i atm I m liKifn information, tail tMMMliltl MIM 1 1 i NNHM'S Survival t enter • v. - Wimer < <»*«k (IfMcoioij <«“* Priow ■ ■ VV iiainette -Nat u f .iiiormatton e damned I believe it i osts about $40 per person to provide servic es for those staying at the fair So you owe the ()regon Country Fair $40 and a very hig apotogv Don't worry, you'll make lots of mon ev working for the supermarket tabloids, vvhic h. it appears, is the c areer you have mapped out for yourself Norma Sax Classified Staff Pronouns? For Thomas I lot kabo to foe us on the lack of "non-gender spe c itie pronouns" {ODE |ulv JO) in the English language as the sole reason Christianity appears sex ist is similar to ac cosing Hitler of atroc ities bee a use he had a had mustache. {'he intent of Christ, and tin lack of diverse pronouns used in the- Inhle has very little to do with the prac tical applii ation of the Bible's tone lungs (Christianity. on the w hole, is notorious for plac mg women in a role subservient to men. To Ik* Christian does not auto malic ally make one a patriarc h. Inil it does show a faith in a palri in hal religion. Personally, it is not my intent to crusade against Christianity. hut it is sdlv to pretend that a reli gion that has woman created from the rib of a man is an equal opportunity denomination Faith in a pretense is hardly faith at all Scott Camp Political Science lam not blind I have been pondering over the opinion set forth by bin Sail ic< 1.1 (ODF. July 15. 1 am a Christian woman, so of course her title. "Christianity fails to honor women." caught mv eye I would like to address bin's final paragraph She i om ludes by sav mg that she i an t convini «■ all Christian Women that they re lining sexually harassed by their religion Instead, she slates that she will not "blindly worship .1 Cod whose followers refer to humanity as Man" and "shall not follow the men who follow this Cod (localise they "consider me inferior." I)y stating this bio is doing the exai t thing she seems to hate the most — attai king women Her statements imply that any woman yy ho worships Cod must he "blind" and thus inferior Isn't that what she is so opposed to 01 Christianity being considered inferior' She has excluded any possibility of intelligent women making a chon e, and thus has done what she teels that men are so guilty of doing — she has dis counted Christian yvomen I am not blind I have done quite a lot of study in m\ faith 1 know what 1 believe because I have read it. tested it and,above all, I have questioned it I do not nci opt what others 111 the church say simply Ins a use it was said in 1 Inin h 1 have a brain, ami I use it I have also been enrit lied tieyond lielief Ins ause of my faith in Jesus (lirist Katy Corbett Eugene VIDEOS • TOYS' GIFTS • 726-6969 } OPEN 24 HOURS j CUuJ Sun. >• I Omm /M»«. 12m it H*m 1166 S. A Street Springfield SiM ItuUb) smJ fm+ttd ^ fw mm tf* y$+n' ^ gStTBCnUr-i! 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