Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, July 22, 1993, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
Testimony finishes
in Monson lawsuit
j Former AD Byrne
says Terrell Brandon
was "expelled”
By Martin Fisher
Testimony < on< luded VVednes
dav in Don Monson's breach of
control t lawsuit against the Uni
versity- Monson is seeking more
than $425,000 in damages after
being removed from Ins position
as men's basketball coach in
March 1992,
Former athletic director Bill
Byrne took the stand Tuesday
after attorney's for the state
failed to convince lodge Gordon
Cottrell to dismiss the suit and
testified us to the reasons he
del ided to re-assign Monson as
golf coach.
Byrne testified that Monson's
win-loss record, particularly
during the 1991 -92 season, com
bined with declining atten
dance. falling revenue and poor
recruiting were the primary lac
tors that lud to Monson's
removal as coach.
Byrne said he had begun to
consider replacing Monson
earlv on in the season and i iled
a loss to Montana, a member of
the Big Sky Conferem e, as an
example of flow poorly the
Dm ks were doing early on.
"Wo weren't placing yery
well." he
l Hvrnu snnl
I that, as the
I season pro*
^grossed .
■ attendant <- .it
■ liomi1 names
■ <i r o |> p t* <1
I s h a r p I y .
I US|M!I i u I i \
| with stu
Th.» vf 11*
dents really walked out on us.
he said.
Even games against nationally
ranked teams such as Arizona
and UCI.A. as well as traditional
rivalry games with Oregon State,
were not selling as well as they
had in the past, Byrne said
Byrne attributed much of the
Turn to MONSON, f'a«)e 1
Halls still powerless;
back up by Monday
j Electricity is restored by Tuesday morning
in all but Villard and second floor of Pacific
By Ed Carson
University physic al plant officials believe they will have* power ful
ly restored in both Villard and Pac ific halls by next Monday
Power in the two halls was lost after the Sunday morning failure
of two transformers The burnout of the aging equipment lelt sever
al buildings on campus without power, hot electricity was restored
by Tuesday morning to all of the affected sites except for Villard Hall
and the second floor of Pacific Hall
It will lx* several months before new transformers c an Ixi ordered
and delivered Until they arrive, the physical plant is working on a
temporary solution.
Pacific s power should lx* fully restored by Thursday by connect
ing the electrical distribution to another transformer in the building
that is c urrently underutilized. Power will temporarily lx* shut down
in Pacific: and Columbia halts during this work
So long as Pacific Hull doesn't add any equipment that requires
heavy power usage, this should work until the replacement trans
former arrives. said Physical Plant Director Hocht.
Villard will require more effort ixecause safety regulations require
that the University install a new transformer in a new location. The
University has a spare transformer, but the Eugene fire marshal
wouldn't allow the physical plant to hook it up to the old loc ation
benuath Villard Hull.
My umbrella or yours?
Madison McLeod Stout, age 5 (left), and Jocelyn Halleck, age A, share an umbrella
while walking up 13th Avenue on the way to the bus stop
Did you really think there could
be any thing else?
80 percent chance of showers
through Saturday, with partial
clearing over the weekend
Highs should remain in the 70 s
PORTLAND IAP) - Police couldn't explain why officers fired more than
two doien times at an armed man who fled a confrontation on a city bus.
Officer Douglas Erickson confronted Gerald F. Gratton Jr., 27, on the
bus after the driver became worried, police spokesman Derrick Foxworth
said As the officers tried to remove Gratton from the bus. they discovered
he had a pistol tucked in his waistband. Gratton fled out the rear door of
the bus and across the street.
Erickson fired his pistol 23 limes at Gratton, stopping to insert a fresh
dip at one point, hitting him three times. Foxworth said.
Police can legally fire on a fleeing suspect if they believe it would pre
vent another crime. Foxworth said "We don t what they saw. if he pointed
it over his shoulder at them or if he still had it in his waistband." he said
BER1JN (AP) - Monica Seles has decided to attempt a
comeback in October at a toumainent in (iemianv. three
months after she was stabbed on a German court, a newspaper
reported Wednesday
Hildsaid the 19-year-old Seles, ranked No 1 when she was
attai ked in Hamburg by a mentally disturbed Steffi Graf fan,
would return to the tennis circuit at the Nokia Grand Pru in
The Nokia Gran Pru runs October 25-31
Seles, a three-time French Open winner, was stabbed in the
bark April JO while sitting in a chair at a tournament in