1933 A1RSH0W Celebrating the Si Of A .(- /ton nr rut rtf of the Eugene Airport Sponsored by ju^jwuwwc. FEATURING THE U.S. NAVY FLIGHT DEMONSTRATION TEAM Ground displays include military and civilian planes from the early years of flight to present August 7th & 8th Gates open at 9 AM to 5 PM Airs how flying starts at NOON Reserved Sealing $14.SO (ieneral Admission $9 For general admission sealing on ground, bring blanket or chair Students $7 Children 5 and under free Parking $3 at the gate Tickets available at all (i.l. Joe 's Ticketmasters and Autzen Stadium ttox Office Coordinated bv Ixtne Community College Foundation, with proceeds to benefit line’s Aviation Maintenance Program Transportation Sponsors 9 unrrED AiRLines Act Sponsors Q Northwest Natural Gas Shhr* ndm ten*' (ThflfOtetcr-^wrft CDyi narrvx Budweiser CELLULARONE IH+itN§ NO UMin recycle • recycle • recycle • recycle ‘Client’ equal to others Grisham has written JOHN GRRM THE CLIENT By John Grisham Doubleday 422pp.. $23.50 Although skeptical at first. I've concluded that John Grisham's latest novel The Client is ns good as his previous books Grisham — a master of the genre known as the legal thriller — has had two previous books on the best seller lists, and The By John Fleischli Client has also sailed into the top 10 list for fiction. His exciting second novel. The hirtn. was made into a movie and is playing in theaters currently The Client would also lie great on the big m men. It has a cmematu quality to it and plenty of dramatic action. While reading the novel, 1 couldn't help but picture* Robert Patrick (of Terminator 2 fame) as the tough, vet cool, main character. The main c harac ter in this book is a young boy named Mark Me. like* the characters in other Grisham novels, is w anted bv people who want to kill him In the beginning of the book. Mark finds out some informa tion that he is not supposed to know. He witnesses the suicide of a law yer, but not before the lawyer tells him the sc*c ret locu tion of a dead body. The body is that of a Southern senator who was killed by the mafia, and this information haunts Mark for the* rest of the novel Mark hires a competent lawyer named Reggie Love. She is streetsinart like* Mark and a survivor who truly cares about her ( limits — mostly juveniles gone astrav With her help. Mark works his wav through the legal proceedings he is suddenly thrown into. The book moves along at a nice clip and becomes quite good and hard to put down dur ing the Inst 1(M) pages The plot lines developed through the sto rv head to a riveting climax and the hook concludes with a satis fying resolution. The book uses situations sim ilar to those in earlier novels by Grisham. In both The Firm and The Pelican Brief, the main character is on the run. The mafia in all three is the villain wanting to snuff out the protag onist for something they have accidentally found out. On the other side is the sup posedly benevolent government agency, such as the FBI, trying to protect the character and get them to tell what they know so they can act. But their inability to provide the needed assur ances of safety makes the hero{ine)s wary of turning to the authorities for help. So they end up running. The authorahlv conveys the fear and anxiety the protagonists go through in their search for a way out of Iheir predicament. In The Client. Grisham vividly describes the scene when Murk and his lawyer am literally run ning through the hack yards of a suburb in New Orleans trying to evade the mafia, which is hot on their tail. They need to get the evidence before their would be assassins do in order to save themselves The legal thriller was made popular by the lawyer-turned novelist Scott Turow, author of the book Presumed Innocent. which was made into a recent movie With the glut of lawyers this country has it is no surprise that some of them would turn to writing novels about the law This is good because when they add the humanizing elements of < haracters, settings and a well developed plot it makes the law more interesting and real for the reader interested in legal issues. When Everything Has To Be Perfect All Dry Cleaning Hi Tech CLEANERS 18th & Oak • 345-4143 Oakway & Coburg • 484-2526 canoe rentals $ 4 an hour weather permitting • Monday - Friday, 12:30 p.m. - dusk • Sat. & Sun., 10:30 a.m. - dusk on the mill race 1395 Franklin Blvd. V346-4386/