ENTERTAINMENT Seattle group sounds, looks good Despite the fact that there should have been a larger crowd at John Henry’s Saturday night and that there were some sound difficulties, the night went well for the four hands. The main act, Skv Cries Marv. gave a visually and aurally engaging performanc e as the Inst hand to take the stage Opening band Spikenard, who hail from music rnec.cn Seattle, got the night rolling with some straight-ahead grunge rock The threesome (whose instrumentation consists of the three indispens able components of a roc k band — guitur. bass and drums) had solid, well-constructed songs. (Hev. it worked for Nirvana.) The group, whose songs arc based around the bar-chord guitar-playing of the lead singer, was a tight unit No sloppy endings from them. And true to their apparent hard-core roots, on a few songs they shouted the lyric.s jointly. This gave the tunes a high-energy intensity It was right on The next two bands to perform were made up of local talent. Flowerz. the second band, played a decent show. I don't know if it was a had night for them or what, but they seemed to lie kind of half assed about their material. The dynamics Interjected into their songs were refreshing, however. The vocalist for Flowerz has a sonorous voice reminiscent of the Sisters of Mer cy. The songs thundering from Two Minutes Mate were solid and well-constructed. The vocalist, who had u strong voice and yelled a lot at the audi ence. was entertaining to watch. Like Spikenard, the hand memtiers shouted cho ruses in unison and even had a good song about thrash/hardcore hand Fugnzi. The movement and progression of the music: itself was enough to grat ify. About midnight the band everyone in the bar wanted to see slowly emerged from the set-up area The backdrop of the stage was dreamy. About live slide projectors displayed religious images behind the players and a hallucinatory pattern continu ously shifted in the middle of it all. I imagine that one could have taken in a scene like this hac k in By John Fleischli / tif Vi - t -’'ft;. / '.<■ v / i I imagine that one could have taken in a scene like this back in the days of Jefferson Airplane et al in San Francisco. the dnvs of Jefferson Airplane et al m San Fron I Isc o The visual stimuli did not end there The two singers for the group strolled onstage wearing these huge, bizarre c ostumes and glided about while the music focused into the first song ,Sk\ tines Marv also c ome from Seattle, hut any attempt to categorize them as part of the "Seattle sound'd* futile because they are definitely not grunge They are Roderick, (voice and words), Anisa Romero (vocals). Joseph Howard (buss), Ren nett James (drums), Marc Olsen (guitar), Gordon Raphael (keyboards) and l)J Fallout (samples and effects). As you can see from what this last guv plays, this is a unique hand The individuals have diverse musical tastes, and it shows in the music, they plnv. The samples and effec ts tec hnology gives the hand a rave-like sound on several songs Indeed, there were many people having a good lime dancing around in front of the stage The male-female vocal harmonies of Roderu k and Romero were ethereal Fitting in with the reli gious aspect of the show, they helped transport the audieni e to another plane The group played songs from their new disc on the World Domination laliel titled A Hcturn to tht Inner Experitrrice Included on the album is a great cover version of the Rolling Stones' "2000 Light Years From Home ” I was happy to hear them play it at John Henry ’s along with the poppy ''Gone.'' and for an encore, they played "laiy Down Your Head " It ended with an awesome drum solo by James, which was great because drummers don't always get the attention they deserve #*************** WUNDERLAND Ml STREET © 1 e PUBUC MARKET k VtOEO „ ... poames 6Q3_8464 r VIDEO ADVENTURE kV*lUY «IVt« »V«/» ♦ VVWVVVV¥W¥¥¥¥» 50$ OFF ' ANY SANDWICH ■ (wtniutii C.iuxl ff»r tn fv.irlv Kvnlrrn 7/'.\ \ /l>‘t ■ With rotipun Good for everyone In paru Kxplrrn 7/M1 /i):t SAM'S ON CAMPUS | Where A Sandwich Is A Complete Meal' Wr Bake Our Bread Fresh Dally 211 VOrt*ti*a <*/ Hot | ( old .Sdndu/|«'hra n Eat Nrrr or To Go | Comer of 12th & Alder a 343__llilJ r ■i SUMMER’S HERE! 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