Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, July 20, 1993, Page 4, Image 4

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Continued from Page 1
Inc version of the (.enter.”
ASUO President Eric. Bowen, whose campaign helped
to put the measure on tho ballot, said he got the same
reaction from students
"We don't want to force the center on the students."
he said, "but the idea of tho center is broadly supported,
students |ust did not want to pay mom fees. Fees are too
high I don't blame them."
And out of what magic hat did the money get pulled
Half will bo paid out of money in the ASUO reserve
account, which contains money left over from years past
as well as the interest gained on the leftover funds
This is the same money that was "found" by tho Uni
versity Inst year when the ac < mint was reviewed and it
was discovered that students bad $237,000 the adminis
tration "forgot" to toll them about
The other half of the money will !«• provided by the
The price for the center has gone down, however. The
original figure of $100,025 was cut to $100,000 at the end
of spring term when the Incidental Fee Committee
agreed to matc h a $50,000 pledge from the University
The amount was further cut down to $40,000 when the
administration found that it could get away with « less
expensive model.
But even with the stripped-down version th»* money
will only be for cleaning the piece up (including the
asbestos removal) and revamping it to suit the new occu
pants. It will not include the money to actually run the
Bowen said the (.enter will be sponsoring speakers and
events, studying topics in multiculturalism and con
ducting student services. as well as paying graduate
teaching fellows to help run the ( enter (all of which are
tentative to final committee der isions) None of the
money needed for these has lienn found.
Bowen said most of the money will have to come from
the IH: and hem*, fees may have to be raised, budgets
cut or surplus money allor-ated to fund the center.
"The budget will have to be negotiated (with other
sources of funds looked into) but part will tie from stu
dent fees," he said
The idea for a multii ultural ( enter was first articulat
ed in fall 1 «*<I2 by student n( tivist Trie Ward In a memo
to the Multi* ultural Center Exploration Group, he said
"there is a need nt the University of Oregon to develop
a space that contributes substantially to the overall well
being of students of color this space should encompass
the edui ntional vision of exploring the complexities of
cultural and ethnic diversity in the United States.”
This vision, which had been floating around for some
time, was refined hv the committee and only the matter
of how to fund it was left.
!n Ward's memo, he does not mention that student
fees should be raised to fund the center. Instead, he
points to the Office of Multicultural Affairs, the Coun
cil of Minority Affairs, the Office of the President, stu
dent unions and others as possibilities to help fund the
However, during the last ASUO election the ballot
measure asking students to pay for the creation of the
center offered another alternative
The ASUO Executive campaign of Leslie Warren and
Mark Johnson said "outside sources" should still be
found to hind it and that students should not he asked to
pay the bill. It was hardly a defining issue in the elec
tion. but the alternative was there.
When Warren/Johnson lost and the measure failed, the
University stepped in to pay half of the bill and talk of
"outside funding" ended.
The new Multicultural Center is almost a reality. The
carcinogens have been removed and the architect has
begun designing what will be the interior of the combi
nation study area/library/lounge/information ware
house/conference room/office.
Continued from Page 1
ated It in OSN conlrat Is. wild ti went
by him. (is well as then-athletic dins (or Bill
Byrne and University Vue President for
Administration Dan Williams Monson'sOSN
income was included in his University pay*
i het k
Munson ns ailed ins March 17. lOUJ. meet
ing with Byrne at which time Byrne* informed
him of the dei ision to re-assign Munson as
golf coach
I told him that I wasn't then* to Is* the golf
e oac It," Munson said
Munson, who had l*een a basketball coat h
for :M years, said. "It was my feeling that if
I act epted the job as golf coach. I was pro
fessionally dead It was suit dial for me
Monsun's voice seemed to waiver at times
as he rts ailed how the re assignment would
hurt him personalis . as well sis professional
"When you've been a head i oat h lor nine
years and a basketball coat h for .t-4 years
and two month* (earlier) I goi an extension
on a contract." he said, "and then they tell
you you're not a (oa< h anymore that's an
emliarrassment to me
While ( ross examining Monson Monday
fames (.a sin. one of two attorney s represent
ing the University and the state of Oregon
in the ( aw, suggested Monson was actually
overpaid by the University After Ins Man It
17 meeting with Byrne. Munson left the state
and had no further < outai t with the Univer
sity, vet remained on the University payroll
until May lr)
Monson claims he is owed for 22 days of
earned vacation time However, the slate (.(in
tends that part of the lime Monson was absent
from the University was i minted against his
vacation time and he was paid accordingly
Cashv said the 22 vat ation ilavs were paid
up on April lt>. and that Munson's pay from
that period until May t5 was, in fa< t. an over
payment of $4.474
In tus attempt to prove the University was
not liable (or Monson s outside income. (-as
bv produced a copy of an unemployment ben
efits request form ttint Monson had filed in
On tfie fonn. Monson claimed his final rate
of pay as S',000 per month at Knit $84,000
l>er sear, whit h Casbv t:laimed showed ttint.
at ttie time Monson left the University, he did
not consider himself entitled to benefits for
anything other than his University salary.
(lastly then brought up Monson's win-loss
record at the University At the end of tiis
tenure, Monson was 1 l(i Hfi overall and 42
72 in his last four seasons with the Ducks
Would you agree that no other team in the
Par -10 had a worse record than the Univer
sity of Oregon?" Cushy asked
Monson replied, "I guess you < ould say
that "
(lastly and Erit Bloch, attorneys for the Uni
versity, will begin presenting the state's case
today They are expected to call on Byrne,
Monson. Williams. University President
Myles Brand and assistant athletic dime tor
Sandy Walton to testify
AM O Health Insurantr Committer
Mill meet in the Student Health Outer
Medical library Wednesday at H to a m
For more information, call 346 3702
Nit It Institute will sponsor a lot turn*
by Fgun St hv%ar* titled lews and Anti
soinitism Vienna Around 1000 ' tonight
at 7 in 115 Pacific For more inform*
(ton. t all 346 4007 or 346-4027
tknullmr for submitting Kt Ah to the
hmeraid front desk Suite J00 TKtl' n
noon the day before publication The
iifHi editor does not have a time
mot tune h Ah run the day of the rs-rnt
unless the event take» place before
Solli es of event* with u donation or
adnttstusn t htirge a ill not be accepted
Compuc esents and those scheduled
nearest the publication date hi// he
given fsnort tv The Finer aid reserve* the
right to edit for grammar and style T.i
Alt run on u spat e available basis
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